Ex-Luna's Revenge: I don't need Love I need Rengeance (2024)

Chapter 1


My body quivered on seeing Argon and Estelle kissing in the bedroom. I tried to hold back the tears welling in my eyes, but I couldn't.

My heart was too heavy to hold it anymore.

I heard Argon and Estelle laughing with so much joy, as Estelle yelled out the word 'Yes' to Argon.

I will marry you, my love. I am ready to be your mate, She accepted his proposal, wrapping her arms around his neck with her lips locking his in split seconds.

It was mine and Argon's first anniversary after our wedding. I have been looking forward to this day, to give Argon a gift that would brighten not just our marriage, but his heart for me.

And that gift was right in my hand in form of a hospital report.

I am pregnant with my Alpha's first child.

He has never looked at me with love since the day I was made his Luna by the late Alpha, his father.

Argon always found fault in every little thing I did and would end up leaving me in tears. But the only day I felt wanted was the night he took my first and made me a woman.

And I came with the result of that night, hoping that love I've been craving for so long would finally be given to me, when he learns I'm expecting his child.

But who am I kidding?

Estelle, daughter of Alpha Deron of Red wood pack and a super model in the city, has always been the apple of Argon's eyes.

She was and has always been his first love before I even came into the picture.

She was always in Argon's heart, and today being our wedding anniversary, he finally got her to say yes to him.

I belong to you alone, Estelle. You are my true mate, Argon confessed, grabbing her by the waist with his lips trailing down her neck.

Estelle moaned out with pleasure, burying herself in his grip.

The sight of this shattered me deeply.

I drew back, meeting the wall next to the room with my whole body shivering.

I felt my lips trembling, tightening my fist around the report in my hold, with tears streaming out from my eyes.

Where do I stand, goddess? I sniveled, trying my best to hold back my tears so I won't be heard.

All of a sudden...

What are you doing here?! A voice questioned, causing me to skitter in fear.

I turned to the door and saw Argon and Estelle standing there, glaring at me.

Where you spying on us, you shameless woman? Estelle groaned, stepping forward to hit me.

I drew back to avoid her attack, but Argon pulled her into his arms, calming her temper with a stroke to her head.

Honey, I thought you said you were going to get rid of her?! What is she still doing in our home?!

Calm down my love. You don't have to worry yourself about her. She is a nobody, He said cruelly, caressing his lover's face in my front.

With his words striking my broken heart, I lowered my head down to hide the tears streaming out.

Are you stupid? I thought I told you not to come anywhere near my room? He questioned harshly, causing my body to tremble.

I was afraid to tell him the reason why I was here, but my heart pushed me to speak up.

I reminded Argon about our wedding anniversary being today, and that got both of them laughing out hysterically.

Wedding anniversary? It seems this fool is still blind to the truth. Tell her my love, Estelle bragged, lifting her finger to show me the ring Argon had placed on her.

Argon boldly shared his proposal to Estelle and how he's going to make her his Luna.

You were only a wolfless burden with no family. You tricked my poor father into pitying you and making you my Luna. But this time, I'm going to make things right.

Placing Estelle aside, Argon stood forward and said, I, Alpha Argon of Wolf Crest, reject you, Brielle.

The moment he said that, I felt a sharp pain in my heart, causing my legs to tremble.

I placed my hand on my chest, trying to ease the pain.

Argon didn't care. He began laughing with Estelle. I watched how they played with each other lovingly, ignoring my presence.

My tears came flowing, as I began to cry before them, slowly hiding the report behind my back.

Oh, she's crying. Imbecile. Estelle mocked.

Argon was never yours. He belongs to... What is that?

I heard Estelle question, with my eyes lifting to see what she was talking about. Only for me to see her looking directly at the hand I hid behind my back.

That got my heart pounding.

It's nothing, I lied, trying to hide the report from them.

Estelle, who was curious than ever, rushed up to me and forcefully pulled the report off my hand.

No! I tried to take it from her, but Argon stood in my way, shimmering his golden eyes at me.

My heart began pounding in fear, looking directly at Estelle.

Her face came all swollen with shock, dragging Argon back to her point.

What is it? Argon asked, standing beside her.

His eyes grew large, taking the report from Estelle.

I could feel my hands shaking with heat engulfing my whole body. My feet drew back, staring at their stunned faces.

Positive? You're... Pregnant? Argon uttered, dropping his gaze on me.

The look in their eyes troubled my racing heart. I couldn't tell if Argon's surprise was that of joy or the opposite.

He just stared at me.

You were going to hide this from me? He questioned, stepping forward.

His tone and temper came all calm, slowly taking away my fear. I watched as he drew away from a shocked Estelle, approaching me.

I didn't have the confidence to give him an answer. I just took my steps back, feeling scared.

But when his hand came caressing my face, my heart glowed.

There was a peaceful look in Argon's eyes that left me staring at him.

Could this be a sign from the goddess?

Has she finally heard my prayers?

But to my greatest surprise, Argon pulled my hair roughly, grabbing my throat.

I choked out, grabbing his hands to break free from his clutches.

There's no way I'm going to allow you bear that thing, He groaned, squeezing tighter.

With a few more sways, I managed to pull myself from Argon's hold, running away from him.

They both came after me, trying to catch up. I kept running, praying to get away from them.

I finally got to the staircase, about to race down when someone pushed me forcefully from behind, sending me tumbling down hard.

My body crashed hard to the floor, unable to move.

I slowly lifted my gaze up the stairs and saw Argon and Estelle staring at me, having no remorse over their action.

Someone help! She's bleeding! A maid screamed in terror, as my eyes came shut.

Chapter 2


The smell of drugs came streaming into my nose. I felt irritated by it, swaying my head to drive the scent away.

Due to the irritation, my eyes came opened instantly.

I found myself staring at a different ceiling unlike the one I was familiar with.

Where am I? I uttered, still looking.

A beeping sound got my attention. I looked to the side and found myself being attached to a drip with a life support.

This is the hospital, I realized, forcing myself to sit up.

That's when the door came opened and a doctor stepped in.

Oh, Luna, you're awake. How are you feeling? She asked, drawing closer to me.

Doctor Nicole, I called, recognizing her.

She's the pack mansion's doctor.

She was the one who texted and revealed my pregnancy to me.

She placed her back hand against my forehead and suggested that I lay down for a little while to rest.

You had a hard fall and lost some blood. But you'll be fine. Just rest, She suggested, slowly laying me down.

When I heard what she said about me bleeding, my mind immediately went to the baby in my womb.

Worried, I asked, What about my baby? Is it okay?

Doctor Nicole stared at me with no words. Her face expression was beginning to frighten me, as she sighed out and said, I'm sorry Luna, but we couldn't save your baby.

What? My eyes came large at her statement.

She explained to me how the fall caused a miscarriage, killing the baby instantly.

I know it's disheartening for you, Luna. Even your husband was shattered to hear the news. He had to leave. I am so sorry, She apologized to me, patting my shoulder.

When she mentioned Argon's name, I flashed back to the scene, recalling his stare when I laid at the bottom of the stairs, bleeding.

The look in his eyes... That smile...

I held the side of the bed, slowly sliding my hand to my stomach to feel the spot were I always felt that heaviness.

That was my baby.

But now, it's no more there.

It's gone.

My lips began to quiver with my eyes welling with tears. Unable to control myself, I began to cry.

The doctor tried to calm me down, embracing me.

I managed to be calm a bit, listening to the doctor, who suggested I take some rest for the next two hours before I'm discharged.

According to her, Argon didn't want me staying there for long. He wanted me home so he could pacify me.

You need each other's love to pass through this hard time. Please rest.

She soon left me alone to wallow in my pains.

I thought about Argon and his father, the late Alpha.

Despite being a wolfless orphan, that old man took me in and made me his son's Luna.

He made me promise him on his dying bed that I wouldn't leave his son but make him happy always.

Now in beginning to regret ever agreeing to that promise.

I regret it.


After resting at the hospital, I was brought back home by one of Argon's guards in one of his car.

In my weak state, I made my way into the mansion to meet Argon and Estelle waiting for me.

They were both at the entrance, welcoming me back with mockery in their voices, asking about the baby and what the doctor had said.

When I said nothing but tried to ignore them, Estelle came out laughing, talking about my dead baby.

That bastard got what it deserved, She laughed, clapping her hands.

There was a struck in my chest when she insulted my dead child. I wanted to say something back but couldn't.

I was just too weak.

Take this, Argon said, tossing a paper at my face.

That's the divorce papers.

Shivers ran down my spine when I heard Argon. I lifted my eyes to look at his face as he told me to sign it before twenty four hours.

My lawyer will be back for it once your time is up. You better not delay, He warned me, grabbing Estelle close as they made their way up the stairs, getting cozy.

I held the papers in my hands, staring at it in shock.

I opened each pages and saw that Argon had already signed on it. All that was left was mine to finalise the divorce.

Heartbroken by this, I ran to my room and locked myself up. I fell to the ground, crying bitterly.

After everything goddess, this is what I get? I sniveled, letting out my tears.

With what I've faced in Argon's hands, I decided to please him and leave for good.

I took a pen and was set to sign on the pages when something happened.

Don't sign those papers, Brielle, A strong maidenlike voice ordered, planting fear in my heart.

I got to my feet at once, looking for who had spoken.

Who is there? I questioned, shaking in my spot while turning around.

The moment my gaze fell on the mirror, I met two green eyes darting back at me.

I screamed out in fear, stepping away, only to feel something inside of my body, rumbling intensely.

I fell on my knees feeling the pain inside of me. It was as if my stomach was about to explode.

Just then, a green wavy light came out of me, forming into something mesmerizing before my eyes.

I stared at this until I was left in total shock.

What I saw left me bewildered.

There was a mighty black wolf with green eyes, looking directly at me.

It gave a smirk and said in its feminine tone, Don't sign it, Brielle. That's not the way of the IVYS.

Its eyes glowed, as it grinned at me.

I was shaken by the presence of this mighty wolf in my room.

The aura coming from it was terrifying.

Even the eyes was enough to leave you in horror.

But a wolf with green eyes?

Chapter 3


Trembling, I crawled back from this green eyed beast, scared of what it might do to me if I tried to call out for help.

Who are you? I questioned, drawing closer to the door.

She came out laughing, saying, So you still haven't guessed it huh? I literally came out of you and you are asking me such silly question?

I came to a stop on hearing the wolf.

Her eyes still glowing, swaying her head at my interrogation.

Or did the death of our unborn baby take away your senses as well, Brielle?

Our unborn baby? I uttered, staring at the beast before me in astonishment.

Her grin came large, patiently waiting for my response.

And that's when it hit me.

My wolf. You're my wolf?

You can call me Bane, She chuckled with satisfaction.

I couldn't believe this. I stared at this green eyed beast in shock, trying to understand how it was possible.

No, you can't be. I don't have a wolf, I doubted, refusing to believe this.

That got her growling in anger.

So who are you going to believe? The words of those idiots that know nothing or your own eyes? She questioned.

I was quiet, looking at my body, and reminding myself where she had come out from.

Better believe it, Brielle, Bane said, gaining my attention once more.

You have always had a wolf.

Always? I picked that word, wondering what she meant by that.

That's when Bane revealed to me that she has been inside of me for long, but I couldn't hear her.

She has been keeping an eye on me for so long, but didn't know how to communicate with me, until today.

You finally decided to make your own decision without anyone telling you to do so, and that connected us. She carefully laid on the ground, crossing her paws.

And I understood what she meant.

Argon's plan to divorce me after all the sacrifices I made, drove me to the point of choosing to leave him for good.

That same fire was what connected my wolf and I.

Now accepting the reality, I went on to ask about Bane's origin.

She was nothing like any other wolf I've seen.

You either see red, gold, blue or even yellow. But she's the first wolf I'll meet with green eyes.

With delight, Bane revealed our origin.

She called me an IVY, a rare lineage of wolves said to be extinct a long time ago.

Ivy wolves are triggered by an iota of rage and the wolf bearer's will fire. That's how Bane was able to reach me after all these while.

You kept allowing that fool to use you like his toy. After all the pains and our baby's death, you want to accept his divorce and leave? She scoffed at me, rising to her feet.

There's a reason why we are called the Ivys, Brielle. We don't give a damn about who you are or where you're from. Our middle name is Poison. When you hurt us, we exact our revenge and make you suffer.

Her eyes lightened with delight, sending chills into my body.

What's it going to be then? Do you want to leave Argon to enjoy his life while you wallow in pain? Or you show him the real power of an Ivy? She asked, giving me two choices.

I didn't know what to choose. I was still overwhelmed by this sudden revelation, that I couldn't think straight.

I don't know, I said, lifting my gaze at Bane.

But she was gone.


My twenty four hours was over.

Argon and Estelle came knocking on my door, demanding I open for them.

I was in bed, lost in my thoughts, when they came knocking.

I opened the door and was pushed aside by Estelle, who cares walked into my room in her latest designer dress, demanding for the divorce papers.

I hope you have signed it? My lawyer will be here soon, Argon asked, lingering his eyes around my room.

I didn't give him an answer but just walked over to where I kept the papers. I took it out and brought it before Argon.

He immediately dragged it from my hand and opened it.

What is this? He questioned in anger, turning the pages to my face.

Why haven't you signed the papers? What are you still waiting for?! He yelled, tossing the papers at me.

Estelle came close, suggesting he throws me out of his home, if I won't do as I was told.

She still thinks she's the Luna of this mansion. Just kick her out.

When I heard Estelle, I responded with my head bowed, That's not the reason. I couldn't bring myself to sign the papers after the promise I made to your father, the late Alpha.

I went on to tell Argon about the promise, making a request at once.

Please, give me three month to complete his last wish. Once I've helped you and your future bride to get married, I'll leave for good, I requested, lifting my head to look at Argon.

He stared at me with his brow lifted in confusion, while Estelle laughed out.

A dying wish? You must be mad if you think we'll...

Alright then, Argon accepted, shocking Estelle.

I'll allow you to stay for three months. When you're ready to leave, you will sign these papers and get out. Did I make myself clear?

Yes, Alpha, I responded, bowing at him.

Argon's decision got Estelle mad. She immediately protested against it, telling him to reject it.

But Argon refused.

It was my father's last wish. It's her duty to make me happy. In fact, it would be more exciting when everyone sees her handing you your rightful position, Argon said, cheering Estelle's mood.

She happily agreed to the decision, glaring at me.

Besides, she's a weakling. I bet she won't last a month, Argon mocked me, leaving the room with Estelle.

I lifted my eyes, watching them leave.

That's when I heard Bane's voice.

You've chosen wisely, Brielle. Very good.

Chapter 4


My request was granted, but my position was taken from me in split-seconds.

Argon passed a quick notice to every servants in the mansion, to stop calling me his Luna.

He brought Estelle before them and declared her his true mate and future Luna. Telling them about their wedding plans and how he wants everyone to give her all the respect she deserves.

How did I know all these?

Well, after Argon accepted my request, he came back with three guards to remove me from my room.

I was taken to a smaller room in the servants quarters to stay in from now onwards.

If you're going to remain under my roof, then you'll have to work with the servants. You are no longer the Luna, He had said coldly, showing me my place.

And during his announcement, I was with the servants while he introduced Estelle as his new Luna.

The servants had stared at me with sympathy in their eyes. But no one could do anything to change the situation.

I was no longer the Alpha's Luna, but his Ex-Luna.

Immediately the meeting was over, Estelle called me out from the midst of the servants and ordered me to make her something to eat.

I didn't object to the order but bowed, ready to leave.

What was that? Yes what? She asked, pulling her ear to hear me say the word.

Having no choice, I did as she wanted.

Yes, Luna Estelle, I addressed to her satisfaction.

Good. Now leave my sight, She ordered me, clinging to Argon.

Yes, Luna Estelle, I repeated, taking my leave without looking at Argon.

I didn't want to look at his face due to the feelings in me.

I began making something for Estelle to eat, trying to be fast with the cooking.

When the meal was set, I dished the meal out and brought it to Estelle, who was sitting in the living room with Argon, watching the business news on Argon's company.

Aside from taking over his father's position, Argon became the owner of his late father's company, running it to his desire.

With his intelligence and skills, the company came top among others.

The two were celebrating when I served Estelle her meal.

She didn't allow me to leave but ordered me to stand and wait till she was done.

I didn't object but obeyed, only for Estelle to spit out the meal in her mouth, crying out for water.

I was scared when I saw this, wondering what had happened to her.

Before I knew it, Estelle got to her feet and slapped me across the face, leaving me in shock.

Are you insane?! Do you want to kill me?! She roared out.

Argon had to stand by her side, asking what the matter was.

What did she put in the food, my love? He asked, getting furious by the minute.

Estelle didn't tell either of us my crime. She just grabbed the food and tossed it on my body.

I panicked on feeling the hotness of the meal touch my skin. It burnt me to the point of sweeping it off my body in pain

Go back in there and make me something better, you animal! Go! She yelled at me.

Still suffering from the burns, I managed to pack the remaining meal from both the ground and my body, turning around to leave.

Just when I stepped out of the living room, my wolf hearing was activated, allowing me to hear Argon asking Estelle, What was in the meal?

Nothing, my love. I only did that to punish her for choosing to stay, She giggled.

They both laughed at me, not knowing I was hearing everything they were saying.

She will have no choice but to leave after a few attacks, Estelle shared her plans with Argon.

Bitterness engulfed my heart. I tightened my grip to the plate, trying to hide my pains.

And just as they planned, Argon and Estelle began to frustrate my stay in the mansion.

They didn't give me any breathing space.

Argon began to look for fault in every little work I did, and Estelle was always there to back him up.

A golden necklace belonging to Estelle went missing and I was immediately blamed for it.

Argon and Estelle were ready to send me out, if not for a maid who stepped out to reveal where she saw Estelle keeping it.

She didn't take it, Alpha. Luna Estelle left it in her purse.

Shut up! Who asked you? Estelle sparked in anger, groaning over their failed plan.

I'm sure my Luna didn't keep it there. Someone must have done it, Argon said, diverting his words at me.

I knew what they were doing but acted like I didn't notice.

After going through so much torment from the both of them, I retired to my room, falling on my mat with tears streaming out of my eyes.

My heart came grieving with so much sorrow, unable to stand Argon and Estelle's bullying.

I could no longer stand the torment. I was now desperate to get back at them.

I did everything I could to make us happy, but you chose to torment me. The only happiness I had, you killed it. Not anymore. I will not allow you two to play me like a fool. You must pay dearly for your actions.

And that will happen, Brielle, Bane said.

Her voice didn't come from within but behind.

I turned back with my teary eyes and met my wolf standing beside the mat.

Her green eyes glowed at me as she said, You will surely get what you want, only if you're ready to allow me take over fully.

I sniffed out, sitting at once.

Pained over the abuses, I accepted.

Think well, Brielle. You will have to give up your sweet nature for this. Are you sure you're ready?

I am ready. I no longer care about being good, faithful, obedient... What has it given me in return? I sniveled, holding back the remaining tears.

Bane smirked at me.

Before I could even ask what needs to be done, she pounced right at me, entering back into my body with full force.

I felt my whole body shaking as I tried to stay strong.

I could feel her moving in every part, until...

We are unified fully, Bane's voice rang in me.

I lifted my gaze to the mirror at my left and found my eyes glowing green.

Instead of feeling scared like before, I felt strong, powerful...

In short, I felt good.

Chapter 5


At the hallway, I was mopping the floor as ordered by Argon.

It was one of the hardest and stressful part of the mansion to be cleaned.

He gave me the task to mop it and leave no stains behind, threatening to punish me if he discovered any dirt.

The ground was decorated with brown tiles, leaving me wondering how he planned on telling if it was dirty or not.

While cleaning, I heard the sound of laughter coming from behind.

I stopped to see who it was, only to find Estelle and her father, Alpha Deron, stepping into the mansion.

Alpha Deron, Alpha of Red Wood pack and a wealthy business man, had his daughter's arm crossed with his, as they chuckled while talking.

I am so happy for you, my princess. Finally you'll be with the man you always wanted, He rejoiced with his daughter.

Estelle blushed with joy, thanking her father for his words.

When are you two getting married?

Dad, relax. You just can't wait, huh? She giggled.

I'm just excited my dear. My daughter will be getting married to her true mate. I need the whole world to witness it with their own eyes, He expressed his joy, getting Estelle to laugh at him.

The moment they both spotted me cleaning, their mood changed.

They were disgusted.

Is that not the wolfless brat Argon said he was going to divorce? Alpha Deron whispered to his daughter.

Yes, she's the one.

Why is she still here? I thought Argon sent her away?

They whispered to themselves, not knowing I could hear them.

I acted like I was working. They were still talking.

She begged Argon to leave her for three months to fulfill the late Alpha's last wish. The brat. Now she's a servant, Estelle chuckled.

Alpha Deron chortled with his daughter, mocking me, Useless woman. It's a good thing she lost that baby. Who knows the kind of problems she would have brought for you and your husband.

A good thing indeed, Estelle supported.

Hearing what they said got me squeezing the mop stick tightly.

I could feel Bane growling inside of me, desperate to come out.

Welcome! Argon's voice came in, subduing my mood.

I had to act like I didn't see him but kept on cleaning.

Welcome Alpha Deron. It's so nice to have you here.

Same thing, my soon to be son-in-law.

They both shook hands with jolly.

Argon escorts Estelle and Alpha Deron into his living room, after asserting his dominance over me first.

If I get back and see you're still here, you will be sorry, He sparked, showing off to Estelle's father.

And it made the old man pleased.

He even ordered for refreshments to serve his guest, which I obeyed.

When I came into the living room with the juice, I met them laughing and talking about the wedding plans.

I hope my daughter will still have the time for her career? You know she's a super model, her fans would love to see her on the runway after she's married, Alpha Deron asked Argon.

He chuckled and assured Alpha Deron that he would allow Estelle to continue with her career.

She's a model. I can't take away her dream. She's loved by all, He said, praising her.

Estelle was blushing while burying herself in her father's hold.

That's great. I can't wait for you to get married to my daughter. When two great Alpha come together as one, the force is unstoppable.

Both Alpha Deron and Argon laughed.

Bringing their refreshments, I came closer to serve them.

Just as I was about to offer Alpha Deron his juice, something tripped my leg, causing the whole juice to pour right on his body.

The old man yelled out in anger, trying to wipe off the juice.

I was shocked by this, looking at my leg to see what caused this. Only for me to spot Estelle's feet on the way.

She had set her leg for me to trip.

Her eyes shimmered with delight, getting into character quickly.

Father! She cried out.

Alpha Deron! Argon panicked, rising to his feet to help him

Ex-Luna's Revenge: I don't need Love I need Rengeance (2024)
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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Last Updated:

Views: 6117

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (46 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.