My Brother's Best Friend and My Alpha Professor: Discarded Luna (2024)

Chapter 2Embarrassment

Eryn POV

Training the next morning is brutal.I am having a hard time keeping my eyes on Emma when Kyle is walking around without his shirt on.Ugh.What is going on with me?I need to get rid of this pent-up energy.

I throw a punch at Emma, and she runs in the other direction.We've been at this for over an hour, and Emma keeps refusing to spar with me.

Emma, I groan.Time is almost up.Stop running away.

I am not training with you, Emma protests.

Why not? I pretend to be wounded.

Because you have been training since birth, Emma replies.I have a date tonight, and I don't want bruises.

I roll my eyes.You are a werewolf, I remind her.You will heal.

Not fast enough with the way you hit, she says as she runs from another one of my punches.

Emma, Eryn, my dad's voice booms over the class.

I cut my eyes at Emma.Now I am in trouble because she keeps running from me.Dad is standing in front of me with his hands on his hips.He doesn't bother looking at Emma.

Emma, go train with Jesse, he commands.

Thank the Goddess, Emma whispers as she runs off.

Dad is glaring at me.You need to be training harder if you want to get into the Warriors Academy.

It isn't my fault Emma is a wuss, I pout.

From now on, you will be training with the future Alpha, Dad informs me.

What?Not Kyle, I groan.What about Zach?

He has Beta training, Dad reminds me.

Kyle stands next to Dad with a smirk on his face.I can feel my cheeks heating with embarrassment.Memories of yesterday keep flooding through my mind.My dreams were full of his hands roaming over my body last night, and I woke up this morning in a terrible mood.

There is a longing ache between my legs that I don't know how to get rid of, and looking at Kyle only seems to make it worse.

Beta, Kyle says respectfully to my dad.

Make sure my daughter trains hard, Dad says before he walks away.

That will not be a problem, Kyle replies, not taking his hazel eyes off mine.

I stare back at Kyle, and I don't think I have ever noticed how beautiful his eyes are before.I pull my bottom lip between my teeth and bite down, trying to suppress the feelings that are building in my chest.

Kyle steps close to me, and my breath hitches in my chest.Are you ready? He whispers next to my ear, sending goosebumps down my skin.

I shake my head and press my hands against his chest.Pushing him away, I snarl in his direction.I am always ready.

Then bring it, Nerd, he jokes.He motions me forward with his fingers.

Kyle begins to circle me.I spin around. I don't want to let him get behind me, but I can't seem to stay focused.

Kyle lunges at me from behind and wraps his hand around my throat.You are getting sloppy, he whispers as he pulls me close to his body.

He flexes his fingers around my neck and presses his body against mine.A strange feeling washes over me, and a moan leaves my lips.

My eyes widen in shock at what I have just done, and I am mortified.I can only hope Kyle didn't hear it.I wrap my hands around his hands and try to flip him over my shoulders.But he is too large.

Kyle is laughing hysterically as I struggle against him.Fighting him is much different than fighting Emma or Jesse, and I am getting frustrated.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath; I ignore the delicious scent of sandalwood rolling off Kyle.I pretend like Kyle is my dad and recall all of my training.

Jamming my elbow into Kyle's abdomen, I hear him gasp for air.I then stomp on his instep, and he finally lets go of my throat.I spin around before he can grab me again and punch Kyle in the nose.Blood runs down his face, and he backs away.

His eyes are watering, but I am not one to show mercy.Dad taught me that.I fling myself onto Kyle's back and wrap my arm around his throat.I tighten my arm around his neck, and he tries to pull me off his back.

I wrap my legs around his waist and hold on tight.But what I don't plan on is Kyle falling backward.My back hits the ground, and I am unable to breathe.I am pinned to the ground by Kyle's body.My legs flop to the side, and I release Kyle from my grasp.

I expect the fight to be over, but I forgot to tap out.Kyle flips over on top of me and pins my arms to my side with his legs.I push my lip out in a pout.Everyone is looking at us.This looks bad.

Kyle isn't paying attention to everyone else like I am.His eyes are on me.They keep flickering between my lips and breasts.His eyes are swirling to black, and I know his wolf is close to the surface.

I grind my teeth together.Get off me.

Do you tap? Kyle asks.

This is the first fight I have lost in a long time, and I don't want to tap out, but I can't break free.My chest is rising up and down angrily.I am in nothing but a pair of leggings and a sports bra, and Kyle doesn't seem to mind the view.

Get off, I growl at him.

Kyle taps me playfully on the nose.Not until you tap.

The tone of his voice makes me want to scream.He is playing with me, and I don't like it.Anger builds up in my body, and I twist underneath him.The more I wiggle, the more I begin to feel something hard pressing against me from between Kyle's legs.

I come to the realization of what it is and I feel the sudden need to get out of here.I tap, I scream.

Kyle rolls off me and adjusts the front of his pants before he offers me his hand to help me up.I slap away his hand and get to my feet myself.With my hands balled up at my sides, I storm out of the gym.

My dad is yelling at me, but I refuse to turn around.I kick the door to the locker room open and punch my locker before I try to open it.

You are pathetic, you know that, don't you, Jesse's voice comes from behind me.

I have to take several calming breaths before I turn around.Can I help you?

You keep throwing yourself at Kyle, she informs me.You are wasting your time.

Kyle is like my brother, I tell Jesse.

Whatever, she says before she walks into the showers.

Leaning back against the locker, I run my hand down my face.Everything seems to have changed last night.Kyle doesn't feel like my brother anymore.

Chapter 3Tantrum

Kyle POV

My alarm goes off, but I am already awake.Once again, I have woken up with a raging hard-on.I keep dreaming of Eryn and her pinned under my body on the gym floor, not to mention the little moan that escaped her lips when my fingers were around her throat.

I have always thought Eryn was adorable, but lately, my feelings have matured into something different.She is only a year behind Zach and me, and I have always protected her like she is my little sister.But when I saw her in the hallway the other day, something snapped within me.

Her cheeks were flushed, and it quickly spread down to her chest.I didn't realize she had grown up so much, but now I am not sure how I missed it.I turn eighteen in just a few weeks, and I find myself hoping that she is my mate.However, I am not sure how Zach would take the news.

Knock.Knock.Knock.Someone bangs on my door.

I groan loudly.What!? I scream.

Watch your tone with me, Young Man, my dad's voice comes through the door.

Sorry, Dad, I yell back.

You are running late, he reminds me.You have training this morning.

Oh sh*t, I grumble.I should have been up hours ago.

Hopping out of bed, I rush to the bathroom to get ready.I sniff my armpits and scowl.I smell awful, and there is no time for a shower.Shrugging my shoulders, I apply extra deodorant while brushing my teeth.

I take the stairs of the pack house three at a time and rush out the front door.My mom is calling after me, but I don't turn around.

I will be back after school, I yell over my shoulder.

As I pull into the training grounds, I check my reflection in the rearview mirror.My hair is a mess, but I doubt Eryn will care.There is a bubble of nerves building in my chest.I cannot wait to see her.

Bursting into the gym, I fling the door backward, and it hits the wall with a thud.All eyes are on me.Everyone has paused training to see what the commotion is.My eyes search over the faces of the training class as I look for Eryn, but I don't see her.

You are late, Beta David growls.

Clenching my jaw, I try not to lose my temper.He is still my superior until I take over the pack in a few months after I turn eighteen.Sorry, Beta, I grind out.I overslept.

He looks me up and down and gives me an odd look.Training is over, he yells to the class.Hit the showers.

I see Eryn's chocolate brown hair pulled up into a high pony.She is trying not to be obvious as she glances over her shoulder at me.When our eyes meet, she quickly turns and runs into the girls locker room.

Beta David steps in front of me and blocks his daughter from my view.Laps, he commands.

I have to get to class, I try to make excuses.

A scowl crosses his face.He knows he can't make me miss classes.Fine, he grumbles.Extra laps after school, along with your regular training.

Yes, Beta, I respond cooly.

He stalks off toward the door, and I post myself outside the girls locker room.

Girl after girl files out of the locker room, but none of them are Eryn.I see her bubbly best friend leaving but Eryn is not at her side.

Hey, I call out to her, but I can't remember her name.Eryn's friend.

Her friend turns around bewildered and points to her chest.Me?

Yeah.Do you know where Eryn is? I ask.

She already left, the girl tells me, but she won't meet my gaze.She is lying.

Quickly, she runs for the exit.I am watching her blonde curls bounce wildly as she heads for the door when fingers run across my shoulders.I instantly know the touch doesn't belong to Eryn.

I grab the hand that is touching me and drag the person in front of me.It is Jesse.I roll my eyes and groan loudly at the smirk on her face.

Were you waiting for me? She responds coyly.She bats her fake eyelashes in my direction and tries to look innocent.

I drop her hand.No, I am not waiting on you, I inform her.

You don't have to play dumb, she laughs.You know we are fated to be together.

Vomit rises in my throat.What makes you say that?

She walks her fingers up my chest before wrapping her arms around my neck.I am the daughter of the Alpha of the Starlight Pack, and you are the son of the Alpha of the Twilight Pack.It only makes sense that we would be mates. Her face inches closer to mine until I can feel her breath on mine.

Suddenly, the locker room door slams shut.I see Eryn looking at Jesse and me.Her mouth drops open, and she storms away.

f*ck, I mutter, untangling Jesse's arms from around my neck.

Eryn's feet are moving quickly toward the door.I can tell she is trying not to run.

Eryn, I call out to her.Wait.

She pauses just outside the door.Jesse pushes past us, making sure to bump Eryn roughly with her shoulder.Eryn bites down on her bottom lip to keep from retaliating.

That's not what it looked like, I spit out quickly.

Eryn's eyes dart to mine.Why would I care who you sleep with?

I am shocked by her response.I am not sleeping with Jesse, I try to defend myself.

Eryn throws her shoulders back and glares in my direction.Well, you probably should.She is practically begging you for it.

Throwing her gym bag over her shoulder, she turns away from me and glances around the parking lot.I hear her mumble cuss words under her breath.

Do you need a ride? I ask her hopefully.

I can walk, she says as she begins the trek toward the school.

You will be late, I say as I run to catch up with her.Just let me drive you.

No, she grunts.Go away.

I am left stunned.The Eryn I knew would never turn down a ride from me.We have always been close.The dynamic has changed between us, and I don't know how to fix it.

Why are you running from me? I demand to know.You can't avoid me forever.

Eryn spins on her heels and glares in my direction.She takes several steps forward.We are standing so close that I can feel the heat radiating off her body.Her sweet scent of vanilla fills my nose, and it is driving me crazy.She runs her tongue over her bottom lip, and I can only think about kissing her.But it appears Eryn has different plans.

She points her finger into my chest and digs it in uncomfortably.I am not running from you, she hisses at me.Maybe I am just always tired of having a babysitter.

Babysitter? I am confused.

You and my brother are always looming over me, she screams.I'm tired of being one of the guys.

I grab her hand and tug her close to me.No one ever called you one of the guys.

Her dark brown eyes are swirling with anger.She tries to twist her hand away from mine, but I don't let go.Finally, I have had enough of her tantrum.Tossing her over my shoulder, I walk to my car.

Put me down, she bangs on my back with her fists.

Shut up, Nerd, I roll my eyes.I am taking you to school.

Chapter 4His Bestfriend's Little Sister

Eryn POV

The ride to school is awkward.Kyle refuses to put on any music to fill the silence between us.Every time I reach for the radio, he slaps my hand away playfully.

I keep trying to straighten the pleats of my uniform skirt that got crumpled when Kyle tossed me over his shoulders, but it is a lost cause, and it only makes me angrier at him.

Kyle reaches for the gear shift, and I quickly tug my leg away from him.I glance at him from the corner of my eye, and he is looking at me with an odd look on his face.Instantly, I feel silly for thinking that he would be reaching for my leg.Why would he?I am nothing more than his best friend's little sister.

Luckily for me, Kyle doesn't say anything about my actions.He pulls into the school's parking lot, and I look at my watch.There are ten minutes to the bell.Plenty of time for me to get to my locker and to class.

As soon as Kyle puts the car in park, I fly out of the passenger side.I throw my backpack over one arm and my gym bag over the other and hurry into school.

Weaving in and out of the hoard of students, I see Emma waiting by my locker.There is a very smug look on her face.

I see you made it on time, she smirks as I aggressively open my locker.

No thanks to you, I growl in her direction.

I did you a favor, Emma continues to smile.If the Alpha's son were waiting on me, I would want some alone time with him.

I shove my gym bag into my locker with a few angry punches before grabbing what I need for the first half of the day.

So, are you going to tell me what happened? Emma finally groans.

Nothing happened, I hiss through my teeth.He gave me a ride to school.

Emma peeks over

My Brother's Best Friend and My Alpha Professor: Discarded Luna (2024)
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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Author information

Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.