Zih-Ruei Liou E News (2025)

1. A planning study for evaluation of feasibility and benefit of ...

  • 4 sep 2018 · The aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility of incorporating the biologically based generalized equivalent uniform dose (gEUD) ...

  • Background: Re-irradiation is effective but challenging on balancing the tumor control and late complications for recurrent head and neck cancer (HNC). The aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility of incorporating the biologically based generalized equivalent uniform dose (gEUD) objective function in the volumetric-modulated arc therapy (VMAT) treatment planning optimization process and to evaluate its benefit in such a clinical dilemma. Methods: Five recurrent HNC cases were selected. Respective original VMAT plan which fulfilled acceptable constraints was created using dose-volume (DV) optimization for each case in the first phase. Based on the DV plan, multiple corresponding plans incorporating the added single Max EUD objective for the spinal cord (SC) with stepwise stricter constraint for further biological optimization were generated for dosimetric comparison. Evaluated parameters compared between DV and DV-gEUD plans included target coverage, conformity index, homogeneity index, and sparing of organs at risk (OARs). Results: When adopting SC_gEUD90% and SC_gEUD80% as Max EUD constraint of SC, DV-gEUD optimization compared to DV optimization yielded 17.1% and 20.3%, reduction of the average Dmax of SC, respectively (both P value

2. Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study

3. Cancer Diagnosis by Gene-Environment Interactions via ...

  • We employ SMOTE-Tomek and our proposed methods to identify critical biomarkers and gene-environment interactions linked to the imbalanced binary outcomes.

  • The complexity of cancer development involves intricate interactions among multiple biomarkers, such as gene-environment interactions. Utilizing microarray gene expression profile data for cancer classification is anticipated to be effective, thus drawing considerable interest in the fields of bioinformatics and computational biology. Due to the characteristics of genomic data, problems of high-dimensional interactions and noise interference do exist during the analysis process. When building cancer diagnosis models, we often face the dilemma of model adaptation errors due to an imbalance of data types. To mitigate the issues, we apply the SMOTE-Tomek procedure to rectify the imbalance problem. Following this, we utilize the overlapping group screening method alongside a binary logistic regression model to integrate gene pathway information, facilitating the identification of significant biomarkers associated with clinically imbalanced cancer or normal outcomes. Simulation studies across different imbalanced rates and gene structures validate our proposed method’s effectiveness, surpassing common machine learning techniques in terms of classification prediction accuracy. We also demonstrate that prediction performance improves with SMOTE-Tomek treatment compared to no imbalance treatment and SMOTE treatment across various imbalance rates. In the real-world application, we integrate clinical and gene expression data with prior pathway information. We employ SMOTE-Tomek and our...

4. [PDF] Advance Program

5. [PDF] Annual Report

  • 2,230,000 visits and 6,177 subscriptions for LAF e.news. E.news is released in every 3 months, with the function to establish regular users community and to ...

6. FANG YU | Department of Management Information ... - NCCU

  • ShihYi Chien*;ChengJun Yang;Fang Yu*, 2022.03, 'XFlag: Explainable Fake News ... Zih-Ruei Fang*;Shu-Wei Huang;Fang Yu*, 2016.04, 'AppReco: Behavior-aware ...

7. For Students

  • Jen-haou Liou was admitted by the institute of information management ... Hsiang-ruei Huang was admitted by the graduate school of accounting information.

  •  Outstanding performance

8. Institute of Biomedical Engineering National Chiao Tung University

  • Pan Z, Ai T, Chang PC, Liu Y, Liu J, Maruyama M, Homsi M, Fishbein MC, Rubart M, Lin S-F, Xiao D, Chen H, Chen PS, Shou W and Li BY. Atrial fibrillation and ...

  • ::: Home / Research / Academic Publications

9. 研究人才詳細資料 - 學術研發服務網

  • ... Ruei-Hong Cyu, Chieh-Ting Chen, Ming-Jin Liu, Mayur Chaudhary, Po-Wen Chiu, Yuan-Liang Zhong*, and Yu-Lun Chueh*, ACS Nano. 2024-03, 期刊論文, Figure-of-Merit ...

  • :::

Zih-Ruei Liou E News (2025)
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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

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Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.