7 THE BOSTON GLOBE MONDAY, AUGUST 12, 1985 Charles Family Church, Duxbury at 10 a.m. Inter- HARRIS-In So. Boston August 10 Helen Dorchester and S. Boston, August 10 Mar- ward Vaters of Saugus, Worrick Vaters of ment in Mayflower Cemetery, Duxbury. Vis- (Welch).
Beloved wife of the late Raymond. garet M. (Joyce). Beloved wife of the late Revere and the late Albert Vaters and, Violet iting flowers hours Monday evening, 7-9 made p.m. In lieu Beloved sister of Mrs.
Margaret Driscoll and Michael A. McDonough formerly of Galway, Kilduff. Also survived by 10 grandchildren of donations may be to the Mrs. Agnes Driscoll both of So. Boston and Ireland.
Devoted mother of Mrs. Joyce O'- and 2 great-grandchildren. Funeral from Catholic Charities Centre of the Old Colony the late Mrs. Mary Grealish and Mrs. Cath- Neill of Quincy, Mrs.
Kathleen Goggin Frank A. Welsh Sons Funeral Home, 718 DEATHS Area, Marie Sheehan, 686 No. Main erine Tudor. Aunt of Mrs. Mary Rohn of Weymouth and Andrew S.
McDonough of Broadway, CHELSEA, Wednesday, August Brockton, MA 02401. Mich. Survived by several other nieces Weymouth. Beloved sister of Mrs. Elizabeth 14, at 8 a.m.
Funeral Mass in St. Rose BUTLER--Of East Weymouth, unexpectedly nephews. Funeral from the O'Brien Funeral Joyal of ME and John Joyce of Rockland. Church at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends most August 11, 1985, Clifton beloved hus- DRISCOLL-Of Acton, August 10, Charles Home, 146 Dorchester SOUTH BOS- Also survived Joseph by R.
3 Lucid grandchildren. Funeral kindly invited. Visiting hours Tuesday 2-4, 7- band of the late Hazel (Masterman) Butler, D. husband of Marilyn (Powell) Driscoll. Fa- TON, Wednesday at 9.
Funeral Mass at St. from the Funeral Home, 18 9. Parking opposite Funeral Home. Interdevoted father of Robert A. Butler of Brew- ther of Brian of Clinton, Barie Martins and Peter Paul's Church at 10 a.m.
Relatives Quincy Ave. (at Weymouth Landing) on ment Holy Cross Cemetery. Maiden. ster and Weymouth, grandfather of Stephen Carolynn Driscoll, both of Acton and brother and freinds invited. Visiting hour Tuesday 2- Tues.
August 13 at 8 a.m. Funeral mass in R. Butler of Concord, Jeffrey C. Butler of of Catherine Larsen of Arlington. Also sur- 4 and 7-9 p.m.
St. Joseph's Church, Washington Quin- SMITH -in Dorchester, August 11, Anna Phoenix, and Sally Downing of Alton vived by three grandchildren. Funeral from cy Pt. at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends re- (Zenevitch), beloved wife of the late Earle Bay, N.H., brother of Mrs.
Freeman (Flor- the Acton Funeral Home, 470 Mass Charles -Of brother Roslindale, of Walter E. August 10, spectfully invited. Visiting 2-4 hours at the fu- Smith. Mother of Arlene Fair of Wolfboro. ence) MacRoberts of Whitman.
He is also (Rte. 111) ACTON Wednesday morning at (Dick), M. of Wo- neral home Sun. 7-9, Mon. 7-9 p.m.
N.H. and Robert Smith of Miami, FL, sister survived by 7 great grandchildren, 2 nieces 9:15. Funeral Mass in St. Elizabeth of Hun- burn, Alice Rossi of Westwood, Ann S. of John Zenis of Dorchester and Mary Zenis and a nephew.
Visiting hours to which rela- gary Church at 10 a.m. Visiting hours Tues- Smith of Braintree and the late Atty Francis McMAHON -Of Somerville, August 10, of Worcester and the late Helen Cahnralso tives and friends are invited will be held at day, 2-4 7-9 p.m. In lieu of flowers contri- of Roslindale and Mae G. Chisholm of CA. Francis J.
McMahon. Son of the late Frank survived by grandchildren. Funeral from the Mortimer N. Peck Funeral Home, 870 butions in his memory may be made to the uncle of Jeanne M. Rossi of Bethel, ME and and Frederick Mary A.
(Lynch) McMahon. Brother of the John Mulry Funeral Home, 223 NeBroad (opposite the U.S. Post Office in New England Home for Little Wanderers. Col. Lorraine A.
Rossi, USA Retired of Alex- T. McMahon, Rita E. Sullivan, and ponset DORCHESTER, Wednesday at Jackson Square), WEYMOUTH, Tuesday 2- andria, VA. Funeral from the F.J. Higgins Joseph B.
McMahon. Nephew of Margaret 8:15. Funeral Mass in St. Ann's Church at 9. 4 and 7-9 p.m.
There will be a private Funer- V. of Weymouth, August 10, Funeral Home, 4236 Washington ROS- Funeral from the Daniel O'- o'clock. Relatives and friends invited. VisitMcMahon. F.
Service on Wednesday at the Peck Funer- 1985. Beloved husband of Hilda C. LINDALE Wednesday, August 14 at 9. Brien Funeral Home, 2 Benton Rd. at Sum- ing hours Tuesday Only 2-4 and 7-9.
Interal Home, followed by interment at the Cole- (Houghton). Father of James W. Duca of Funeral Mass in the Sacred Heart Church at mer SOMERVILLE, Tuesday at 8. Funer- ment Cedar Grove Cemetery. Cemetery, Whitman.
A Memorial Ser- East Weymouth, Marie Reddy of N.J. Broth- 10. hours Mon. Relatives 7-9, and Tues. friends 2-4 and invited.
7-9. Parking Visiting al ville, Mass at 9. at St. Relatives Catherine's and friends Church, invited. Somer- Vis- STORY- -Of Wellesley, August 10, Jennie M.
brook vice will be held Church at a of later East date Weymouth. at the Con- Me- er of Alfred Duca of Bourne, Theresa Davis rear of Funeral Home on Cummins Highway. iting just prior to the Mass between 8 and Wife of the late Rayford L. gregational of Michigan, and the late Sophia Perruzzi. 8:45 a.m.
Mrs. Lillian F. Hesenius of Wellesley, Mother Grand- of Story. morial donations if desired, may be sent to Also survived by 6 grandchildren and 3 the Congregational Church of East Wey- great-grandchildren. Funeral from the Mc- in husband Roxbury, August Tate Woburn, N.Y.
mother of David Fillmore of mouth, 1320 Commercial East Wey- Donald Funeral Home, EAST WEYMOUTH, Bridget M. (MacCormack) and M. son of Stephen T. and August Ann M. (Carr) Funeral and Mrs.
Joyce Lowe of West Harwich. 11, 1985 the beloved of McMANUS-In 11, Stephen mouth, MA 02189. Late retired Senior In- corner of Middle and Chelsea St. (at Central of Mildred Derie of Nashua, NH. loving Harold father McManus.
Brother of Kathleen, Michele, Funeral Service J.S. 592 Waterman and Sons at spector formerly of the the Boston Insurance Board of Services Fire Under- Group, Wednesday at 8 a.m. Funeral Mass in LePelley of Chicago, Ill, Mary Dykens of Terrance and Brian McManus, all of Wo- WELLESLEY on Tuesday, Aug. 13 Home, Washington the Immaculate Conception Church 9 o'- at 2, p.m. writers.
at South Boston, Margaret Comerford of Dor- burn. Grandson of Elizabeth J. (Coleman) clock. Relatives and friends invited. Visiting chester, Theresa Johnson, Nashua, NH, McManus of Woburn.
Funeral from the -In Woburn, August 10, Thomas hours Monday 7-9, Tuesday 2-4 and 7-9. In- Joseph Howlett of Avon, Michael Howlett McLaughlin Funeral Home, 54 Pleasant P. beloved husband of the late Nora (O'Conterment St. Francis Xavier Cemetery. Late and Rita Rasmesen both of Roxbury, Cath- WOBURN Wednesday at 8:15.
Funeral Mass nor) Sullivan, Devoted father of Mrs. Daniel BYDA -Of Brookline, August 10, 1985, member Weymouth Sons of Italy, Wey- erine Higgins of Chelsea, Eileen Masone of at St. Charles Church at 9 a.m. Visiting (Hazel) Friel, Mrs. P.
Wadia (Chami). Beloved wife of the late Sa- mouth Senior Citizens. Family prefers dona- Quincy, Thomas Howlett and the late Paul hours Tuesday, 2-4 and 7-9. Mrs. Stanley (Helene) Schecowicz, alls of Joseph (Jean) Lally, lim Byda.
Devoted mother of Elias of Hyde tions to be made in his memory to the Howlett of Roxbury; also survived by 48 Woburn, Mrs. James (Miriam) Treacy of Park, John of Dover, Frederic of Medfield, American Heart 1105 West Chestnut grandchildren and 34 great grandchildren. MEGNA--Of East Boston, August 9, Rose Camble, CA. Thomas P. Sullivan of NewJoseph (Freida) Williams and Mrs.
Brockton, Ma 02401. Brother of Veronica Powers, Newfoundland. (DiPerri). Beloved wife of the late Martin. bury, NH.
William F. Sullivan of Mrs. James (Margaret) Moses Woburn and both of Hyde Park, Funeral from the Scally Trayers Funeral Loving sister of Jennie Megna of Medway, the late John J. Sullivan of Winchester. and Christine Byda both of ENGLISH -Of Bedford, August 10, 1985, Mi- Home, 54 Pleasant DORCHESTER, Eleanor DiPerri, Charles, Salvatore, Philip Brother of James H.
Sullivan, Mrs. Jeannette Brookline. Also survived by 16 grandchil- C. beloved of Marie (Rush) 14 9:15. Mass and John DiPerri, all of East Boston.
Also McEachern, both of Woburn Richard dren and 7 great grandchildren. Beloved glish of Bedford and Richard T. English of in St. Margaret's Church, Dorchester at 10 the late Louis, Michael, William and Joseph and Mrs. Patrick (Helen) Toland of Wincheschael son C.
En- Wednesday August at Funeral (Josephine) late Sarah Byda Peters and Cupertino, CA, brother of Richard M. O'Clock. Relatives friends respectfully in- DiPerri. Also survived by many nieces and ter. Also surviving are 32 grandchildren and brother of the George Chami.
Funeral from the Louis M. Bedford and Virginia R. English of Merri- vited. Visiting hours Tuesday only 2-4 7-9 nephews. Funeral from the Rapino Memorial 47 great grandchildren.
Funeral from the tween Kfoury Beacon Funeral St Home, 420 Commonwealth Harvard St, Ave), (be- mack, N.H., grandson of Laura Rush of P.M. Interment St. Joseph's Cemetery Home, BOSTON, 9 Chelsea St. 8.45. (Maverick Funeral Sq.) FAST Lynch-Cantillon Funeral Home, 263 Main' Claysville, PA.
Funeral from the Bedford Fu- Carmel Tuesday at Church Mass in WOBURN Wednesday, August 14 at BROOKLINE, Tuesday August 13 at 9 a.m. neral Home, 167 Great BEDFORD, -Of Belmont, August 10th, the Mt. at 9:45 Relatives 9:15 a.m. Funeral Mass in the Immaculate Funeral Service Annunciation, in 7 Cathedral of Our Tuesday, August 13 at 8 a.m. followed by a Phyllis M.
Wife the late George and friends invited. Visiting hours Sunday 7- Conception Church, Winchester at 10. Callthe Lady of the V.F.W. Parkway, Funeral Mass in St. Michael's Church, Bed- Hutchinson, sister of Barbara Arnold of 9, Monday 2.4, 7-9.
Interment Mt. Hope ing hours 7-9, 2-4 and 7-9. Roslindale at 10 o'clock. Relatives and ford at 9 a.m. Visiting hours Monday 7-9 North Chelmsford, friend of Helen Wright Cemetery.
(Parking in rear of funeral home) friends are invited to attend. Visiting hours p.m. In lieu of flowers memorial contribu- and Marion Baker. Funeral Service in the SULLIVAN-O1 West Roxbury, Aug. 10.
ElizMonday evening from 6-9. In lieu of flowers tions maybe made to one's favorite charity. Brown Sons Funeral Home, 36 Trapelo Dorchester, August 10, abeth sister of John Behn of Needham. memorial contributions may be made to the BELMONT, Tuesday August 13 at 11 Joseph A. Beloved husband of Elizabeth M.
Relatives and friends are invited to attend Dioceses of Newton. Lebanon Fund, 19 A.M. Visiting hours Monday evening 7-9. (Kelcourse). Devoted father of Ann Marie the Funeral Service at the Folsom Funeral Dartmouth St, West Newton, MA 02165.
In- EPSTEIN-Michael, of Florida, formerly of Middleton, Joseph John Nancy Chapel, 63 Belgrade ROSLINDALE, terment Mt. Benedict Cemetery West Rox- Needham, 24 years, plane crash in Dallas, JOHNSON-Of Norwood August 10, sudden- Lisa and Elaine M. Middleton all of Dor- Tuesday at 1 p.m. Interment in Forest Hills bury. Home Parking Fuller area adjacent to Funeral on Son of August of Newton and Nancy ly, Carl T.
Son Johnson. of the late Gustave and Anna chester, Barbara Robert Middleton of Quincy Funer- and Cemetery. Visiting hours Monday 7-9 p.m. 2. Funeral in Miami, August 9.
A. on St. Leo Epstein (Mattson) Brother of Elmer of Wal- Mrs. E. Aliano of Somerville.
Epstein of Miami. Brother of Barbara and pole, Bernard of Norwood, Esther of Nor- al from the John J. O'Connor and Son Fu- THOMPSON-Of Medford, August 11. EdElizabeth Epstein both of Brighton. Memori- wood, Tera Reardon of Boston, Pearl Young Home, 740 Adams St, (nr.
Gallivan ward "Ray" Thompson husband of the late -Of George Stoughton Jr. by 20. accident Son of al observance at the home of Leo Epstein, of Sharon and Hannah Stampfi of Norwood. Blvd.) DORCHESTER, Wednesday morning Drucilla E. (Fidler).
Father Edward R. "PeAugust 11th of D. age 42 Broadlawn Drive, Newton, Tuesday Au- Also survived by many nieces and nephews. at 8 o'clock. Funeral Mass in St.
Brendans ter" Thompson Jr. of Waterboro, ME, MarT. (Goodwin) Brockton, Brother Stoughton George M. gust 13 thru Thursday. Remembrances may Funeral Services at the Gillooly Funeral Church at 9 o'clock.
Relatives and friends garet Hines and Phyllis Semenchuk of DraJean and D. be made to the charity of your choice. Home, 126 Walpole (Rte 1A) NOR- respectfully invited. Visiting hours Tuesday cut and brother of James Thompson of Sr. of of Linda Annemarie Fitzpatrick, Robert Callahan all of Thomas P.
Stoughton, and WOOD on Tuesday August 13 at 10 a.m. 2-4 and 7-9. Retired B.F.D. Engine 28, No. Medford and the late Albert Thompson.
Noreen Callahan Alexandria, of Sr. 96. Beloved husband of the late hours Monday 7-9 only. Interment East Wal- WW Il. In lieu of flowers donations may be neral the A Breslin Son Funeral of VA.
Grand- -Of Everett, August 10, John W. Friends and relatives kindly invited. Visiting Local 718, Society of St. Florian, Veteran Also survived grandchildren. Fuson of George Stoughton.
Mary A. (Bowman). Father of John W. Jr. pole Cemetery.
made in his memory to the American Heart Home, 610 Pleasant MALDEN at MedP. Goodwin age Funeral will held from the Farley STOUGHTON and William J. both of Everett. Also survived Association. Interment Blue Hills Cemetery.
ford line Wednesday at 8:15. Funeral Mass be Funeral Home, 8:15 followed by 9 grandchildren and 19 great grandchil- KEARIN- -in Medford, August Dora at the Immaculate Conception Church at 9. 358 Park St, (Rte. 27) on Tuesday at St. James by A.M.
dren. Services from the Murphy Funeral (Harris). Wife of the late Alexander Kearin, -Of Hyde Park, August 10, Dr. Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours A.M.
a Funeral Home, 519 Broadway, EVERETT, on Tues- twin-sister of Doris H. Gandy of Springfield, Joseph F. Mollomo. Beloved husband of Tuesday, 2-4 and 7-9. Former owner since Mass in Church at 9 Visiting hours Monday day at 1 p.m.
Visiting hours Monday 2-4 and PA, survived by several nieces and neph- Rose L. (Sons). Father of Joseph of Quincy, 1927 of Thompson Motor Transportation 2-4 7-9 P.M. 7-9. Interment Puritan Lawn Cemetery.
ews. Visiting hours at the Beals-Geake Mrs. Salvatore (Yvonne) Balsamo of Dover, Co. of Medford. Parking in rear of Funeral Home.
MEDFORD, Tuesday 1 to 1:30 P.M. followed J. Lucille Mollomo Edgar of of U.S.A.F. and Brother Capt. of Harold Dewey Of Charlestown, August Funeral Home, 29 Governors Maryland CAMPBELL-Formerly of Brookline in Florida, band of August 9, 1985 Stephen P.
Beloved hus- by a Memorial Service at 1:30 P.M. Mollomo of Wellesley, Laura Guarini of Wal- 11th, Flavia (Matelli) Tognarelli. Beloved Dorothy Campbell. Father of Barba- ERWIN-In Hingham, formerly of Weymouth tham and the late George, Domenic, James wife of the late Romano Tognarelli. Devoted ra Hobson of Auburn, N.H., Stephen P.
Jr. of and Braintree, August 9, 1985, Walter E. Er- KELLEY-In Quincy, August 10, Jennie Mollomo and Lucy Vollono. Survived by 8 mother of Mario R. Tognarelli of New Boston, N.H.
and Lenore Mercurio of win. Beloved husband of Kathleen B. (Car- (Czech) beloved wife of the late James J. grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren. Charlestown, Mrs.
Velma Westford, Ma. Also survived by 3 grandchil- roll) Erwin. Devoted father of Carol A. Dahl- Beloved mother of Mrs. Jeanette McNally of Funeral from the Carroll-Thomas Funeral Somerville, dear sister of Mrs.
Nancy Matelli dren. Funeral from the Bell-O'Dea Funeral quist of Norwell, Walter E. Erwin Jr. of Hing- So. Easton, Robert J.
of Tewksbury, William Home, 22 Oak St, HYDE PARK, Wednesday of Winchester and the late Rose Dotolo; also Home, 376 Washington 9:10. BROOKLINE, ham, Mary V. Holbrow of Diamond Bar, H. Kelley of Brockton and the late Walter P. morning at 8.
Funeral Mass in Most Pre- survived by 3 grandchildren, Mary Tuesday Mass morning at Followed by a Fu- and Paul V. Erwin of West Haven, Conn. Kelley, sister of Mrs. Marion Baker and Mrs. cious Blood Church at 9.
Relatives and Williamson and Michael and Joseph neral in St. Mary of the Assumption Also survived by 11 grandchildren. Funeral Julie Rae both of Springfield, Mrs. Anton- friends invited. Visiting hours Monday and Tognarelli.
Funeral from the Murphy Church at 10 o'clock. Relatives and friends from the Sweeney Brothers Home for Funer- ette Koster, Peter, Joseph, and Edward Tuesday 2-4 and 7-9. Served as Major of Turnbull Funeral Home, 322 Bunker Hill St. are kindly invited. Visiting hours Monday 2-4 als, 1 Independence Ave, QUINCY.
Tuesday Czech all of Chicopee, survived by 5 grand- 182nd Infantry of the Americal Div. South CHARLESTOWN, Wednesday at 9:15. and 7-9. Interment Mt. Benedict Cemetery.
August 13 at 9:15 a.m. Funeral Mass in St. children. Funeral from the O'Brien Funeral Pacific. Donations in Dr.
Joe's memory may Funeral Mass in St. Francis de Sales Church Retired and employee late (50 member years) Brookline Brookline Wa- Johns Church, Quincy at 10 o'clock. Rela- Home, 146 Dorchester SOUTH BOS- be made to Most Precious Blood Church. at 10 A.M. Relatives and friends are kindly ter No.
Dept. of Coun- tives and friends are invited to attend. Visit- TON. Wednesday at 8. Funeral Mass at St.
invited. Visiting hours Monday 7-9. Tuesday cil 110 C. ing hours Monday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Inter- Relatives Margaret's Church, Dorchester at 9 a.m.
-in South (Hernon), Boston, 97 August 9, sud- 2-4 and 7-9. In lieu of flowers. rememment Mt. Wollaston Cemetery. For those and friends invited.
Visiting hours denly, Mary K. age years. Be- brances in Flavia's memory may be made to CAPOZZI- Of Chelsea August 9, 1985 Mae I. who wish, donations in his memory may be Tuesday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. loved wife of the late Peter.
Beloved mother St. Francis de Sales Building Fund. 'Belle' (Butler). Mother of Francis J. of Ever- made to P.I.N.
(People In Need) Rev. KELLY-Of Dorchester, Aug. 11, Margaret V. of of Mrs. No.
Mary Weymouth, Nolan of John South P. of Boston, South Joseph Bos- TRASK-Of West ett, Paul N. of Medfield, Kathy A. Pawelczyk Walter J. Waldron, St.
Patricks Rectory, 10 A. beloved wife of the James H. Roxbury, August 11. LouChelsea and Donna Merritt of Everett. Magazine St, Roxbury, MA 02119.
Kelly, survived 2 nieces and 3 ton, Mrs. Margaret Binda of Mrs. Bar- ise B. (Barry) beloved wife of the late Edwin (Lane), late Sister of Janet M. Barter of Hawaii, Ruth Funeral Tuesday by Mass nephews.
of bara Gifford of E. Weymouth and Peter F. L. Mother of Edwin L. Jr.
of Westwood. Martin of Chelsea and the late Joseph But- the Resurrection in St. morning Brendan's a Mullen of Quincy. sister of Sr. Mary B.
of Norwood, Marie L. of Walpole. on with Beloved James ler and Dorothy Mugford. Also survived 1 FARRAR -In Waltham, Aug. 10, Madeline Church at MacDara of Ireland, Patrick and Thomas Richard P.
of Sister of Rev. James granddaughter Noel Pawelczyk of Chelsea. by (Mabie), mother of Frank F. Jr. of Slidell, 10 a.m.
Relatives and friends invited. Hernon of Aran Isles Ireland, Coleman H. Barry S.J. Campion Center, Weston. Funeral services will be conducted in the sister of Stuart M.
Mabie of Waltham, KIELAR-Of Moultonboro, NH, August 10 Hernon of Belmont the late Bartley, Michael the late Rev. Paul F. Barry S.J., Marie B. Glendale Baptist Church, 701 Broadway, Ev- grandmother of Jane Farrar of Harahan, La. suddenly Charles formerly of Brighton.
Be- and Joseph Hernon, Mrs. Anne Mullin and Reardon, J. Leo Barry. Also survived by ten erett on Tues. August 13 at 10 a.m.
Rela- and Stephanie Farrar of Little Rock, Ark. loved husband of Irene (Mankowski). Father Mrs. Bridget Flaherty. Survived by 24 grand- grandchildren, three great grandchildren.
tives and friends may call at the William R. Service in the Wentworth Chapel, 30 Pros- of P. Mickiewicz of children and 5 great grandchildren. Funeral Funeral from the William J. Gormley Funeral Carafa Funeral Home, 389 Washing- pect WALTHAM, Tuesday, Aug.
13 at 2 John Stanley E. Mickiewicz of Also Stoughton and from the O'Brien Funeral Home, 146 Dor- Home, 2055 Centre WEST ROXBURY ton CHELSEA on Mon. only 2-4 7-9 p.m. Friends may meet with the family on 3 friends chester SOUTH BOSTON Tuesday at 8. Wednesday, August 14 at 10 a.m.
Funeral Acton. survived p.m. Late member of the Women of the Tuesday p.m. at the chapel. In lieu of by are respectfully grandchildren.
invited attend funeral Funeral Mass at St. Augustine's Church at 9 Mass in St. Theresa's Church at 11 o'clock. Relatives and Moose Chelsea Chap. No.
78. flowers contributions may be made in her the Robert a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Visiting Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours to the Baptist Church, 396 from Washington J.
Rt. Kane 138, Funeral SOUTH Home, EASTON 605 hours Sunday 7-9, Monday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Monday, 7-9, Tuesday, 2-4 and 7-9. Donamemory to the First Lexington Waltham. on Tues.
at 8 a.m. Followed by a funeral MURRAY-In tions in her memory may be sent to Jesuit CARRIERE-Of Brewster, formerly of Ros- in the Immaculate Conception Woburn suddenly August 11. Retirement Fund, Campion Center, Weston lindale, August 11, Earl M. age 64 years. FARRELL-Leo F.
Sr. of South mass Interment Church, George F. beloved husband of Claire (ColBeloved husband of Roberta (Rickenburg). of Brockton and Boston, Weymouth Stoughton at 9 a.m. will follow in well) and devoted father of Jean A.
Robert- TRAVIA- Of Cambridge, August 11. CarFather of Mrs. Leonard (Roberta) Avery of 1985. Beloved husband of Jenny L. hours Cemetery, Boston.
Visiting son, George F. Ill Stephen G. Murray, all men, brother of Josephine S. Merlino of formerly August 9, St. Michael's Brewster, Mrs.
D. Timothy (Paula) Parker of (Reinoso) Father of Leo F. Michelle Mon. evening 6-9 p.m. of Woburn.
Funeral from the Marashio Fu- Westwood and Frances DeLuca of Belmont McLean, Mrs. James (Susan) Stinson William Edward all of South KING -Of Somerville, August, 10, Myra B. neral Home, 62 Mt. Pleasant WOBURN also survived by several nieces and nephof Harwichport and the late Earl M. Carriere mouth.
Son of Mary J. "Jo" Farrell of Wey- Dor- (Surette). Wife of the late James P. King. Wed.
at 9 a.m. Funeral Mass in St. Charles ews. Funeral from the Short, Williamson Ill. Brother of Mrs.
Martin (Rose) Glennon of chester. Brother of William J. of Dorchester, Sister of Grace C. Pothier of Also Church at 10 a.m. Visiting hours 5-9 Diamond Funeral Home, 52 Tapelo Rd.
Lake Worth, Fla. 9 grandchildren also sur- John B. and T. both of Hol- survived by and nephews. Fu- p.m.
Past exaulted ruler of the lodge of Elks BELMONT. Wednesday, August 14 al 8 a.m Arlington. vive. Funeral from the Doane, Beal Ames brook. Funeral Mary from the Joyce McDonald Funeral neral from the many D.W.
nieces Grannan Son Funeral of Cambridge. Electrical Late employee of the city Funeral Ma in St. Peter's Church, ConFuneral Home, 476 Main St. (Rte. 28), HAR- Home, SOUTH WEYMOUTH at 809 Main Home, 378 Mass.
Ave. Arlington, Wednes- Cambridge Dept. cord Cambridge, at 9 o'clock. Friends WICHPORT, Tuesday at 9:15 a.m. To be fol- (Rte 18 South Shore Hospital) day morning at 8 o'clock.
Funeral Mass in may call at the Funeral Home, Tuesday 2-4 lowed by a Funeral Mass at 10 a.m. in Holy Tuesday at 8 a.m. opp. Funeral Mass in the St. St.
Camillus Church, Rte. 2, Arlington, at 9 Quincy, O'CONNELL-Ann Aug. 10, beloved (Bienert), mother suddenly of Mau- in and 7-9 p.m. Interment in Belmont CemeTrinity Church, West Harwich. Relatives and Francis Xavier Church at 9 o'clock.
Relatives o'clock. Relatives and friends invited. Visit- Winn of Winchester, William of Chica- tery. friends are invited to attend. Friends may and friends invited.
Visiting hours Monday ing hours Tuesday 2-4 and 7-9, call at the Funeral Home, Monday 2-4 and 7- 2-4 and 7-9. Interment Blue Hills Cemetery, sister of Henry Bienert of New Orleans, Dorothy (Dunne). Wife of Frank R. Viscargo, Kathleen O'Connell of San Diego, VISCARIELLO-In Concord, August 9 p.m. Interment Field of Good Shepherd Braintree.
Late member retired National KOLLIGIAN- -Of Winchester, August 11, the late Frank of Macon, Caroline iello. Mother of Ralph J. of Acton, Paul of Section of St. Joseph's Cemetery, West Merchants Marine Union, Long Shoremens 1985, Araxie M. (Soursourian) Kolligian, be- Sullivan of Wollaston, and Daniel Bienert of Longmont, Jean DePasquale of FitchRoxbury at 1:30 p.m.
It is requested that Union Local 799, of St. Francis Xavier, loved wife of the late Michael Kolligian. De- Boston. Memorial Mass at St. Eulalia's burg and Diane Leslie of Maynard.
Sister of friends who make donations in his South Boston Irish American Society. voted mother Mrs. Zauven (Elizabeth) Church, Winchester on Tuesday evening, Geraldine Comenos of Lynn. Also survived desire memory Main to the Osterville Hospice Assoc. of Cape Cod, Surabian of Arlington, Gregory (Archie) Kol- Aug.
13 at 7:30 p.m. Relatives and friends by 10 grandchildren. Funeral Wednesday 911 02655. ligian of Winchester, Mrs. Sarkis (Martha) are cordially invited.
August 14 from the Joseph Dee Son FuFRENCH-Of Lynn, formerly the of Revere, Mrs. Boghosian, Jr. of Arlington, Dr. Michael. neral Home, 27 Bedford CONCORD COLLIN-Of 10, Albert Blanche (Snow), wife of late Edward Kolligian, Jr.
of Winchester and the late OUELLETTE--Of -Of Dedham, Aug. 11, Anna CENTER, at 9 a.m. Funeral Mass in Our husband of the late Evelyn (Blanchette) Col- French, of Mrs. John Edward Jack H. Kolligian, loving aunt of John Sour- M.
'Dolly" (Guardabascio), beloved wife of Lady Help of Christians Church, West Con Hyde Park, Aug. mother father of Leo A. of Hyde Elmer Veilleux sourian of Melrose also survived by 10 Robert Ouellette, and devoted mother of cord at 10 a.m. Visiting hours at the Dee Donald Elsie and lin, Scottsdale, Ariz. Also Park and Doris Mrs.
M. Elizabeth Tilden, and the late Mrs. grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren. Robert A. of West Roxbury, Ronald Ran- neral Home, Tuesday 2-4 Solch of survived by 2 Mary Abrams.
Funeral Services in St. John's Services at Holy Trinity Armenian Church, Ouellette, of tributions and 7-9 be p.m. Congrandchildren. Funeral from the Mann' Episcopal Church, Saugus, Wednesday at 145 Brattle Cambridge on Wednesday, ham, devoted sister of Jean Dunn all of Frank- Ded- the American Cancer memory Society, may 247 made Comm to dall and Janine M. in her of South Huntington Perkins St.
JAMAICA (cor- 11 a.m. Friends may call at the Cuffe- August 14 at 11 a.m. Relatives and friends lin, Mary White of Norton, Frances Fitzhenry Boston, Ma 02116. Rodgers Funeral Home, 44 ner McGinn Funeral Home, 157 Maple are respectfully invited to attend. Tuesday at 8:15 a.m.
followed by a LYNN, Tuesday 2-4 and 7-9. hours at the Giragosian Funeral Home, Visiting 576 and ham. Nicholas Relatives and Guardabascio friends both invited of to Ded- at- -Of Orient Heights, East Boston PLAIN, Funeral Mass St. Joseph's Church 9 Mt. Auburn WATERTOWN, On Tuesday tend the funeral from the Folsom Funeral suddenly, August 9, Gloria (Cardarelli), Beat at are o'clock.
Relatives and friends invited. Visit- 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Memorial Gifts maybe Home, 87 Milton DEDHAM, Wednesday loved wife of Robert. Loving mother of Robing hours Monday 2-4 p.m. only.
Interment GIFFORD-In Boston, August 10, Atty. John made in her memory to the above name at 9:15 a.m. Funeral Mass at St. Mary's ert Jr. of East Boston and Loretta Beard of Forest Hills Cemetery.
A. Gifford. Beloved husband of Leona A. church. Interment Oak Grove Cemetery, Church at 10 o'clock.
Interment in Knoll- Wakefield. Loving daughter of the late Law(Olson) Waterman Gifford. Funeral Sons-Eastman Service at the Funeral J.S. Medford. Charter member Daughters of wood Memorial Park.
Visiting hours Monday rence Cardarelli and Vincenza (Vecchio) West Vartan-Arpie Oytag, Sr. Women Aux. of 7-9 and Tuesday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Cardarelli. Dear sister of Beatrice Lumia of Rosa COoK-In E.
Wife Newton, of the August late 10, 1985, Home, 495 11 Commonwealth Relatives Ave, and BOSTON Holy Trinity Armenian Church and 50 year Tewksbury, Joseph Cardarelli of Boston; Cook. Beloved (Crane). S. Doane on Tuesday at a.m. friends member of the A.G.B.U.
PARCELLA- Cambridge, Aug. 11, Car- also the late Arthur Cardarelli. Also survived Jr. of Newton, Charles S. of Cook Sydney of D.
Cook invited. Visiting Forest hours Monday Boston. p.m. In- mella wife of the late Francis mother by 2 grandchildren Dion and Derek Beard. mother 7-9 and Sarah C.
Irvine, CA terment Hills Cemetery, be made to In KREUZ-Of Belmont, August 9, Clarence L. of Phyllis, Martin, Frances Kelly, Josephine Funeral from the Kirby Rapino Memorial, survived 8 Libbey Natick: also lieu of flowers donations may Kreuz. Husband of Julia E. (Maher) Kreuz. Reposa, Virginia Thomas and Ann King.
917 Bennington St. (Orient Heights) EAST of South grandchildren. by Graveside grandchildren Services and 8 in great the charity of ones choice. Father of Mary Ellen J. Higgison of West Hart- Also survived by 13 grandchildren and 6 BOSTON Tuesday at 8.
Funeral Mass in St Knollwood Memorial Park (Shawmet ham and Carolyn F. Sheehan of Dallas, Tex- great grandchildren. Funeral from the Rog- Lazarus Church 9. Relatives and friends the ford Margaret Mosychuk of Ded- at Section) High Canton, Wednesday Billerica, August 9, Joseph W. as.
Also survived by 15 grandchildren and Home, 380 Cambridge 7-9. invited. Interment Visiting Holy hours Cross Monday Cemetery. only 2-4 and August 14 at 2 P.M. In lieu of flowers, contri- Husband of Marjorie (Dodge) Gilbert.
Father great grandson. Brother of Leo Kreuz of Mass in CAMBRIDGE, Our Wednesday at 8. Funeral butions may be made in her memory, to the of John, Joseph, James and Joevana Gilbert Chisholm, Dr. Kenneth Kreuz of Cold Cambridge Lady at of Pity Church, Rindge Mon- WENTZIGER-Of Malden, August 11, SiAmerican Cancer Society, 22 Appleton all of Billerica. Son of Evangeline (Pratt) Gil- Spring, NY, Mary Madden of Menominee, 9.
Visiting hours mone (Charlot) beloved wife of Francois X. Waltham, MA 02154. Arrangements by Cate bert of Roxbury. Brother of James of Nor- Grace John of Milwaukee, Wisc. Ger- day 7-9 Tuesday 2-4 and 7-9.
Wentziger. Mother of Yvette Bressler; of Pratt Funeral Home, WEST NEWTON. wood and John of Braintree. Funeral Tues- trude Horak of Greenbay Lorraine Florida, Claudine Urban of Boston and day from the Sweeney Memorial Funeral Washburn of Marquette, Mich. and the late Charles REARDON-Of J.
beloved West brother Roxbury, of the August late 10, Francoise Mannix of Watertown. Also surof Home, 66 Concord Rd, Theresa's BILLERICA at 8 a.m. Dr. Frank Kreuz of Miama, Fla. Funeral from M.
Reardon and uncle of Mrs. Virginia Kelley Mary vived by four grandchildren. Sister of Henri CREHAN Roxbury, August West 9, Helen Roxbury, G. (Kelley). Be- a.m.
Funeral Relatives Mass in and St. friends respectfully Church at invit- 9 the Short, 52 Williamson and Diamond Funeral Landolphi of Danvers. Funeral from the P. and Marcel Charlot of Paris. Funeral from late Matthew P.
Devoted ed. Visiting hours Monday from 2-4 and 7-9. Home, August 13 at 8 Trapelo Rd, BELMONT, Mass St. Tuesday, Jo- Murray Funeral Home, 2000 Centre the Main Burns MALDEN Son Wednesday 204 E. E.
Funeral Home, loved wife the Patricia Randolph, a.m. Funeral in WEST ROXBURY Wednesday, August 14 at at 8:15 Fuof mother of F. Volz of sephs Church, Common St, Belmont at 9 o'- 9:15 a.m. Funeral Mass in St. John Chrysos- neral Mass in the Church of the Sacred Williams of William J.
Carol of West O'Rourke Roxbury, Helen Ber- GIORDANO Of 83 Harrison Manches- clock. Friends may call at the Funeral Home, tom Church at 10 o'clock. Relatives and Hearts, Malden Square at 9 a.m. Relatives Boston, Gallant Works. ter, N.H., formerly of Boston, on August 11, Monday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m.
Interment in Bel- friends most kindly invited. Visiting hours and friends kindly invited. Visiting hours A. of Ashland, nadette of Gilmanton Iron John F. Giordano, 71.
Survived by 3 mont Cemetery. Tuesday only, 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Interment Tuesday, 2-4, 7-9. N.H. Sister of Ruth Keller of East Bridgewa- age ter, Mary Hoverstadt of Brockton, Pauline sons, Frank J.
Giordano of Somerville, Jo- LANG -In South boston, August 11, Phyllis Holy Cross Cemetery, Malden. Former trea- WILLARD- -In Hyde Park, August 10, ChrisSullivan of Norwood and Edward A. Kelley seph D. Giordano of Manchester, and John A. beloved wife of Frederick R.
surer Alumni Sodality and 60 year member tine F. (Chisholm) Willard. Beloved wife of of Wakefield. Also survived by 24 grandchi- F. Giordano Jr.
of Billerica, 2 daughters, Beloved mother of Edward Box 52. Donations may be made to the the late Francis I. Willard. Loving sister of. (Spracklin), dren and 14 grandchildren.
Funeral Miss Maria B. Giordano of Manchester, and Mrs. Pamela M. charity of your choice. the late Anna B.
Donoghue, John J. and Frederick from the P.E. great Murray Funeral Home, 2000 Mrs. Lorraine L. Shea of Somerville, 2 Moses, Mrs.
LaForge, Shelia in Chisholm. Funeral from the Francis E. Goyette, Mrs. Diane brothers, Carmen Giordano of Somerville Wallace Elaine Cheryl Lang all of South Boston Lang, wife REIS-Of of late Somerville, Anthony Aug. 11, mother 1985, of Mary Walter Kenney Sons Funeral Home, 1445 River Centre 13 at 9:15 WEST a.m.
ROXBURY Funeral Mass Tuesday, in Au- St. and Tony Giordano of Woburn, a sister, and the late Kenneth B. of Mrs. the gust Theresa's Church at 10 o'clock. Relatives Vesse of East Windsor, 7 Lang, sister J.
of Marlboro and Anthony P. of Stoneham. Adalbert's Church (opp. Funeral Home), at 9 Tuesday at 8:15 a.m. Funeral Mass in St.
grandchildren, 1 great Funeral grandchild, Services and many will Grant Dorothy of Murray Canton, of Mrs. Stoughton, Evelyn Mrs. Fitzpatrick Florence of Also survived grandchild. by 9 Funeral from grandchildren the Wilson and o'clock. Relatives and friends invited.
Inter- Visitand friends most kindly invited. Visiting hours Sunday 7-9 p.m., Monday 2-4, 7-9 be conducted and on nephews. Wednesday at 10 a.m. at Everett, Wallace Spracklin of Waltham, Mrs. Fudge Funeral Home, 30 College Ave ing ment in hours St.
Monday Joseph's 2-4 Cemetery, 7-9 p.m. Parking in nieces great and p.m. Calvary Cate Johnson Funeral Home, 573 Pine 10 Josephine grandchildren. Atheridge Funeral Malden, from the survived O'Brien by SOMERVILLE, Wed. at 8 a.m.
Funeral Mass church parking lot opposite Funeral Home. Interment Mount Cemetery. of corner of Harrison MANCHESTER, N.H. Funeral Home, 146 Dorchester SOUTH in St. Church at 9 a.m.: Family and Clement's CROWLEY -In Allston August 10 Frederick.
Burial will take place in Mt. Calvary Ceme- BOSTON, Wednesday at 8. Funeral Mass at friends and cordially invited. Calling hours Tues. WOODS- -Formerly of Carmen Brookline, Irene: BeBeloved husband of the late Mary T.
tery, Manchester. Calling hours will be Mon- St. Paul's Church 2-4 7-9 p.m. Interment in Mt. Auburn loved mother of (Cameron) Consi(Dwyer).
Devoted father of Joseph Fred- day 7-9 p.m. and Tuesday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Peter at 9 a.m. Relatives Cemetery, Cambridge. In her memory dona- dine of Ft.
Myers, Fla. She is also erick, Mrs. Julia DellaGrotte, Michael Foreman at International Paper Somer- 2-4 and and friends 7-9 invited. Visiting hours Tuesday tions may be made to the Leahy Clinic Medi- by 5 grandchildren, 7 great -grandchildren Mrs. Margaret Herrmann, Francis A.
and ville for 38 years and employed at the Main- p.m. cal Center, Burlington, MA 01805. and 2 great great grandchildren. Services to Gerald. Brother of John, David and Mad- tenance Dept.
of New Hampshire Insurance LEVINE -Entered into rest August 11. My- -Of Aug. 8, 1985, Eme- al be Home, private. NEWTON. Arrangements by Mackay Fugereline.
Also survived by 9 grandchildren. Fu- Manchester for the past 11 years. ron late of Norwood, formerly of West Brookline, neral from the Gerald W. Lehman Funeral Roxbury. Beloved husband of Beatrice lie, wife of the late mother of Wil- -Of Watertown, August 10, Marietta William, Home, 569 Cambridge ALLSTON Tues.
(Parker). Devoted father of Marjorie S. Lap- Relyea of NYC. Sister of Mildred Frey of Bal- (Sattanino) Risso Zani. Beloved wife of liam H.
Relyea Ill of Westwood, John Moore St. morning at Anthony 8:10. Church Followed at 9 by a o'clock. funeral Relatives mass The GLYNN-John beloved J. of husband Quincy, of June August E.
10, 1985. pen of Silver Spring, MD. Loving brother lacynwd, Pa. Services private. In lieu of flow- Simone L.
Zani. Devoted mother of Eugene in and (Conley). C. Irene Jacobson of N.J. Dear grandfather of ers contributions may be sent to the Ameri- M.
Risso and Harry E. Risso both of Waterand friends are kindly invited. If desired Father of John Barry C. Garry Robert Julie and Erika Lappen. Services at Schloss- can Cancer Society.
Arrangements by J.S. town, Richard J. Zani of Lexington and the contributions to the Dana-Farber Cancer In- Glynn, Michael all of R. Quincy. and Daniel Stepfather P.
of Chapel, 824 Wash- Waterman Sons Eastman Funeral Home, late Alfred L. Zani. Dear sister of Concetta stitute, of Mr. 44 Binney Crowley would Boston be 02115 appreciated. in mem- all of Quincy.
Son of Anna (Heavey) Farquharson, Glynn of ington CANTON, Tuesday, August 13 at 495 Commonwealth Boston Ma. of 17 Italy. Also survived by 14 grandchildren. ory Dorchester and the late Thomas Glynn. 1 p.m.
Memorial observance will be at his great grandchildren and great great CURRIE-Of Dedham, August 9, Agnes M. Brother of Thomas Dorchester, Dennis P. and Rich- Expression of sympathy in his memory may- (Sattanino) Risso-Zani. Please refer to the Donald Son Funeral Home, 270. Main S1, late residence through Thursday evening.
-Of Watertown, August 10, Marietta grandsons. Funeral from the Donald J. Mac(Surette), beloved wife of the late John J. ard all of Robert J. of Everett be donated to the Southwood Community Zani Death Notice.
WATERTOWN, Tuesday at 9 a.m. Funeral Currie mother Francis E. Currie of and Mary by 3 McMaster grandchildren of Uxbridge. many Also neices sur- Hospital of Norfolk. Mass at 10 a.m.
in St. Patricks Church. RelDedham, John J. Currie Jr. of Framingham, and vived nephews.
Relatives and and friends are re- MALLOY-In Woburn 10, Margaret loved RYAN-In daughter Everett of the August late 10, John Mary and C. Cather- Be- atives and friends are kindly invited. Calling grandmother of James Currie of Westwood, spectfully invited to attend the funeral from G. Beloved wife August of the late Owen ine (Harrington). Aunt of Doris Roche of Wo- hours Monday 2-4 7-9 p.m.
Venerable Interment Cornelia St. Christopher Cynthia Currie of Framing- the Keohane Funeral Home, 785 Hancock E. Malloy. (Fleming). Devoted mother of Mrs.
Elbert burn, Carol Murphy of Milton, Leonard Ryan Patricks deiGracchi Cemetery, Ladies Past OSIA ham. Funeral from the George F. Doherty WOLLASTON 9:15. Funeral Kenneth Lodge, Watertown, Sons, Wilson-Cannon Funeral Home, 456 Mass in Sacred Heart Church, No. Quincy at are 3 (Lorraine) grandchildren Howe of and Lowell.
1 Alsol great-grandchild. surviving of neral from Somerville, the John F. Ryan Ward of Son Woburn. Funeral ZARDESKAS- -Of South Boston. Aug! -11, Tuesday at FuHigh DEDHAM, Mon.
at 8:15. Funeral 10 a.m. Visiting hours Sunday 7-9, Monday Funeral from the Lynch-Cantillon Funeral Home, 772 Broadway, EVERETT, Tues. Au- Suzanne (Warsowich), beloved wife of the in Mary's invited. at am.
2-4, 7-9 p.m. Burial Pine Hill Cemetery, West Home, 263 Main Street, WOBURN, Tuesday gust 13 at 9 a.m. Funeral Mass at St. There- late Albert, devoted mother of Mass St. Church 9 Relatives Sun.
Donations in and Janet Patton Brookdale Quincy. his memory may be August 13 at 8 a.m. Funeral Mass in St. se's Church at 10 a.m. Relatives and friends Suzanne Bragdon.
Complete notice friends kindly Visting hours Interment Cemetery. made to the Joslin Center, 1 Charles Arrangements the on 2-4 7-9. Late member of St. Mary's Sodality. Joslin Boston 02215.
day morning from a.m. 9:45 a.m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. Casper Funeral Home, SOUTH BOSTON. Church at 9.
Friends may call Tues- invited to attend. Visiting hours Tuesday 9- Tuesday. by Joseph M. DEATHS DEATHS DEATHS DEATHS DEATH NOTICES BY CITY OR TOWN ACTON EAST BOSTON ROXBURY Driscoll, Charles D. Amodeo, Anna Howlett, John W.
ALLSTON Barisano, Dino Crowley, Frederick Vitale, Megna, Gloria Rose Ahearn, F. Sr. SOMERVILLE. ARLINGTON King, Myra B. Burke, Nora M.
EVERETT McMahon, Francis J. Erickson, John W. Reis, Mary O. Ryan, Mary C. SOUTH BOSTON BEDFORD HINGHAM Harris, Helen English, Michael C.
Erwin, Walter E. Lang. Phyllis BELMONT HULL Mullen, Mary K. Hutchinson, Phyllis M. Marchocki, Bronislaw P.
Zardeskas, Skulski, Stanley P. Kreuz, Clarence L. Suzanne HYDE PARK STOUGHTON BILLERICA Collin, Albert J. Callahan, George D. Jr.
Brown, Margaret Mary Mollomo, Dr. Joseph F. Gilbert, Joseph W. Showstead, Sara Beth SWAMPSCOTT Willard, Christine F. Harris, Rose Gifford, Atty.
John A. JAMAICA PLAIN TEWKSBURY BREWSTER Matarazzo, Lena Shanahan, Rev. William J. Carriere, Earl M. Jr.
LYNN WALTHAM BRIGHTON French, Blanche Farrar, Madeline DeGiacomo, Teresa MALDEN WATERTOWN BROOKLINE Wentziger, Simone Risso, Marietta Zani, Marietta Byda, Wadia MEDFORD Campbell, Stephen P. Brown, Richard WELLESLEY Relyea, Emelie Graham, Emma E. Story, Jennie M. Woods, Irene Kearin, Dora Edward WEST NEWTON Thompson. Cook, Rosa E.
CAMBRIDGE MILTON WEST ROXBURY Gnerre, James V. Blondell, C. Edward Crehan, Helen G. Parcella, Carmella G. NATICK Reardon, Charles J.
Travia, Carmen Frank L. Sullivan, Elizabeth M. CHARLESTOWN Trask, Louise B. Angelo, NEWTON Tognarelli, Flavia Epstein, Michael WEYMOUTH, H. CHELSEA Mazzola, Lucia Capozzi, Mae I.
'Belle' NEWTON CENTRE Daly, Duca, Stella M. V. Slevoski, Ruth James Barron, Philip David Farrell, Leo F. Sr. CONCORD McDonough, Margaret M.
NORWOOD Viscariello, Dorothy Johnson, Carl T. WINCHESTER Levine, Myron J. Kolligian, Araxie M. DEDHAM PLYMOUTH WOBURN Currie, Agnes M. Braverman, Les Beauchamp, Emil A.
Matta, Helen Malloy, Margaret G. Ouellette, Anna M. QUINCY McManus, Stephen M. DORCHESTER Glynn, John J. Murray, George F.
Delano, Madeline H. Gomez, Josephine P. Sullivan, Thomas Kelly, Middleton, Margaret Joseph A. A. O'Connell, Ann OUT OF STATE Kelley, Jennie Smith, Anna Sillers, Gladys E.
NEW HAMPSHIRE DUXBURY ROSLINDALE Desmarais, Claude R. Hennessy, Charles Kielar, Charles Giordano, John F. -In Somerville, August 9, Cornelius F. Sr. Beloved husband (Donohue).
Devoted father of Catherine E. Wright of Westford, Dorothy A. Pignatiello of Atkinson NH, Thomas Cornelius F. Jr. and Kevin C.
Ahearn all of Somerville. Brother of Helen and John Ahearn both of Malden. Also survived by 13 grandchildren. Funeral from the Struzziero Funeral Home, 493 Somerville Ave, SOMERVILLE, Tuesday, August 13, at 9 a.m. Funeral Mass in St.
Catherine's Church at 10 a.m. Visiting hours Sunday 7-9, Monday 2-4 and 7-9. In lieu of Ifowers donations may be made in his memory to the Children's Hospital Fund. DEATHS AMODEO-Of East Boston, August 11, Anna (DeStefano). Beloved wife of the late Edward.
Loving mother of Joseph of Winthrop, Edward of Revere, Mary Catino of East Boston, and Victor Amodeo of Medford. Loving grandmother of Christy Catino, Edward Cation, Sally Ann Mason, Denise Catino, Camille Ann Amodeo, Edward Amodeo, Donaid Amodeo, Todd Amodeo, Victor Amodeo, and Lisa Amodeo. Also survived by 6 great-grandchildrn. Funeral from the Rapino Memorial Home, 9 Chelsea St. (Maverick EAST BOSTON, Wednesday at 8:30.
Funeral Mass in the Holy Redeemer Church at 9:30. Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours Monday 7-9, Tuesday 2-4, 7-9. Interment Funeral Holy Cross Cemetery. (Parking in, rear of Home.) ANGELO- Natick, August 10, Frank L.
Angelo, husband of Sarah L. (MacLellan). Father of Marguerite T. Walker of Marblehead. Brother of Angeline Furfuro, Minnie Laviano, Joseph and Domenic, all of Belmont, Anthony of Waltham.
Also survived by five grandchildren. Funeral from the John Everett Sons Funeral Home, 4 Park (opposite Natick Common) NATICK Wednesday morning at 9:15. Funeral Mass in St. Linus Church at 10 o'clock. Visiting hours Tuesday, 2-4 and 7-9.
Interment St. Patrick's Cemetery. BARISANO-Of East Boston suddenly by accident August 10 Dino age Beloved son of Giuseppe and Silvia (Ruggiero). Dear brother of Teresa and Marianne both of East Boston. Cherished grandson of Modestino and Teresa (Indresano) of East Boston and Maria (lacoviello) Ruggiero of Italy.
Nephew of Felice Barisano of Venezuela Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral from the DiPietro Vazza Funeral Home, 11 Henry St. (oppos. Maverick Station) EAST BOSTON Wed. morning at 8:30 a.m. Followed by a funeral Mass at the Mt.
Carmel Church at 9:45 a.m. Friends may visit at the funeral home Mon. evening 7-9, Tues. 2-4 7-9 p.m. Late member freshman class 1985 Christopher Columbus High School, Boston.
Interment Woodlawn Cemetery, Everett. Parking with attendent at front entrance of funeral home. -Entered into rest August 9, Philip David of 61 West Boulevard Rd, Newton Centre. Beloved husband of Rosalyn I. (Freedman).
Devoted father of Kenneth C. Barron of Brookline and Richard N. Barron of Maplewood NJ. Loving brother of Ann Smith of Margate, Fla. Dear grandfather of Melissa, Nicole and Samantha Barron of Brookline and Alexander Barron of Maplewood.
Services at the Stanetsky Memorial Chapels, 1668 Beacon St, BROOKLINE, Monday, August 12 at 2 p.m. Memorial observance at his late residence thru Wednesday. Expressions of sympathy in his memory may be donated to Newton Wellesley Hospital Cancer Research Fund, 2014 Washington St, Newton, 02162. BEAUCHAMP-In -In Woburn, August 10, formerly of. Emil A.
beloved husband of the late Louise (Smith) Beauchamp. Devoted father of Emile Jr. of Winchester, Alan of Billerica and Mrs. Brenda Derro of Carlisle. Brother of Frederick Beauchamp of Arlington.
Also surviving are 6 grandchildren. Funeral from the Lynch-Cantillon Funeral Home, 263 Main WOBURN Aug. 13 at 9:15 a.m. Funeral Mass in St. Charles Church at 10 Calling hours 7-9 p.m.
BLONDELL-Of Milton, August 11th, C. Edward Blondell. Beloved husband of Beatrice (Davis) Blondell. Father of Claudia J. Blondell of Milton, and Carla J.
Crawford of Brockton, grandfather of Melissa and Carl Crawford, brother of Greta Earle of Milton, Roy Blondell of Needham and Ruth McCusker of Hyde Park. Funeral Services to be held at the Parkway United Methodist Church, 158 Blue Hills Parkway on Wednesday at 1 O'Clock. Visting hours at the J. B. Cole Gleason Milton Home for Funerals.
5 Canton Ave, in MILTON VILLAGE on Tuesday 2-4 and 7-9. Interment Milton Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made be to the Memorial Fund of the Milton Medical Center. BRAVERMAN- Entered into rest August 10, Les, late of Plymouth, beloved son of Ida Braverman of Miami, FL and the late Samuel. Devoted father of Joel, Phyllis and Marc.
Loving brother of Rabbi Jay Braverman of Montreal. Dear friend of Dorothy Koegel and Tony Glydon of Plymouth. Services at the Davis Funeral Home, 373 Court PLYMOUTH Monday, August 12 at 9:30 a.m. Memorial week will be observed in Fiorida. Expressions of sympathy in his memory may be donated to the Heart Fund.
Interment at Mt. Moriah Cemetery, Fairview, NJ. Arrangements by Stanetsky Memorial Chapels. Brookline. For further information call 1-746-5800.
BROWN--In Billerica, formerly of Dorchester. August 11, Margaret Mary (MacKenzie) beloved daughter of the late William and Frances Mackenzie. Sister of the late Frances McCarthy. Devoted mother of Harry S. Jr.
of Lowell, Robert F. of Chelmsford, Richard J. of Newton, Charles L. of Nashua, NH, William D. of Lowell and Mary D.
Brown of Winthrop, Theresa E. Hart of Randolph, Margaret Joy Davies of Westford, Barbara E. Loiselle of Dover, NH, Kathleen J. Benger and Michelle T. Benger of Billerica.
Also survived by 30 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren. Services in the Perry-Tilton Funeral Home, 354 Boston BILLERICA (Rte. 3A) Wednesday, August 14. Time later. Relatives and friends invited.
Visiting hours Monday and Tuesday, 7-9 p.m. Late retired licensed social worker, Metropolitan State Hospital, Worthy Past Matron, Order of the Eastern Star, Billerica. Funeral Director, Francis P. Burns. BROWN- Medford, August 10th, Richard E.
Husband of Lillian (Moultree). Father of Danny A. and Wanda J. Brown of Medford, Funeral Service at the Beals-Geake Funeral Home, 29 Governors MEDFORD, Tuesday at 10 A.M. Visiting hours Monday 2-4 and 7-9.
Donations in his name, may be made to Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses, Dexter Medford. CORRECTION BURKE- Arlington, August 9 Nora M. (Moylan). Wife of the late Patrick J. Burke.
Mother of Michael J. of Beverly, Thomas F. of Sun City, John J. of Albany, Edward F. of Woburn and the late David J.
Burke of Reading. Sister of Julia O'Brien of Winchester and Michael Moylan of Limerick, Ireland. Also survived by 18 grandchildren and 20 great grandchildren. Grandmother of Kevin M. Burke, Dist.
Attorney of Essex County, MA. Funeral from the D.W. Grannan and Son Funeral Home, 378 Mass. ARLINGTON, Tuesday morning at 8 o'clock. Funeral Mass in St.
Agnes Church at 9 o'- clock. Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours Monday 2-4 and 7-9. In lieu of flowers donations to Boston Catholic Television Ctr. Box 56, 55 Chapel Newton, Ma.
02160 would be appreciated. IN MEMORIAM 1945 Kathryn Conroy 1985 Lovingly remembered sadly missed by her daughter Eileen family. Mass being said by Fr. E. M.
Williams, OMI in Japan. DALY- M. of (Deschenes) Quincy. of Beloved Weymouth, August 9, formerly wife of the late Timothy P. Daly.
Mother of Timothy F. of Weymouth, Rev. Robert J. Daly, S.J. of Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Gerald of Fort Waye, Indiana, Maurice J.
of Brockton, Claire M. MacCormack, Stella "Dina" Grazioso and Elaine P. Pisciottoli, all of Weymouth. Sister of Henry Deschenes, Aldea LeClair and Cecelia Deschenes all of West Quincy. Also survived by 13 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild.
Reposing at the Joseph Sweeney Funeral Home, 326 Copeland WEST QUINCY, until 9 o'clock Tuesday morning. Funeral Mass in Immaculate Conception Church, East Weymouth at 10 o'clock. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend. Visiting hours Sunday 7-9 p.m. 2-4 and 7-9 p.m.
Interment Mount Wollaston Cemetery. Donations in her memory may be made to the Jesuit Seminary Guild, P.O. Box 799, Back Bay Annex, Boston, MA 02117-0799. -Teresa (Maggio) age 101 formerly of Brighton August 10. Beloved wife of the late Antonio.
Mother of Mrs. Louis Bruno of Brighton, Mrs. Maurice McBrearty of Dunstable, Fred of CT, Anthony of Walpole and the late Dr. John DeGiacomo of Milton. Also survived by 14 2 grandchildren, 24 great grandchildren and great great grandchildren.
Funeral from the Ginley Funeral Home, 892 Main Tues. at 9 a.m. Funeral mass in St. Timothy's Church at 10 a.m. Relatives friends invited.
Visiting hours Mon. 2-4 7-9. DELANO- In Dorchester, August 11, Madeline H. (McAleney) beloved wife of the late William H. Delano.
Mother of Ruth Dowd of North Falmouth. Sister of George McAleney of Squantum and Edward McAleney of Halifax. Grandmother of Patricia Williams, John Jr. and William C. Dowd.
Funeral from the John C. Mulry Funeral Home, 223 Neponset DORCHESTER Wednesday at 9:15. Funeral Mass in St. Ann's Church at 10 o'- clock. Relatives and friends invited.
Visiting hours Tuesday, 2-4 and 7-9. Interment New Calvary Cemetery. DESMARAIS- Claude R. of Duxbury, August 11, husband of M. Madeline (Gagne).
Father of Roxanne M. Desmarais and Jay C. Desmarais, both of Duxbury, Kim A. Desmarais of Lake Tahoe, NV and Tod M. Desmarais of Evanston, IL.
Son of Loretta (Parent) of Bow, NH. Brother of Conrad Desmarais of Bow, NH, Anatole Desmarais of Walnut Creek, CA and Monique Jeanne Pepin of Bow, NH. Grandfather of Kyle and Matthew Desmarais, both of Duxbury. Funeral from Shepherd Funeral Home, 216 Main KINGSTON on Tuesday, August 13 at 9 a.m. followed by a Funeral Mass in the Holy -In Cambrdige, August 10, James V.
Gnerre, Sr. beloved husband of Hope T. (Goodwin). Father of James Rodney Pamela H. and Rick grandfather of Troy and Lance Gnerre, brother of Louis Gnerre, Adeline Marolda and Susan Nitrini of CA.
Funeral from A. DeVito Sons, 761 Mt. Auburn WATERTOWN, Wednesday at 8:15, followed by a Funeral Mass at 9 a.m. in Blessed Sacrament Church, Pearl St. Visiting at the Funeral Home Monday 7-9.
Tuesday 2-4 and 7-9. Late WW Veteran and Alumnus CHLS. EZ--Josephine (Frassinelli) of Quincy, August 11, beloved wife of the late Celestino Gomez. Mother of Celestino A. and Sandra E.
Donnellan, both of Weymouth, Atilanto J. of North Carolina and Louise M. McDermott of Braintree. Sister of Teresa Bernardoni of Virginia. Also survived by 21 grandchildren and 16 great grandchildren.
Reposing at the Jospeh Sweeney Funeral Home. 74 Elm QUINCY CENTER until 9 o'clock Wednesday morning. Funeral Mass in St. John's Church, Quincy at 10 o'clock. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend.
Visiting hours Tuesday, 2-4 and 7-9; p.m. Interment Blue Hill, Braintree. -Of Medford formerly of South Boston August 10, Emma C. (Marks). Beloved wife of the late Charles L.
Graham. Mother of Richard L. Graham of South Wey'mouth retired Boston Police Officer, Carole A. Doherty and Judith M. Gillen both of Medford.
Sister of Katherine Marks of New London, CT. Also survived by 5 grandchildren and 1 great-granddaughter. Funeral from the Gaffey Memorial Funeral Home, 43 High MEDFORD on Tues. August 13 at 10 a.m. followed by a Funeral Mass in St.
Joseph's Church at 11 o'clock. Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours Sun. 7-9 p.m., Mon. 2-4 and 7-9 p.m.
HARRIS-Entered into rest Aug. 11. Rose (Kaplan), of 330 Paradise Swampscott, beloved wife of the late Ralph, devoted mother of Joseph I. Harris of Laconia, N.H., David N. Harris of Peabody, loving sister of the late Theodore Kaplan and Harry Kaplan, dear grandmother of Brenda, Robyn.
Amy, Deborah and Jonathan Harris, and Diane Ward, and great grandmother of Scott and Andrew Ward. Services at the StanetskyHymanson Memorial Chapel, 10 Vinnin line, Tuesday, Aug. 13 at 11 a.m. Memorial observance will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
David Harris, 3 Buford Peabody through Sunday evening. In lieu of flowers expressions of sympathy in her memory may be donated to the North Shore Children's Hospital, 57 Highland Salem, or the Jewish Rehabilitation Center, 330 Paradise Swampscott. MARCHOCKI- Of Hull, formerly of Dorchester, August 10, Bronislaw P. (Barney) Marchocki, beloved husband of Catherine H. (Donnelly).
Brother of Ted, John, Helen and Mary Marchocki, all of Mattapan, Stanley of Acton and Mrs. Henry (Theresa) Malionek of Hyde Park. Funeral from the Alfred D. Thomas Funeral Home, 326 Granite MILTON Wednesday mroning at 9 Funeral Mass in St. Mary's Polish Church, 655 Dorchester South Boston at 10.
Visiting hours Tuesday. 2-4 and 7-9. Past commander of Cherry Valley VFW Post, Dorchester and late member of VFW Post, Hull Donations in Barney's memory may be made to the Heart Fund or Shelters 116 Norfolk Cambridge. Parking opposite funeral home and on premises in rear of funeral home off Wood St. MATARAZZO-In In Jamaica Plain August 9 Lena (Natoli).
Beloved wife of the late Thomas. Mother of Thomas of East Norristown, PA; Rosalie Smith of Milford; Eleanor Bissett of Tewksbury and I. Jenny Horan of Framingham. Sister of Robert Natoli of Australia. Also survived by 18 grandchildren and 16 great grandchildren.
Funeral from the William J. Gormley Funeral Home, 509 Centre JAMAICA PLAIN Tues. August 13 at 8 a.m. Funeral mass in the Blessed Sacrament Church at 9 o'clock. Visiting hours Mon.
2-4 7-9. Relatives and friends invited. Interment St. Michael's Cemetery. Late member St.
Bartholomew's Society. MATTA-Of Dedham, Aug. 10, Helen (Fulton), wife of the late William H. M. Matta, and mother of Alice Watson of Dedham, John of Bethel, and William Matta of Foxboro.
Also survived by 12 grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the Funeral Service at the Church of the Good Shepherd, 60 Cedar Dedham, Tuesday at 10 a.m. Interment in Brookdale Cemetery. In lieu of flowers donations in her memory may be sent to the Church of the Good Shepherd. Arrangements by Folsom Funeral Service, DEDHAM.
-Of Newton, August 10, Lucia (DiBona). Beloved wife of the late Loreto and devoted mother of Mrs. Gerard (Anna) Rufo, Alfred L. and Loreto A. Mazzola all of Newton, Joseph Mazzola of Waltham.
Loving sister of Antonia Rufo of Brighton. Also survived by 10 grandchildren and 1 great grandson Anthony. Funeral from the Andrew J. Magni Funeral Home, 365 Watertown St, Rte. 16, NEWTON, on Wednesday at 9:15 a.m.
Funeral Mass in Our Lady Help of Christians Church, Newton at 10 a.m. Relatives and friends are kindly invited. Visiting hours Mon. evening 7-9 and Tues. 2-4 7-9 McDONOUGH- -Of Weymouth, formerly of SHANAHAN -Died August 10 Rev.
William J. Shanahan OMI. Assoc. Pastor of the Gate of Heaven Church, So. Boston and a member of the Oblate Fathers Tewksbury.
Brother of Thomas A. Shanahan of Burlington and Mrs. John (Mary) Tilley of Green Harbor, MA. A Mass of the Resurrection will be offered Mon. evening at 7:30 p.m.
at the Gate of Heaven Church, So. Boston. Fr. Shanahan will lie in state Tues. imthe Oblate Novitiate Chapel, 486 Chandler St Tewksbury 2-4 7-9 p.m.
A concelebrated funeral mass will be offered Wed. morning at 10 a.m. at the Oblate Novitiate Chapel. Burial in the Oblate Fathers Cemetery. Former director of Our Lady's Hall, Milton.
SHOWSTEAD-Of Hyde Park and Quincy, Aug. 10, Sara Beth, beloved infant daughter of Craig and Ann (Anderson), sister. of Heather, granddaughter of Mary (Morrisroe) and the Tate Albert C. Anderson. Funeral Services from the Carroll- Thomas Funeral Home, 22 Oak HYDE PARK, Monday at 12 noon.
Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours Monday morning 10-12. -Of Quincy, unexpectedly Aug, 1985, Gladys E. (Breck), wife of the late Frank A. Sillers, mother of Marlene Marshall of Bangor, Patricia Parr of Biggs County, Cal.
and Frank E. Sillers of Milton, daughter of Harold Breck of Quincy and the late Grace (Webber) Breck, sister of Harold Breck of Malden and Dorothy Brydson of South Weymouth. She is also survived by 8 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren. Funeral Service at the Mortimer N. Peck Funeral Home, 516 Washington BRAINTREE on Wednesday at 11 a.m.
Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours Tuesday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. at the Peck Funeral Home in Braintree. Memorial donations may be sent to the Heart Fund, 375 Westgate Drive, Brockton, MA 02401. SKULSKI- South Boston, August 9, suddenly Stanley P.
Beloved husband of Helen B. (Cooney). Beloved father of Helen E. and Joseph T. Skulski, both of South Boston.
Brother of Mrs. Mary Hunnewell of Randolph, Mrs. Helen DeSalvatore of Bourne, Walter Skulski of N.H. and the late John and Joseph Skulski. Funeral from the O'Brien Funeral Home, 146 Dorchester SOUTH BOSTON, Tuesday at 9.
Funeral Mass at St. Augustine's Church at 10 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours Sunday 7-9. Monday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m.
Late retired employee of the US Postal Service and Veteran of WWII, US Navy. SLEVOSKI-In Chelsea, August 11, Ruth (Vaters). Beloved wife of the late Walter Sievoski and mother of Ruth Ann Carbone of Billerica, Barbara Dunn, Stephanie and Charles Slevoski of Chelsea. Sister of Ed-.