Tears fall to the ground, you just let them drown - jimin_jimochi - 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys (2024)

Kim Sunwoo reminisces about how he ended up here.

He was a four years old boy when he had first started to understand the world— and it all started crashing already.

One regular day, he woke up in his rickety bed by the big window covered in dusty frill curtains. His favourite yellow blanket was draped over him as usual. He switched off the small lamp that stood in the nightstand and rubbed his eyes. Still sleepy, his little feet escaped from underneath his blanket and went in his favourite grey fluffy slippers. It was the only slippers he owned.

His bedroom was very big. It had a bed by the window with a nightstand. A study table was placed adjacent to it. On the foot of the bed was the wardrobe with a big mirror. The floor was half covered in a dusty red carpet on which he played. He had a total of 5 plushies and 7 small toys (and unfortunately 0 dolls) and he was proud of his toy collection.

Carefully, he opened the door and looked at the small hallway. Nobody was there. So he quickly tiptoed his way to the only bathroom in the apartment.

The bathroom had a white basin with a mirror that Sunwoo was yet to reach. A shower and a toilet. The bathroom lights always flickered. Hot water came out of the taps at particular times of the day in winter— otherwise not.

He took out a small stool from under the basin and stood on it. He took the yellow toothbrush he disliked and brushed his teeth slowly. After completing his morning routine as quietly as possible, he went back to his room and dressed up in his school uniform that his eomma had washed last night. It was resting on the wooden headboard; still a little damp from the evening wash. Regardless, he put his ears to the door and heard the expected sounds of sizzling of dishes and clatter of pans and pots.

Brushing his hair, he took his blue Frozen (it was Elsa and Anna on the cover!) bag and skipped to the living room. The room was sparse, with a television and two grey couches by the apartment balcony. There were few bookshelves filled with books, photo frames and souvenirs. There was also a cute dancing doll on one shelf which Sunwoo hated to look at. It was a gift from his paternal uncle whom he felt uncomfortable around. But his parents never listened to him.

He entered a small kitchenette to the left which had counters and a dining table. His mother was cooking breakfast with an apron over her office wear; her black hair tied in a bun.

He walked to the table. It was filled with delicious dishes like milk and cereal, kimchi fried rice and some soup. Happy, Sunwoo somehow climbed the chair and sat down.

His mother, his lovely darling mother, continued cooking without glancing at him. Giggling, he took the glass of milk and finished it quickly.

His mother approached the table with an omelette in the pan and deposited it in a small lunch box.

“Morning, eomma!” he greeted dutifully.

“Good morning, Sunwoo.” she said in her steady and nonchalant voice.

She flitted around the kitchen until two lunch boxes were made. Meanwhile, Sunwoo ate up all the breakfast with a small spoon (he was yet to get a perfect grip on the chopsticks). He felt a bit lonely because his mother didn't eat breakfast with him like she did on Sundays. But he consoled himself by saying he was a big boy.

“Can I have more milk?”

“No.” she said, “The carton is empty. It's the end of the month. I will buy groceries again next week so you can have it then.”


His father entered the kitchenette right after Sunwoo was done with his breakfast. Sunwoo’s small smile vanished immediately. He made himself smaller, trying to draw himself in.

The room was instantly filled with a tense silence.

His father ate twice what Sunwoo and his mother combined had for a meal. Always. The huge man with a big belly sat down on a chair, yawning. He had a few hairs on top of his head which was otherwise bald. He was clad in a red bathrobe, the belt tied around his waist. The bright red ruby ring shone brightly on his right thumb.

His mother went to the living room, ignoring his entrance. His father didn't say anything, only sat down at the table, eyes on his phone. His face and body posture was the epitome of tiredness and nonchalance.

Sunwoo took his plates and managed to put them in the sink (thank the stool) quietly.

A voice came. “Where's the greetings, Sunwoo,” the voice drawled, “my darling darling child?”

Sunwoo froze.

Oh no.

He forgot to greet.

He was a bad boy. A spoiled little boy.

“S-sorry, appa. G-good m-m-mornin’, appa.”

“Hmmm. Still stuttering.” His father spoke slowly in a deep voice while stabbing the rice with his chopsticks. His beard always moved when he spoke. “When will you learn to speak properly? You are four, yet you speak like a f*cking retard.”

Sunwoo only stood there in front of his father, head down, fists clenched. Scared. Helpless. Wondering if he will hit Sunwoo. He knew he had been a bad boy but he didn't mean to. He didn't want to get hit by a belt or shoes or have his head bashed to the wall right in the morning. He didn't want to have things thrown at him either.

“Sorry. Sorry, appa!”

His father only hummed, more interested in the chicken breasts on his plate. “Just don't bother me.” he muttered before waving his hand casually.

That was his cue to scurry away.

Sunwoo often didn't understand half of the words his father said, their meaning too complex, the words too big. But he always nodded quietly.

He went to the entryway of the apartment with his bag and saw his mother putting on her heels. A black bag was clinging to her narrow shoulders. She had probably worn the paints that Sunwoo was interested in because her face was pale and her lips were painted red. He quickly followed to put on his velcro shoes.

His father didn't come to see him off at the door. The mother-son duo closed the door behind them and walked downstairs. The lift was out of service again.

But finally he was out. Sunwoo was relieved that he was away from the apartment.

They walked side by side on the busy streets of Seoul. Cars were honking past them, pedestrians were milling about everywhere.

His mother was quiet as usual. But that was just how she was. Sunwoo walked, swinging the hand that his mother held.

When they reached the school, his mother waved him goodbye. He entered the school grounds and grinned and waved at her. His heart was a bit sad when he saw his classmates getting pecked or patted goodbye as usual. But he didn't dare complain. He was a big boy and big boys didn't need kisses or hugs or pats.

His mother went away. He turned around and entered the school building. Students and teachers were running around everywhere. He went to his classroom and sat down at a round desk.

The room was big and airy, twice the size of Sunwoo’s home. It was full of round tables and many small chairs. Papers, pencils, blocks, and toys were kept on each table in a box. There was a podium at the side of the room where the teacher stood. The wallpaper was full of cartoon characters and beautiful drawings of children.

He sat with his first and only friend, Yang Jungwon. He was the same age as him and played with him. They both were quiet kids who liked to play among themselves with cars and dolls. They did not like how the other guys wrestled among themselves and ended up dirty at the end of the day.

“You like dolls?” Yang Jungwon had asked on the third day of kindergarten. “But girls play with dolls.”

Sunwoo had jutted his lips out. “I know! But the girls never let me play with them! So I play with dolls on my mat.”

Jungwon formed an ‘o’ face. “Hyung say boys don't play with dolls. Eomma say I can play with whatever I like.”

Sunwoo was delighted. “Eomma is always right!”

Jungwon smiled too. “Do you love your eomma a lot?”

Sunwoo pondered and hummed and quickly changed the topic.

His mother was a busy woman. She barely stayed at home; left early in the morning and came back late in the night. When he stayed up late at night just to catch a glimpse of his mother, he used to catch the stench of something terrible— sometimes it smelled like fruits, other times it was the stench of rotten eggs. He didn't understand why his mother would smell so yucky. When he asked why she was so busy, she said she had to work hard to get the food on his plate, otherwise he wouldn't get to eat.

Sad, he quickly ate up everything. He didn't like the green vegetables but he didn't want his mother's hard earned food to go to waste.

That day, Kim Junwoo showed off his new toy car collection his appa bought last night.

“My appa always buy me everything I want!” he beamed. “I have many cars and blocks and a cat! I always play with the cat! And then we stand on the deck and see the cars flying by on the road. The cars look so small!”

Jungwon and Sunwoo looked at each other, puzzled.

Kim Doyun asked, “Oh, why?”

Junwoo sighed. “Silly! I live on the 10th floor!”

“Is that high? Tall building?” somebody asked.


“I have Spiderman on my wall! And a peaco*ck and my cat! Drawn on the wall!” Park Sunhee said, giggling.

Junwoo rolled his eyes. “I have too.”

Jungwon whispered. “Everybody has something drawn on their room’s walls. Why do they fight over it?”

Sunwoo didn’t understand because the walls in his room were painted light blue and it was chipped already. He thought the children in the kindergarten were weird because they fought over lego pieces, building blocks? Why did they fight? Sunwoo had no building blocks but he was happy. He only wanted teddy bears.

When the teacher in class asked about where they wanted to go for Christmas, they fought over it too.

Junwoo said proudly, “My appa will take me to Disneyland! And we will see Elsa! Cinderella! Ariel!”

“Well, I will go to my grandparents’ beach house in Hawaii and swim all the time on the beach!” Kang Sunhee beamed.

A few others awed.

“I will go to the Lotte Mall and skate with my unnie!” somebody said.

“Me too! Me too! With oppa!”

Jungwon added, “I will go to Busan to see the beach!”

“I will go to Jeju to see the beach!”

Sunwoo only listened because he had no plans. He never saw his grandparents because they passed away before he was born. He never went anywhere either. He wanted to go swimming on the beach, ice skate in the rink or whatever it was, see Jeju, see Disneyland and everything! But his eomma was too busy to even take him to the neighbourhood park.

Sunwoo felt sad but it was okay.

When the kindergarten was over, he walked back home.

He lived in a small rented apartment on the second floor of an old, ten storey building. Compared to the neighboring building, this one looked plain, shabby and old. He entered through the gates, crossed a barren yard, opened the door of the building with some difficulty due to his low height and pushed through. He went upstairs to his apartment and opened the door.

He took off his shoes at the entryway. When he heard the loud roaring voices from the television, he gulped. His father was definitely home but Sunwoo pretended not to see him.

He crossed the living room from behind the sofa quietly. His father was sitting on the couch, looking at the television in a daze. The coffee table was full of bottles which smelled strange to his little nose. He knew a young woman would enter their apartment soon and disappear in eomma and appa’s bedroom for the next few hours. With appa.

So, he stayed inside his room. Until the voices from the television stopped. Until the door of the bedroom opened and closed. Until the giggles of the strange woman could no longer be heard.

In the next few hours, he showered and ate some light snacks that were kept in the fridge, quickly. Then he went back to his room and stayed inside until somebody came to fetch him out— usually, it was his mother.

Dinner was a quiet affair. Only the sounds of plates and glasses and chopsticks were heard. Sunwoo tried his best to not make a fuss and eat quietly.

Last time he made a fuss, his father had slapped him with the back of his big palm and then thrown him over his lap before slapping his cheeks and spanking his rear. The ruby ring had made sure that his skin was cut and it bled. His mother had only watched him from the kitchen and never uttered a word. He was so scared that he did not dare speak ever again at dinner. He was terrified of his appa. His injury didn't let him sit properly for many days.

After dinner, he quickly ran back to his room and closed the door. He washed up on his own under the cold water of the shower.

He finished his bed time routine in a hurry and switched off the lights and tucked himself on his rickety bed. The blanket was worn but it was his favourite.

Then came the sounds. The sounds of his parents shouting and fighting. Glass shattered. Loud words. Bad words. He closed his eyes and put his hands over his ears. Few tears escaped his small eyes. His little hands trembled.

He once saw his father hitting his mother by the long black whip-like thing that he used to wear— what was that thing again? Oh, belt. Probably a belt. It must hurt alot because his mother was positively howling. He couldn't bear it. But he couldn't intervene either. He was so scared.

That was his daily routine.

The next day he would wake up, have a quiet breakfast and then go to his kindergarten. His father never dropped him to his kindergarten. He never saw Sunwoo off even from the threshold of his apartment. And his mother remained passive to it all.

Sunwoo still tried to remain happy and positive.

I don't want legos and dolls. Don't want cakes and candies! Only want my parents to not shout and hit each other every night! Scary!

One day, it all really changed.

He remembers his uncle came to their apartment one day. It was his father's brother. The one who gave him the dancing doll.

His parents liked the uncle a lot but he didn't. His uncle often stared at him which made him uncomfortable. He gifted Sunwoo dresses and other girly accessories. Sunwoo was impressed but he also felt uncomfortable. His mother used to playfully rebuke his uncle and remind him that Sunwoo was a boy. But his uncle didn't pay any attention to it.

He also remembers his uncle asking his parents' permission to take him away to his home for some days as a vacation. His uncle promised him lots of candies and sweets, toys and friends. He was excited— only because of the candies and friends. Otherwise, he was actually reluctant.

In the end, he did go with his uncle. And that was the last time he saw that terrible, terrible man.

Sunwoo ended up in an old, shabby, ruined warehouse where countless other children were sitting, scared and helpless. Later, he came to know it was a child trafficking ring— a place where children were sold, in short. Dressed in thin worn shirts, they were all chained at their ankles. Some of them were lying, unmoving. The place stank of vomit, blood and other fluids. It scared Sunwoo a lot.

When his uncle forced him into that warehouse, he was a young, naive, innocent kid. Sweet and kind. Ignorant. Too trusting. When he came out, he wasn't any of those anymore. He had seen too many gruesome scenes with the other captives, seen how the masked men came only once a day to give the children some stale food, seen how they didn't care for the children at all. Some older children, who tried to resist, were beaten up to death. The lucky ones were kissed on the mouth by the terrible men. But other children were touched in places that Sunwoo dared not rethink— all the other children had started crying at that.

Overall, it was horrible and disgusting. Vile.

He doesn't know for how many months he was held captive. But what he did know was: he was relieved over one thing. Sunwoo was never touched between his legs. (But some of the others were, which made him sick.)

He didn't know when or how or who. But one day, people came and rescued them. He didn't know who they were but they just rescued the group of children easily.

There was chaos; the sound of bullets firing ringing in his ears. Glass shattered, loud voices, more shots fired. Blood was everywhere. Everyone was rushing and trampling others. Sunwoo was scared but he still ran. He ran and ran without stumbling or looking back. He tripped over his own feet a few times but he continued running blindly. At least, he tried to.

Suddenly, Sunwoo crashed into a huge body lying on the ground in the middle of the warehouse. He was scared to see a lifeless corpse. He was so scared. A horrible smell was coming from the corpse. He was frozen.

Then, a man came. He was very tall and wearing black clothes with a mask over the lower half of his face. His black hair was messy.

He came and helped Sunwoo to stand up properly.

“What’s your name?” the man asked, kneeling down to the child's height. He had a sweet melodic voice.

Sunwoo was silently shaking.

“Your name?” the man repeated, firmly, over the sound of firing of bullets.

“K-Kim Sun-Sunwoo.”

“Well, Sunwoo,” he said, casually, “Are you scared?”

Sunwoo nodded, teary-eyed.

“Don't be.” The man patted his head, making him flinch and try to draw himself inwards. “You are such a brave young man.” The unknown man pointed to a huge broken door which was half open. People kept rushing in and out of the door. “The exit is that way.”

Still nervous, he ran away towards the broken door, not really knowing where he was running to.

Suddenly, there was a sound of another gunshot. Alarmed, he knelt down. In the next moment, he felt a huge body covering him and pushing him away. Then more sounds of gunshot were heard in the warehouse.

With blurry vision, he saw the same unknown man from before sitting up near him. He looked like he was in horrendous pain.

Sunwoo stumbled to him. His little lips were trembling. “A-Ahju— Ahjussi! You o-okay?”

The man had just saved Sunwoo!

The stranger groaned. “Am good— good.” He started waving his arms, frantically. “Run, Sunwoo. Run. Go. Go away.”

The kid didn't. He stayed with the man, crying and shouting for help, amidst the chaos and blood of masked men.

Blood was gushing out of the man’s arm, staining Sunwoo’s little palms and the man’s black clothes. But the kid was unmoved. He wanted to save this man which started to look impossible.

Sunwoo ended up clinging to the man as other strange men picked the latter up and took him in a huge black van. There was a gentle doctor and a nurse in it. They put the kind stranger in the small makeshift bed in the van and closed the door, shutting out the sound of gun fire and screams.

The black mask was put off that man’s face. The doctor treated the man while the nurse asked Sunwoo a few questions before treating him as well.

Then the doctor, nurse and little Sunwoo waited in silence.

Sunwoo realised the man was quite tall. He was slender and lean but the biceps were prominent under his shirt. Black hair falling on his forehead, small eyes, button nose, a pair of thick pink lips with soft cheeks and a chiseled jaw. Small silver hoops in his ears. Three silver rings on his left hand.

Soon, the man woke up.

The medical staff fussed over him for a few moments before leaving him alone. The kind man asked Sunwoo a few questions. His voice was hoarse and deep like his appa’s, but Sunwoo felt safer with this man.

They were interrupted by the abrupt opening of the van door and entrance of a new man. He was tall, even more so than Kind Man. He was also extremely bulky, clad in an all-black attire, with a dangerous scowl on his pierced brows.

Sunwoo was petrified because this man looked like the masked men who came to pick on the kids while delivering the meals daily. He remained there on the seat like a statue.

The stranger #2 climbed up the van and closed the door, panting and panicking. He kept saying, “Jimin! Jiminie!” as if it was a prayer. He sat down beside Kind Man in the van and lowered the mask, covering the lower half of his face. It revealed a contradiction— the man looked quite young.

Sunwoo understood, Kind Man must be named Jimin.

“Thank f*ck, you’re okay.” The stranger said while hugging Kind— hugging Jimin.

This new stranger was intimidating. Big eyes, black long hair that covered his forehead, a big nose, a pair of thin lips, countless ear piercings, a lip piercing, an eyebrow piercing, big black clothes, big black stomper boots. Dark tattoos across his knuckles that were peaking from his sleeves. Silver rings on his fingers.

Jimin laughed and hugged him back, almost climbing on his lap. Sunwoo thought Jimin’s laughter was melodic.

“Silly Gukkie. I am good. Nothing I can't handle.”

The man— Gukkie suddenly looked angry at Jimin. The former drew back from the hug. The next moment, the man did something that confused Sunwoo.

Gukkie kissed Jimin.

The unknown lady and Sunwoo’s father used to kiss a lot. Sunwoo used to feel disgusted. But when he saw Gukkie kiss Jimin, he didn't feel anything.

Gukkie held Jimin in his arms and kissed him on the lips to which the latter yelped before giggling. Sunwoo was confused. Why was Jimin giggling?

Sunwoo didn't know he had said that out loud.

Gukkie stopped kissing and turned his head to look at him as if he was seeing Sunwoo for the first time since entering the van.

Sunwoo’s head and shoulders drooped. His little form trembled. His vision became slightly blurry. His fists clenched around the hem of the white flowy rags that had stayed on his body throughout the whole ordeal.

The van was quiet. Jimin only looked at Sunwoo with soft eyes; didn't interrupt or restrain Gukkie.

“You are?” Gukkie asked, intimidatingly.

The rest, as they say, was history.

Kim Sunwoo wakes up from his dream. He opens his eyes blearily to see a man hovering near him.

“Wake up, Woo.”

Hands brush his hair back. Sunwoo hums before rubbing his eyes with a mumble.

“Good morning, sunshine.”

The angelic face of a bare faced Jimin greets him. The man hovers about him as Sunwoo sits up in the plush bed which is shaped like a giant teddy bear. The bed is huge and the mattress is soft. Numerous plush toys lay on the bed with him. Expensive lamps— shaped like cats, a table calendar, a sticker book, a clock shaped like a unicorn and scented candles sit on the double nightstands. The sunlight shines through the huge ceiling to floor glass windows beside the bed, the soft pink curtains withdrawn. Therefore, sunlight is pouring in through the windows.

Sunwoo says, eyes droopy from sleep. “Good morning, papa.”

Jimin cheers. “Let's get you ready for breakfast.” Saying this, he picks Sunwoo up and the latter wraps his little arms around Jimin’s neck, nuzzling his little round face in it. The fragrance of fresh tangerines of Jimin’s cologne makes Sunwoo sleepier. Jimin then walks across the room to the ensuite bathroom.

The bedroom is huge in itself. The bed space is separated by stylish glass dividers from the study and play area. The study corner is huge with wall mounted bookshelves, table and chair with interior lights.

Opposite to that is the carpeted play area. There are couches with shelves lining the wall under the huge bay windows. The shelves contain all the toys he had. Even the couches are filled with toys and teddy bears. Jellyfishes, seahorses and peaco*cks are beautifully drawn on the wallpaper. A part of the wall even has an animated scene from Rapunzel painted. Many chandeliers hung from the ceiling.

Then comes the door to the ensuite bathroom which has a big white basin with counters and shelves.

Jimin puts him down so Sunwoo could wear his slippers.

“Do you need help, baby?”

Sunwoo shakes his head, sleepily. “I am a big boy now.”

The man’s bubbly laughter in reply makes Sunwoo happy. “Okay, Woo. Call me or Gukkie if you need help. ‘Cause sometimes big boys need help too.”

The little one nods. He enters the bathroom and sits on the stool in front of the basin. Taking out a pink toothbrush, he starts his morning routine.

The bathroom has a walk-in shower and a separate area for the freestanding bathtub with a big overhead shower. Sunwoo still gets enchanted by the heated floors and heated towel shelves every time he enters the bathroom.

Then he goes to the walk-in wardrobe which is another luxury. There are couches and mirrors and many things that Sunwoo doesn't need but he feels amazed at the sheer size and luxury of it all. He puts off his favourite yellow Spiderman pajamas to change into a shirt and comfy pants before slipping back in his quiet room.

His feet go in his soft fluffy slippers. He walks out of the room, crosses the long silent hallway and then walks down the big fancy spiral staircase. It leads to a big living room with luxury sofas and coffee tables. The ceiling to floor glass casts a vibrant look to the whole room. The succulents on the deck look evergreen under the bright rays of the sun.

He turns left and enters a huge hall. Sounds enter his ears; of the spatula hitting the sizzling pan, of the clinking of cups, of some liquid being poured into cups, of the laughter and giggles of two adult men. The same sight greets him every morning.

The hall is a big family room with couches and tables. There is even an aesthetic fireplace below the wall mounted television. The whole floor is carpeted. Behind the sofas is the open kitchen, a pantry and the dining space. The whole place is decorated beautifully, suiting the owner's aesthetic. There is an outdoor dining space too, right beside the dining table which still fascinates Sunwoo.

Two men are wearing aprons over their shirts and cooking something on the electric hob. A delicious aroma has filled up the entire room; Sunwoo finds himself positively hungry. He could see the full plates and some pots of dishes on the table.

He walks quietly towards the kitchen counter, his head barely reaching them.

The very next moment, he feels shy and embarassed. That is because the two men are found kissing each other on the lips, in between their giggles. A tattooed hand across the smaller man’s waist, a slender arm around the neck of the taller man and then they kiss each other and then laugh.

“Jeongguk-ssi, you do realise that we aren't alone now, right? We have a kid in the house.” Jimin says, playfully.

But Sunwoo feels his heart sinking for a moment. Did they notice him?

Wait, why does it even matter if they do notice him?

“So?” Jeongguk says.

Thankfully, they are yet to notice Sunwoo.

Jimin looks at Jeongguk in the same way he looks at Sunwoo when he is about to issue a warning. “No kitchen trysts. At least, unless Sunwoo is out with his friends or ours.”

Jeongguk tightens his arms around the slender waist. Then he pecks Jimin’s lips again and again. Jimin only giggles in response. “Jeongguk! I am being serious!”

Jeongguk places his face in Jimin’s face and nuzzles him. This action reminds Sunwoo of a doberman puppy that he once watched in a video.

“I know, Jiminie. But how can I live without—”

“Sunwoo!” Jimin exclaims suddenly, making both Jeongguk and Sunwoo stand straighter in fright.

Jeongguk turns around immediately, arms leaving Jimin’s waist.

Sunwoo comes forward from behind the kitchen island. He shuffles awkwardly on his feet before saying, “Um, what's a tryst?”

The two men exchange a glance before Jimin comes forward to pick him up on his hips. “You were eavesdropping on us?”

Sunwoo panics for a second before realising Jimin always teases him. And he's doing it right now. “No! No! I am not! I— I just came here.”

Jimin only grins and walks to the dining table. “Cutie. Sit down.” He drops little Sunwoo on the chair and proceeds to help Jeongguk in the kitchen. “We’ll bring the breakfast.”

They will have breakfast together as usual, with everyone getting their desired amount of food in their bellies.

They bring 2 cups of coffee and a cup of milk which ends up in Sunwoo’s hands. Jimin makes another trip to the pantry to bring some sugar cubes that he forgot to add.

Jeongguk sits down beside him at the table which makes him tense momentarily but neither of them comment. Looks like Sunwoo is yet to wake up properly, the kid thinks sadly.

The man hisses to Sunwoo, “Do you want some apple pies or not?”

Sunwoo peers up at him. “But papa said no to sweets.”

Jeongguk just winks at him with a mischievous grin. “Do you want it or not?”

Sunwoo nods, reluctantly. “I do.”

At that moment, Jimin returns to the dining space with a packet of sugar cubes. He drops some of the cubes in his cup of coffee and then stirs it with a spoon.

Jeongguk clears his throat. Jimin looks up at him quizzically. Sunwoo concentrates on finishing his glass of milk.

“Jiminie hyung,” Jeongguk says, innocently, “Tomorrow is Sunwoo’s 6th birthday!”

Jimin quirked an eyebrow. “I know that….?”

Jeongguk clicks his tongue as he stirs his coffee too. “Yes. But don't you think he deserves treats? Like apple pies?”

Jimin squints at him suspiciously.

Both Sunwoo and Jeongguk start eating their breakfast innocently with the latter even trying to feed the kid because Sunwoo is yet to master chopsticks. Jimin stares at both of them but in the end, he nods.

“But be careful. Remember what the doctor said? His stomach is still weak. He can't take many carbs at once. And the lesser the junk food, the better.”

Jeongguk nods with a serious look on his face.

The atmosphere lightens up when Sunwoo looks up at the adult men and grins, “Apple pies?”

Both the men grin back at him. “Apple pies.”

Sunwoo notices his empty glass of milk. He says, shyly, “Uh, can I have another glass of milk?”

Jeongguk pours him another glass from the carton.

Sunwoo only looks at him, shyly.

Breakfast is a lovely affair— lively and humorous ambience. Clinking of the chopsticks against the designed ceramic plates and bowls. Aroma of the numerous dishes on the table. Sunlight pouring in through the glass door that leads to an attached deck. Laughter and pecks between the adults and always including Sunwoo in one of their humourous banters.

It is unlike his life from before.

After having breakfast, Sunwoo packs his school bag and wears his school uniform with Jimin's help. (A particular drawer in the wardrobe has been allotted for the many sets of uniforms making it easier for Sunwoo to find them, clean and ironed.) He's no longer in kindergarten— he's in the first grade of elementary school. His papa would drop him off at school on the way to his workplace.

When Sunwoo tries to lace his shoes in the small foyer of the penthouse, he fails yet again. He has been trying this for a year now but seems like he couldn't do it. Jimin is already waiting outside the door for him!

Then, Jeongguk comes there to see him off. He kneels quietly and ties up the shoelaces while once again showing him how to do it.

“It's okay. You will learn it one day.” Jeongguk reassures him, beaming.

Sunwoo nods, still shy.

Jeongguk pats his head and then pecks his forehead before waving ‘bye’. Sunwoo smiles again.

“Bye, Gukkie.”

“Bye, Sunwoo-ah.”

Sunwoo walks out of the door and into the hallway and meets Jimin who scowls at the screen of his phone.


Jimin looks up (down) at little Sunwoo with a smile. “Let’s go, Woo-ah.”

Jimin pockets his phone and holds Sunwoo's little hands in his big ones. They ride the elevator several floors down until they reach the underground parking lot. Jimin sits behind the wheel of a white Mercedes while Sunwoo stays in the backseat. Soon they are out on the road and driving through the never ending snarls of the city.

Sunwoo is not sure of the exact nature of business that Jimin and Jeongguk do. Whenever anybody asks, he replies that his parents are businessmen. That is the standard reply.

But he has more or less an idea of their real business— they are definitely affiliated with some mafia lord, if they are not that themselves. Sunwoo is not an innocent child anymore, he is not ignorant of the glaringly obvious facts.

The luxury penthouse he resides in has a separate room which he is prohibited to enter unless it's an emergency. He has also seen the things— weapons hidden inside that room. There are many secret rooms and corners of the penthouse which is only known to a few of them. Some suspicious men live on the 2 floors right below the penthouse and often do any work his parents assign them— groceries, laundry, shopping and sometimes even picking Sunwoo up from school. The whole building has a high security system, both CCTVs and guards in general.

He knows that the first drawer of the nightstand of the master bedroom has a secret compartment where handguns are hidden. The other locations are the shelves under the basin of the master bath, the last drawer of the nightstand in his bedroom, in the towel shelves of his bathroom, in one of the bookshelves in the living room and his study, under the kitchen counters and the console tables of the living room and foyer. There was one in the walk-in shoe wardrobe in the foyer as well.

He is not ignorant anymore.

He knows mafia lords are bad, he was captured by a sad*stic mafia lord, after all. But these men never harm him, never make him feel unsafe, never make him feel what his appa made him feel. They take care of him, love him, adore him, always include him and never hit him. Therefore, he goes along with what they say; he stays with them and enjoys their time immensely. He even thinks of them as his close ones, the ones he wants to live with forever.

When they reach his school, Jimin parks the car in the parking lot before helping him out. At the school gates, Jimin kneels and pecks his forehead.

“Work hard, okay? Give your best to everything that you do.”

“Okay.” Sunwoo nods.

The morning breeze blows. Jimin's black hair billows in the wind slightly before falling perfectly on his forehead. Sunwoo thinks Jimin is really pretty and nice.

“You don't mind if Jeongguk comes to pick you up, right?”

Sunwoo shakes his head.

“Good. Then he will be coming, okay?” Jimin smiles at him gently. “We’ll get some really good gifts for you tomorrow. We will be celebrating, okay?”

Sunwoo nods. “Okay.”

Jimin hugs him, pecks his cheeks and then parts away from him. “Don't hesitate to tell the teacher if you need something or feel sick. If they call me, I will come to pick you up.”

Sunwoo peers up at him and says a little cheekily, “I know. Papa say this everyday.”

Jimin only laughs and waves as Sunwoo enters the school playground with other kids.

“Love you, Sunwoo.” Jimin screams as he waves his hand madly from a distance.

A shy smile appears on his little face. “Love you too, papa!” he shouts back before skipping his way to the school building.

The school and the friends are the same as his previous life. And he has been wondering if he is fortunate or not for a long time.

He enters the school building. Students and teachers are running around everywhere. He goes to his classroom and sits down at a small desk.

The room is big and airy, but half the size of Sunwoo’s room. It is full of desks and small chairs. There is a podium at the side of the room for the teacher. The wallpaper is yellow; full of cartoon characters and beautiful drawings by the class. Sunwoo thinks of the beautiful wallpapers in his room.

He takes a seat at his little desk. The desk beside him is occupied by Yang Jungwon as usual.

“Good morning, Sunwoo-ah!” he greets.

“Morning, Jungwon-ah.” Sunwoo takes out his English book.

“Oh, have you finished reading the Korean book already? Woah!” Jungwon exclaims when he sees the English book.

Sunwoo nods and smiles.

When he first returned to this school, the bruises on his face and arms were only halfway healed. Jungwon was the only one who approached him and talked with him as if Sunwoo didn't disappear for a year without a trace. Yes, Jungwon did ask questions— after all, everything about his survival, endurance and abrupt adoption was questionable.

(Sunwoo was a part of a regular family with financial struggles. Then he suddenly disappeared one day. After a year, he comes back with the obvious signs of malnutrition, rehab and wealth. All of it is like some Cinderella show.)

Regardless, Jungwon was quick to ignore all of that if he could have his friend back. That's why Sunwoo loves him alot. He is still hesitant and never answers Jungwon properly about those incidents but the latter just shrugs it off.

That day, Kim Junwoo shows off his new toy collection his appa bought last night. Again.

“My appa always buy me everything I want!” he smirks, contentedly. “I have many cars and other things in my collection! They are all recently released.”

Some students gawk at the collection box kept on the desk.

Sunwoo steals a glance before shrugging. He still doesn't understand why they are impressed with Junwoo’s car and bike collection and makes fun of his doll and plushies collection. The alleged ‘recently released’ toy cars of Junwoo were offered to Sunwoo months ago but he refused.

(Jimin, Jeongguk and little Sunwoo had gone to some man’s luxury residence for business a few months ago. The man had introduced himself as a man who makes toy cars everyday! That was his passion apparently! He also had a son named Doyoung, a very bubbly and sweet guy Sunwoo's age. They had played all day, running around the backyard, shrieks of laughter in the air. After dinner, the Car Man offered Sunwoo a catalogue of toy cars with some labeled ‘yet to be released’— Sunwoo was allowed to take any toy cars he wanted from the catalogue! He was delighted but he refused and hid his face in Jimin's neck, shy. He didn't want all this, he only wanted to be Doyoung’s friend! Regardless, it was one of the most memorable days of Sunwoo's life!)

“—and then we stand on the deck and see the cars flying by on the road under the moonlight. The view is awesome from the 11th floor!” Junwoo brags, happily.

Sunwoo agrees in his head though he thinks he saw his Gukkie press ‘20’ everytime they rode the lift. But the skyline is always very beautiful from anywhere at anytime!

Everybody around Junwoo's desk awes.

But the topic then changes.

“I have Spiderman on my wall! Drawn on the wall!” Park Sunhee says with a mischievous grin.

Junwoo rolls his eyes. “I have too.”

Doyun interrupts. “Okay, guys. Don't fight! We all have good 3D wallpapers at home. That's it.”

Sunwoo agrees again. His room has a beautiful wallpaper— so many creatures painted on it.

The teacher enters the class, sending the students scrambling.

Sunwoo also sees how he keeps attracting others since he came back. But he could also see how most of them actually saw him as his papa's credit card. They only come to him to ask if he can host sleepovers whenever he wants (he denies). They ask him if he has lots of toys (he nods). They ask him if they can borrow the toys (he refuses after one of them never gave his little pink teddy bear back). They fight with him after he refuses or denies anything and doesn't play with him.

When his parents came to know about it, they were so furious that Sunwoo was scared for his classmates. Upon the little boy's insistence, they did not interfere. But they recommended Heeseung, his adopted cousin, as his protector. The boy is in the fourth grade of elementary in the same school. He is the best student of his class, always stands first and an exemplary student. He takes Chinese and English lessons along with Korean. He is also extremely disciplined since he learns mixed martial arts.

(He was adopted by Sunwoo’s new uncles, Min Yoongi and Kim Taehyung a few years before Sunwoo was adopted.)

Sunwoo meets Heeseung with Jungwon at lunch everyday and the trio are good friends. Nowadays, few people bother Sunwoo now that they know Heeseung and him are cousins (Heeseung is one of the best martial arts students of the school, after all).

The last class is usually games. It is actually a free class; the teacher only stays there to supervise. Sunwoo likes it very much because he gets to play volleyball with Jungwon. Most of the other boys play soccer or cricket instead so they get the volleyball ground all to themselves.

Jungwon pants as he sits down on the ground. “That's enough for today. No more!”

Sunwoo pants too. He's very happy now. “Okay!”

The teacher reminds the class. “The bell will ring soon.”

The class pays no attention, busy screaming their lungs out while playing tag or just running.

Sunwoo and Jungwon sit side by side, gasping for breath but beaming.

“Sunwoo?” Jungwon asks.

Sunwoo hums.

“Are you happy with your new mama and papa?”

Sunwoo laughs. “Silly Won! I don't have eomma now. I have papa and Gukkie.”

Jungwon peers at him. “Yes but Gukkie is your eomma.”

Sunwoo giggles. “No. Gukkie is a man too.”

Jungwon blinks at him in wonder. “Woah. You have two fathers! Lucky!”

Sunwoo grins.

Jungwon asks again, “But are you happy with them?”


“You don't miss your old eomma and appa?”

Sunwoo pouts sadly. “Sometimes. But I don't like them. They always fight and fight, all day and night.” He continues, “When I say anything, they don't listen. I— I feel scared to say anything. They— they always told me to stay quiet, be in my room. I want to have toys like you, Jungwon, but they threw away my toys. Appa kept scolding me— for what I don't know. Appa hit me everyday. Eomma does not help too. I felt sad.”

Jungwon frowns at him. He pats Sunwoo's shoulder and his lips curve down sadly.

“I thought that it's okay, it's okay. But after I come to my new home, I understand that papa and Gukkie love me alot. They always tell me they love me. They give me lots of ice cream and toys even if today is not my birthday. Papa scolds me if I do something wrong— but he also kisses my ouchies and reads me bedtime stories. He hugs me when I cry and never hit me. I remember that my eomma and appa— they never do this to me.”

Jungwon says, “Your papa sounds like my appa.”

Sunwoo smiles, “Oh?”

Jungwon nods. “And what about your Gukkie? Why do you call him Gukkie? He looks so scary!”

Sunwoo frowns. “He's not scary.” Though, admittedly, he does feel scared— he used to.

“He is!”


Jungwon shudders as he replies, “My eomma says people with tattoos are scary because they are bad! And your Gukkie has a lot of tattoos on his arms!”

“Yeah,” Sunwoo agrees with a frown, “But Gukkie is the best! He is really nice to me and never hit me. He has tattoos because he love it. He has papa’s name on his hands and his name too. And swans and tiger lilies.”

Jungwon looks at him in wonder. “Swans? Wow!”

Sunwoo nods frantically.

“But why don't you call Gukkie— hyung? Is he too old? Is he an ahjussi?” Saying this, Jungwon giggles.

Sunwoo squirms. “I am not sure what to call him. But Gukkie says Gukkie likes me calling him like this.”

Jungwon looks at him questioningly. “Why don't you call him appa? He is not your appa?”

“He is!” Sunwoo pouts, perplexed. “But he is not like appa.”


“When I first met Jiminie and started living with him, he said to call him ‘papa’. I liked it.” He explains. “But I was scared of Gukkie and stay away from him. But then he is nice to me so we are friends now! But I can't call him ‘appa’.”

“I don't understand.”

“He don't behave like my old appa.” Sunwoo tries to explain again. “Appa was mean to me, bullied me and slapped and spanked me if he's angry. He hit eomma. He hit me. Always. He said bad words everyday! He does not buy me things I want, he does not hug me. He said no to bedtime stories. And I was scared to be around him. Want to stay away from him forever.”

“But,” Jungwon interrupts, “Appa is not like that.”


“My appa was a bad man.” Jungwon says sadly. “So, many days ago, my eomma fought with him and married my new appa instead! That's what eomma told me. My new appa is happy with me.” He grins at Sunwoo’s amazed expression. “He plays with me, buys me all the toys! He kisses and hugs me everyday! And he give me gifts! Sometimes, he scolds me! But he helps me understand numbers and Korean writing! He cooks all my favourite dishes and tells me I am the best boy and he's very happy to see me everyday. He gets angry sometimes but he says sorry too.” Jungwon explains, excitedly. “I once drool on his favourite shirt and I was sad. I thought he is upset so I gave him all my toys. He said he's not sad at all and gave back all the toys!”

Sunwoo blinks.

“This is how appa is!” Jungwon says proudly. “Your appa should be like this too. If Gukkie does this, then Gukkie is your appa.”

“Gukkie is my appa?”

The bell rings and the teacher comes to collect the kids and drops them off at the gates.

As expected, Jeongguk comes to pick him up in his business attire. A black shirt under his open business coat, a black belt looped in black dress pants and black boots. Silver hoops on his ear and his black curly hair falling gently on his temple. The black tattoos on his knuckles are shown to the world. He stands apart from everybody with a somber face. Other parents remain wary of him as usual.

“Gukkie.” Sunwoo says as he runs towards the man happily.

Jeongguk's eyes fall on him. Sunwoo feels as if his gaze is fond.

He’s very happy to see me, Jungwon had told him.

“My sweetheart is here.” Jeongguk says as he picks little Sunwoo up on his hips. Sunwoo does not squirm so Jeongguk only looks at him with a grin. “Let’s go.”

They get inside the car. The chauffeur starts the car and soon they are on the roads.

“How was school?” Jeongguk asks him, softly.

“Nice.” Sunwoo says as his eyes remain fixed on the passing scenery. “But they ask me something I don't know. Can I ask you?” Sunwoo smiles to himself, maybe he can trick Gukkie!

Jeongguk hums.

“What is a tryst?”

Jeongguk suddenly coughs, making Sunwoo concerned. Did Jeongguk understand that he was being tricked by Sunwoo?

“I am okay, I am okay.” Jeongguk says in between his coughs. “Okay.” He takes a deep breath before saying, “You know Gukkie and appa love each other a lot, right?”

Sunwoo nods seriously.

Jeongguk says solemnly. “A tryst is a meeting between two people like me and appa. Or Yoongi-ssi and Taehyung-ssi.”

“Oh.” Sunwoo nods in understanding. “Can I have a tryst with Jungwon then?”

Jeongguk coughs again, making Sunwoo concerned. “Are you okay?”

“Fine. Am fine.” Jeongguk says before clearing his throat. “No, baby. You can only have a tryst when you grow up tall and strong and eat all the veggies without complaints. Otherwise, no.”

Sunwoo makes a face. Then he tries something he knows will work. “Please?” He makes his eyes, wide and teary, while jutting his lower lips out, trembling. He has seen how this always works with them.

(When Jimin needed something, he put on this face and Jeongguk agreed and vice versa.)

“No.” Jeongguk says while shaking his head and looking outside resolutely.

Sunwoo nods glumly.

“But,” Jeongguk continues with a beam, “On the brighter side, we are going to the mall to buy something and then have a fabulous lunch.”

Sunwoo’s eyes brighten. “Apple pies?”

“Yup! That too if it's available.”

Sunwoo grins and looks outside the window.

Soon they reach Times Square in Seoul. The car gets taken by the valet in the underground parking lot while the duo take the elevator up. Jeongguk hands him a black mask before wearing one himself. It covers his nose and lower part of the face.

They walk side by side until they reach the third floor where a clothing retail shop stands. Sunwoo's eyes shine brightly when he sees the person standing in front of the shop: his papa.

Park Jimin looks as stylish as ever, dressed in a white shirt and black fit pants with a Rolex watch around his left wrist. Two silver hoops dangle from his ear lobes while his black hair is swept parted in the middle. His black boots are high heeled as usual.

“Papa!” Sunwoo screams happily when they reach him.

Jimin smiles. “Had fun at school, Sunwoo-ah?”


Jimin takes his hands and they walk into the shop.

“Did you understand addition, Woo? Was maths fun?”

Sunwoo makes a face. “No. Maths is hard.”

Jeongguk nods at him sympathetically. Jimin pats his head.

The shop is filled with expensive garments for kids, ranging from casual attire to banquet suits. They buy some new attire for Sunwoo for the private birthday party tomorrow before going to a toy store.

Sunwoo is initially busy seeing the wonders of this store so he leaves his parents to walk by himself. After a while when he returns to them, he sees they are discussing something.

“No, no. We need to gift him a doll house.” Jeongguk hisses at Jimin while he points at a big doll house with dolls and many other things.

Sunwoo's heart leaps because how did he know I want a dollhouse?

Jimin frowns and gestures to a 5 feet teddy bear sitting on a shelf. “But he said he wants a white teddy bear soon.”

“But he has so many of those.” Jeongguk complains.

“But he likes it.” Jimin argues back.

They pause, glaring at each other.

For a second, Sunwoo's heart drops in fear. Will they fight over me? Will they fight and part away? All because of me?

“Okay,” Jeongguk decides, “we can just get him the dollhouse for tomorrow. We can buy him the white teddy bear for Christmas or New Year's.”

Jimin pouts at his words. Jeongguk only kisses him on the lips, ignoring the other customers.

Jimin becomes amenable quickly. “Okay.”

Sunwoo feels awed at the abrupt positive change in the ambience.

Jimin grins. “Okay. I will go and order this.” He walks away to the counter, humming lightly.

He buys me all the toys. And he give me gifts. Jungwon’s voice rings in his head but he ignores it.

Sunwoo approaches Jeongguk who suddenly notices the former. “Ah, Sunwoo-ah. You checked everything out? Do you want to buy something?”

Sunwoo only shakes his head. “I have everything at home.”

Jeongguk smiles softly. “Still.”

Sunwoo shakes his head.

He pretends as if he never eavesdropped on Jimin and Jeongguk's conversation.

Next, they go to a lavish Italian restaurant outlet in the mall to have a late lunch. They order caprese salad as starters; bruschetta, pasta and steak for the main course; tiramisu, hazelnut semifreddo and panna cotta for dessert. Unfortunately, they don't have apple pies which makes Sunwoo sad but Jeongguk only says: Tomorrow, I am going to buy you a restaurant chain which sells apple pies, okay?

(A week later, on Jungwon's birthday dinner at a lavish restaurant, Sunwoo finds himself treated as a VVIP by the restaurant staff, leaving Jungwon, Jungwon's family and other children shocked. All the children are given apple pies as complimentaries.)

Sunwoo tries to take some pasta with his fork but he struggles quite a lot. At last, the fork falls from his hand and clinks against the plate. He is half scared and half sad.

Jeongguk, sitting beside him, quickly shushes his tears. “It's okay. Let me feed you.”

Jimin smiles to reassure him and Sunwoo feels better.

Jeongguk feeds him with his own fork and spoon and tells him how hard it is to use ‘English cutlery’. Sunwoo remembers, Jungwon once told him his eomma fed him whenever Jungwon fussed a lot.

Jimin teaches him how to use cutlery to eat the tiramisu while Jeongguk still keeps demanding that Sunwoo should just be fed.

Once done with his tiramisu, he looks at Jimin’s panna cotta. It looks tasty, he decides. He stares but doesn't dare ask for a bite.

Jeongguk suddenly asks, “Do you want some hazelnut, Woo?”

Sunwoo looks at him, blinking.

Jeongguk only smiles and puts a spoonful of his own dessert in Sunwoo's mouth.

Somebody in his class had said once, “I love my father very much, teacher! He loves me a lot. I once ask him for a share of the dish he ordered in a restaurant. He gave it to me! But I had not given him a share of my dish at all. He don't ask for my food too! So I love him very much.”

Sunwoo looks at him with bright eyes. He gives me food.

After the late lunch, they visit the games arena where countless kids run past them, hollering at the top of their lungs. There are kids and teens and young adults everywhere playing the various games in the arena. Most of the parents are sitting in a glass lounge at a corner of the arena.

Jeongguk and Sunwoo would be playing, Jimin decides. Sunwoo wonders if he should go with Jimin instead because he still sometimes feels awkward with Jeongguk. But then he remembers that the tall tattooed man is actually good in games so he goes with him happily.

Jimin chooses to sit in the lounge.

They win almost every other game in the arena. Jeongguk teaches him all the tips and tricks of games and even wins some games on behalf of Sunwoo. He does this every time they visit a gaming arena. Sunwoo feels delighted. He plays with me: Jungwon’s voice interrupts him once in a game but he tries to ignore it.

Jeongguk even wins a few prizes from it. He says, “All the prizes are yours. Except this chick plushie. It's your papa’s.”

Sunwoo nods, excitedly, his little hands in Jeongguk's big palms. “Papa looks like this chick.”

Jeongguk cackles. “You’re right!”

When they give the plushie to Jimin, Sunwoo expects him to be happy. What he doesn't expect is for him to hit Jeongguk's chest and scowl.


Jeongguk keeps cackling. “Sunwoo-ah said you look exactly like this.”

Sunwoo’s stomach drops. “Papa does not like it?”

But Jimin looks at him with a smile. “Papa loves it, baby.” Then he glares at Jeongguk. “But papa doesn't like Gukkie.”

Sunwoo doesn't know what to do. Why doesn't papa like Gukkie? Is he angry at Gukkie?

“Look,” Jeongguk grins, “You are pouting right now. And you look exactly like this chick. Just look at yourself.”

Jimin only looks at him, unimpressed.

Sunwoo doesn't understand if they are fighting or not— Jimin looks at Jeongguk strangely as the latter laughs and snorts. They go back to the valet and board the car. The moment the car starts, Jeongguk kisses Jimin right on the lips, pulling him in by the collar of his shirt.

Sunwoo feels startled despite seeing the same thing for a year now. Then he feels giddy.

When they first kissed in front of him in the apartment, Sunwoo was startled and asked him to explain what this was. Jimin had explained that this was just a show of love between them; that adult couples do this all the time because they love each other very much.

Sunwoo had asked if the other woman in the apartment and his appa were a couple or if it was eomma and appa.

Jimin had said ‘yes’ to the latter, solemnly.

Sunwoo had felt confused because he never saw his parents kiss or even hug each other. His appa only ever looked at his eomma angrily and then hit her until she hit back. They never talked in hushed sweet voices; they only screamed at each other until Sunwoo was shaking. But now, he is used to seeing displays of affection all the time. He still startles but then his heart stutters in joy.

He feels happy that papa and Gukkie are in love. And they love him too.

By the time they reach their apartment building, Sunwoo feels sleepy and delighted. He feels it when the car stops and hushed voices say things but he doesn't wake up. He feels when he is picked up in bulky arms and his head falls on strong taut shoulders but he still doesn't open his eyes.

He also feels some drool escaping his mouth and wetting the shirt beneath his face. He wiggles and whines, distraught. Until he hears Gukkie’s soothing deep voice, saying, “It’s okay, baby. Sleep. It's okay.”

“I once drool on his favourite shirt and I was sad. I thought he is upset so I gave him all my toys. He said he's not sad at all and gave back all the toys!”

He drifts on and off. He hears the ‘ding’ of the elevator, the sound of the door opening and closing multiple times and then feels the soft mattress under him. He wiggles his toes and doesn't feel the restriction of the socks or the shoes. Happily, he drifts off again.

When he opens his eyes properly, he sees the ceiling to floor glass door to the deck is open. The dark blue of the night sky is hindered by the bright lights of the city skyline. The long pink curtains billow softly in the wind. His room is dark; only the night lamp on the nightstand is switched on because he is scared of the dark.

He finds himself in casual attire rather than his school uniform which relieves him. He gets down from the bed and walks over to the lounge in his room to see a big carry bag containing all the new toys he and Gukkie won at the mall. He decides he would play with them tomorrow.

He gets out of his room and comes downstairs to the kitchen. Soft music comes from the speakers in the family room. He finds Jeongguk plating samgyeopsal while Jimin is turning off the hob on which sits a pot of fried rice.

Jeongguk notices him first. “Good evening, Prince Sunwoo. Our best boy.” he says with theaterics and a dramatic hand gesture.

(And tells me I am the best boy. Stupid Jungwon.)

Sunwoo beams as he walks to the chair. Jeongguk puts him on the chair and pecks his forehead. “We were waiting for you to wake up.”

Sunwoo feels giddy. (He kisses and hugs me everyday. Jungwon, ugh.)

Jimin joins them with three plates of fried rice. “It's hot, be careful.”

Sunwoo holds the chopsticks and looks at his dinner with heart eyes. “It looks so tasty, papa!”

The adult men chuckle in unison before diving into their food.

“Do you want anything for tomorrow?” Jeongguk asks in between bites.

Sunwoo shakes his head.

“Then we will just have the regular lunch with your uncles.”

‘Regular lunch’ means lavish lunch in Sunwoo's grandparents mansion with all the uncles in the lap of luxury. They did this last year too. Sunwoo knows that the main dessert tomorrow would also be apple pies because it's his favourite and his birthday means all the dishes cooked will be his favourites. It also means getting endlessly spoiled by the loving grandparents and being the little lord of a huge fairytale-like castle!

Sunwoo is excited because a trip to their suburban mansion means a weekend trip (though he wasn't sure what suburban meant)!

They eat their dinner in silence with mild conversation between them. The ambience is always pleasant in the apartment.

Happily, Sunwoo puts his dirty dishes in the dishwasher and goes to his room. The light chatter of his parents stops when he closes the door. He sits at his study desk and starts doing the home assignments.

As usual, Jeongguk comes to his room soon and helps him with all of it. He helps Sunwoo everyday.

Jimin once tried helping Sunwoo too, but the latter was scared of his ‘strict teacher’ persona. Jimin is very patient, reasonable and nice but he also looks downright scary when he teaches. Gukkie, on the other hand, is extremely relaxed; if Sunwoo couldn't complete his counting, Jeongguk doesn't look displeased or concerned. He only says that Sunwoo will learn it all eventually.

“Oh, what will happen to my mixed martial arts class?” Sunwoo asks suddenly, while practicing tracing the Korean letters. He recently joined that class, on Jeongguk's insistence. (“For defence. That's the minimum that you must learn to protect yourself from anybody, Woo.”)

Jeongguk hums. “The teacher will be called to inform. Don't worry, you can just attend one of his extra classes.”

Sunwoo nods. “Okay.”

As Jeongguk helps his trace the difficult Korean letters, his mind plays a repeat of:

He helps me understand numbers and Korean writing.

After home assignments, Sunwoo insists Jeongguk play with him; and the latter goes along with it. Jeongguk plays the role of a customer when Sunwoo is the chef. Jeongguk is the voice actor of Barbie while Sunwoo is the voice actor of Ken. Jeongguk is the wife when Sunwoo is the husband.

“Wait, no,” Sunwoo frowns. “We are husbands, not wife and husband! Like you and papa!” He declares very proudly.

Jeongguk’s eyes widen momentarily before he grins. “Oh no, didn't you know we are husband and wife?”

Sunwoo pouts, perplexed. “But the teacher said the man is the husband!”

Jeongguk beams with a wink. “Yes! But you will see how papa is my wifey.”

Sunwoo looks curious when Jeongguk picks him up and they go to the master ensuite where Jimin is doing something at the desk with his iPad. On seeing them enter the bedroom, he smiles. “Are you done with home assignments?”

“Yes!” Sunwoo says, perched on Jeongguk's hip.

“Jiminie, Sunwoo wants to ask you something.” Jeongguk says with a big smile.

“Oh?” Jimin switches off the screen of the iPad before getting up from the swivel chair. “What is it?”

“Do you love me, Jiminie?”

Jimin looks at both of them, looking confused. “Yes….?”

Jeongguk crosses the distance between them so that the adults are toe to toe. Sunwoo looks down at Jimin from where he's on Jeongguk's hips.

“Are we married?” Jeongguk asks, playfully.

Jimin looks pleasantly surprised. “Yes.”

With his right hand holding Sunwoo at his hip, Jeongguk's left hand wounds around Jimin’s waist. The trio are all in each other's space. “Does that mean you are my wife, Jimin-ssi?”

Sunwoo is confused. “But papa! Teacher said that papa is a man and a man is a husband. What does that mean?”

Jimin breaks into a hearty laughter. “Jeongguk,” he rebuked playfully, “Why are you messing with my darling Sunwoo?”

Sunwoo whines, not understanding why Jeongguk breaks into laughter as well.

Jimin takes Sunwoo on his hips and nuzzles his baby cheeks. Jeongguk holds the duo in his arms tightly. “Remember what I told you last Christmas? When two people love each other, they marry. Marriage is a promise that they want to live together forever.”

Sunwoo's mood brightens. “Yes! But I can't marry you because you are papa!” he says cheerfully.

“That’s right.” Jimin continues. “And when they marry, they are happy. Labels like ‘husband’ and ‘wife’ are meaningless if you are happy.”

Sunwoo nods in understanding, his eyes still bright and curious.

Then, Jimin turns sideways and leans in. Jeongguk captures his lips and they share a gentle peck as usual. When Sunwoo whines about being left out, they laugh again before kissing his little forehead.

Honestly, Sunwoo has never felt so loved.

They stay up and talk in the family room while watching Sunwoo's favourite movies. He does not really have a favourite movie because he loves all the Disney princesses and other cartoons but anyways. He likes watching movies with the chatter of his parents in the background.

Sometimes, they laugh and sometimes, they kiss quietly. Sunwoo watches it all secretly and feels immensely giddy. He has never watched his previous parents doing things like this and being happy.

Soon, Sunwoo feels sleepy. He wants to go away but he knows he has to stay awake. Jimin insists he sleeps on hearing his little yawns. Jeongguk only tells him to do as he pleases.

As expected, when the expensive fancy clock chimes 12 in the family room, the adults take Sunwoo in their arms again and smooches him with a loud Happy Birthday.

Sunwoo's sleepy brain instantly wakes up as Jeongguk dances with him to some imaginary slow dance music. Jimin goes to the kitchen.

The kid feels excited when Jeongguk takes him to the kitchen island and places him there while Jimin comes just then with a small red velvet cake. It has a ‘Happy Birthday Woo’ written on it with some white cream. Jimin takes out an expensive sleek silver lighter out of his pocket and lights the six pink candles.

The lights in the kitchen are dim. But the city lights coming from the ceiling to floor glass windows make up for it. The men sing the birthday song when the kid blows the candles and makes a wish. Then he cuts the cake carefully with a small plastic knife and feeds it to papa and then Gukkie. He eats the leftover slice himself. Jimin takes some pictures with his phone and cleans up the island.

“We’ll eat the rest of the cake tomorrow, okay?” Jimin says, much to Sunwoo's dismay but the latter does not protest.

Sunwoo asks Jeongguk. “Will my wish come true?”

Jeongguk looks at him as they walk to Sunwoo's room. “Depends. What was your wish?”

Sunwoo whines softly. “Beomgyu hyung say your wish don't come true if you say it to others.”

“Eh?” Jeongguk says mildly. “Then how would I know what you wished for? And who is this hyung of yours anyway?”

“He’s my sunbae.”

They indulge in their bedtime routine in tranquil silence.

Jeongguk helps him wash up in the freestanding bathtub in Sunwoo's ensuite. He also turns on the shower over the bathtub in misty mode. The body wash has a tangerine scent which makes Sunwoo relax.

“Gukkie, can I use your aftershave?”

Jeongguk washes his hair with water, the sleeves of the grey sweatshirt rolled up to his elbows. “When you grow up, you can.”

Sunwoo pouts. “I want to use it now.”

“You’re too small to use that, baby.”

Sunwoo whines. He wants to smell like bergamot too! Like Gukkie’s aftershave!

In reply, Jeongguk only turns the rainforest mode on. Sunwoo shrieks in laughter and giggles, splashing water everywhere. Jeongguk gets splashed too! Feigning anger, Jeongguk turns on the spray mode and Sunwoo gets drenched by a more powerful jet spray, making him giggle and yelp. In the end, they both end up drenched and giggling, wrapped in soft silk bathrobes.

Jeongguk also tells him a bedtime story before tucking him in the bed with his favourite dark green silk blanket and turning off the lights. He says a small ‘goodnight’ and closes the door.

Sunwoo hears the sound of the ticking of the fancy clock in his room, the honking of cars passing by— though it's milder. Otherwise it's very peaceful. But his heart feels restless in the silence of the night. Why, he doesn't know.

He twists and turns, again and again in his king sized bed. The plushies in his room seem to sleep quietly too, not paying him attention.

Feeling disturbed, sleepless and uncomfortable, he steps out of his bed. He walks outside his room, across the hallway and stands in front of a door. The door of the master ensuite.

He knocks twice in a certain rhythm as taught by Jimin.

There is a pause. Some shuffling. Then. The door opens.

Jeongguk, in his shirtless glory, opens the door and peers at a silk pajama-clad Sunwoo. The former is in black sweatpants, his hair messy and the black swirls of ink on his arms on display.


Sunwoo pouts. “I can't sleep.”

Jeongguk blinks.

Sunwoo hesitates. “Can I— Can I sleep with Gukkie and papa tonight? Please?”

Jeongguk watches him with soft eyes before taking his small hands in his. “Of course, darling.”

He looks back and hisses a small ‘Jimin’ before sweeping Sunwoo up in his arms and closing the door. He locks it.

“Look, who couldn't sleep tonight.” Jeongguk says with a grin before he joins Jimin on their king sized bed.

Jimin is also in black sweatpants, shirtless, sitting against the pillows at the headboard. There are a few spots of black ink on his torso too and a piercing on his navel. Jimin smiles at him when Sunwoo puts off his slippers in front of the bed. The kid shuffles on the bed.

“Oh, my little baby couldn't sleep alone?” Jimin teases, taking Sunwoo in his lap.

Sunwoo only nuzzles Jimin’s neck, his little arms around the older man’s neck. Jimin smells like fresh tangerines (which the man forces him to eat every other day); smells like safety and comfort.

The adults slip under the duvet. They put Sunwoo in between them, on a plush pillow; both of them flanking him. Sunwoo feels as if the mattress is softer and the lights are dimmer in this room, the heater is also just right. The sheets emit the mild fragrance of fresh limes and cotton, relaxing him further.

He keeps cuddling to Jimin’s chest. One of Jimin’s arms is tightly wrapped around his small body.

“No, you can't keep hogging Jiminie all to yourself, Woo.” Jeongguk says as he switches off the lamps on the nightstand. Sunwoo doesn't feel scared of the dark in this room, ever.

“Papa.” is the only thing Sunwoo says, still cuddling to Jimin's chest. Jimin's chest rumbles when he laughs, the deep vibrations of his throat making Sunwoo feel safe.

“No,” Jeongguk complains teasingly, “This is my husband. You can't take away my husband! He's mine!”

Sunwoo feels it when Jeongguk puts one of his long arms around both his papa and him, and pulls the duo closer to himself. Sunwoo can now smell the overlap of fragrances— fresh tangerines and bergamot (he had read the label on Jeongguk's aftershave a few months ago and enquired about it to Gukkie).

For some reason, it makes Sunwoo feel light-headed, giddy, excited. Safe. Inside this little cocoon made by the arms of his new fathers under the duvet. In this dimly lit room in the penthouse of a gated apartment building.

“Papa is mine. Gukkie is mine.”

Jimin coos at him. “Aww, my baby. You’re such an intelligent child.”

Sunwoo blushes and hides his face in his papa’s chest.

Jeongguk huffs. “I am intelligent too, hyung!”

Sunwoo giggles in the shirt. Jimin laughs too, as if it's their pretty little secret.

Jeongguk lets out an offended squawk.

“Papa,” Sunwoo suddenly questions, peering up at Jimin, “We will have a Barbie cake tomorrow? The one I ate last year! It has 3 steps!”

“Oh, you mean the 3 tier Barbie cake for your 5th birthday party?” Jeongguk asks.

Jimin muses, “I am not sure. I don't know what Tae has arranged.”

Jeongguk agrees. “Maybe my dad knows. At least regarding the lavish lunch menu which I am sure he arranged single handedly.”

Sunwoo is excited. “Apple pies on the dessert menu?”

They both laugh. “Apple pies on the dessert menu.”

Jeongguk says, “But don't over indulge while eating. Or else, your halmeoni will think that we don't feed you apple pies, then she will hit me and never give me any apple pies ever again.” He sighs dramatically.

Sunwoo thinks Gukkie is being dramatic but he agrees with him. He has seen his halmeoni scolding Gukkie if Gukkie dare rebuke Sunwoo in front of them. He feels bad for Gukkie but also indulged.

“I won't, I won't! Gukkie will eat apple pies with me!”

They laugh again. “Cute.”

Jimin and Jeongguk continue talking in soft, fond voices. Sometimes, Sunwoo comments on it; he asks anything he wants to and they answer it.

After a while, when he feels himself drifting off, he mumbles a soft ‘goodnight papa’ before pecking what he assumes to be his papa’s cheek (which ends up being his papa's chin). Then he shuffles and wiggles under the strong arms of his parents until his back is to Jimin's chest.

Sunwoo squints to keep the sleep off his eyes for another moment. He then pecks Jeongguk's cheek and mumbles a soft ‘goodnight appa’ and then cuddles to Jeongguk's strong chest.

He thinks he hears a choked sound and some muttering. Somebody shakes him a bit but he's already drifting off. Regardless, the warm cocoon doesn't mess up— the night remains extraordinarily warm and comfortable. Safe.

Let my parents always be happy. And together. With me. Forever.

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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Author information

Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.