Synthetic Extracellular Volume in Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Without Blood Sampling: a Reliable Tool to Replace Conventional Extracellular Volume (2024)

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Synthetic Extracellular Volume in Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Without Blood Sampling: a Reliable Tool to Replace Conventional Extracellular Volume (1)

Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. 2022 Apr; 15(4): e013745.

Published online 2022 Apr 1. doi:10.1161/CIRCIMAGING.121.013745

PMCID: PMC9015035

PMID: 35360924

Wensu Chen, MD,1,5 Patrick Doeblin, MD,1,2,4 Sarah Al-Tabatabaee, MS,1,2 Karin Klingel, MD,6 Radu Tanacli, MD,1,2,4 Karl Jakob Weiß, MD,1,2,4 Christian Stehning, PhD,8 Amit R. Patel, MD,7 Burkert Pieske, MD,1,2,4 Jiangang Zou, PhD,Synthetic Extracellular Volume in Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Without Blood Sampling: a Reliable Tool to Replace Conventional Extracellular Volume (2)3 and Sebastian Kelle, MDSynthetic Extracellular Volume in Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Without Blood Sampling: a Reliable Tool to Replace Conventional Extracellular Volume (3)1,2,4

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The calculation of extracellular volume (ECV) in cardiac magnetic resonance requires hematocrit, limiting its applicability in clinical practice. Based on the linear relationship between hematocrit and blood T1 relaxivity, a synthetic ECV could be estimated without a blood sample. We aim to develop and test regression models for synthetic ECV without blood sampling in 1.5-T and 3.0-T scanners.


A total of 1101 subjects who underwent cardiac magnetic resonance scanning with native and postcontrast T1 mapping and venous hematocrit within 24 hours were retrospectively enrolled. Subjects were randomly split into derivation (n=550) and validation (n=551) subgroups for each scanner. Different regression models were derived controlling for sex, field strength, and left ventricle/right ventricle blood pool and validated in the validation group. We performed additional validation analyses in subgroups of patients with histological validation (n=17), amyloidosis (n=29), anemia (n=185), and reduced ejection fraction (n=322).


In the derivation group, 8 specific models and 2 common estimate models were derived. In the validation group, using specific models, synthetic ECV had high agreement with conventional ECV (R2, 0.87; P<0.0001 and R2, 0.88, P<0.0001; −0.16% and −0.10%, left ventricle and right ventricle model, respectively). Common models also performed well (R2, 0.88; P<0.0001 and R2, 0.89, P<0.0001; −0.21% and −0.18%, left ventricle and right ventricle model, respectively). Histological validation demonstrated equal performance of synthetic and measured ECV. Synthetic ECV as calculated by the common model showed a bias in the anemia cohort significantly reduced by the specific model (−2.45 to −1.28, right ventricle common and specific model, respectively).


Synthetic ECV provided a promising way to calculate ECV without blood sampling. Specific models could provide the most accurate value, while common models could be more suitable in routine clinical practice because of their simplicity while maintaining adequate accuracy.

Keywords: cardiac magnetic resonance, extracellular volume, hematocrit, synthetic, T1 mapping

Clinical Perspective

Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR)-extracellular volume (ECV) mapping is the only noninvasive technique proven to provide a stable indicator of diffuse myocardial fibrosis. It has significant value in the clinical management and prognostic assessment of multiple diseases. However, the promotion of conventional ECV is limited by the need for blood tests at the time of scanning and the high variability of hematocrit. Synthetic ECV obtained using T1 time of the native blood pool omits the process of blood testing, while the results of synthetic hematocrit are in real time, thus avoiding apparent fluctuations in hematocrit due to time, body position, or other reasons. Excitingly, the results of synthetic ECV are almost identical to those of conventional ECV compared with conventional methods, which provides excellent efficiency in the assessment of diffuse CMR fibrosis. In our study, 2 types of models were derived: the specific model can be used in scientific studies or anemic patients because of its highest accuracy; the common model can be used for routine clinical practice due to its high efficiency and practicability. Synthetic ECV increases the potential of ECV in routine clinical CMR and allows for rapid clinical decision-making. Besides, the synthetic ECV provides a means to generate real-time ECV mapping during the scan automatically, an online tool on a CMR scanner to create an instant fully automated ECV map could be implemented on different CMR vendor platforms, which will be an attractive and promising development for each center that could greatly facilitate the broader use of CMR-ECV.

Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) T1 relaxation time mapping is an established technique primarily used to identify diffuse interstitial fibrosis.1 Disadvantages include strong dependency of the measured values on the local setup, influenced by concomitant, and failure to quantify fibrosis. The inverse of the T1 relaxation time is the R1 relaxation rate, which linearly increases in the presence of paramagnetic contrast agents. By measuring T1 relaxation times before and after applying extracellular contrast agents, absolute quantification of the myocardial extracellular volume (ECV) is possible. Previous studies had shown that myocardial fibrosis appears to be reversible both by histologic2,3 and ECV measures.4 Furthermore, ECV is strongly associated with risk in a variety of settings.57 The ECV is a reproducible and scanner-independent parameter that accurately measures the proportion of volume occupied by noncardiomyocyte components in myocardial tissue.8 The images capture whole blood R1 measures, but the plasma concentration is needed since the concentration of Gd contrast in the plasma equilibrates with myocardial interstitial fluid. One needs the hematocrit to convert whole blood R1 to change in plasma R1.9 Because of the high intraindividual variability of the hematocrit, blood collection is recommended within 24 hours of the CMR scan, limiting the routine clinical use of ECV measurements.10 Recently, several research groups have proposed a method to determine the ECV by CMR without blood sampling.11 The iron in hemoglobin exhibits paramagnetic effects, linearly increasing the R1 relaxation time of blood. A “synthetic” hematocrit can be estimated from the native blood T1 relaxation time without blood sampling based on this linear relationship. A good agreement between synthetic and conventional ECV was found in these studies. If confirmed, synthetic hematocrit and ECV could provide a noninvasive quantitative measurement of the myocardial extracellular space when timely hematocrit measurements are not available, facilitating the clinical application of ECV measurements.

However, as a new technology, synthetic ECV remains controversial due to limited experience and the possibility of misclassification in borderline cases.12 Another issue is the generalization of synthetic hematocrit equations derived in 1 center, as T1 relaxation times highly depend on the local setup. Furthermore, all published models applied ordinary least squares regression to derive model parameters. This leads to underestimating the regression coefficient when the predictor variable is subject to measurement error. Therefore, published models overestimate low and underestimate high hematocrit values. This problem can be overcome using a model II (Deming) regression. We aimed to develop a local synthetic ECV model and validate its accuracy in different samples.


The data supporting this study’s findings are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.

Patient Population

This study retrospectively analyzed 1101 patients who underwent CMR scans between August 2014 and November 2020 at German Heart Center Berlin that had pre- and postcontrast T1 mapping and point of care or laboratory hematocrit measurements from blood samples taken within 24 hours of CMR scanning available. Of these, 652 underwent CMR scans at 3.0T and 449 at 1.5T (Figure ​(Figure1).1). Additional clinical information including age, sex, and cardiac diagnoses was collected. Patients on both scanners were randomly split into equally sized derivation (n=550) and validation (n=551) subgroups. This study was approved by the ethics informed committee of the Charite-Universitatsmedizin Berlin (Ethic number: EA2/073/21), and all the subjects in the study gave informed consent.

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Figure 1.

Workflow. Scans were randomly split into derivation and validation cohorts with equal scanners. Of 654 patients that excluded, 507 cases could not find available hematocrit (HCT) values within 24 h from medical records. One hundred forty-seven cases had poor image quality, which was defined as artifacts in midventricular septum that affect the measurement of T1 mapping. ECV indicates extracellular volume.

CMR Protocol

Six hundred fifty-two subjects underwent CMR at a clinical 3T MRI scanner (Ingenia, Philips Healthcare, Best, The Netherlands) MRI with an anterior- and the built-in posterior coil array, where up to 30 coil elements were employed. Four hundred forty-nine subjects were examined at a 1.5T MRI (Achieva, Philips Healthcare, Best, The Netherlands) equipped with a cardiac 5-element phased array coil. Cine images were acquired using retrospectively gated cine-CMR in cardiac short-axis, vertical long-axis, and horizontal long-axis orientations using a balanced steady-state free precession sequence. Native and 15-min post-contrast T1 mapping was performed using a modified Look-Locker (MOLLI) 5s(3s)3s-scheme. Typical imaging parameters were as follows: Acquired voxel size=2.0×2.0×10 mm3, reconstructed voxel size=0.5×0.5×10 mm3, balanced steady-state free precession readout, flip angle=35◦, parallel imaging (SENSE) factor=2 and effective inversion times between 150 and 3382 ms. Patients received 0.15 mmol/kg of gadolinium-based contrast agent (Gadobutrol 1.0 mmol/mL, Gadovist, BayerAG, Leverkusen, Germany).

CMR Analysis

Image analysis was performed offline using commercially available postprocessing software (Philips Intellispace Portal, Philips Medical Systems Nederland BV, Best, The Netherlands). Left ventricular endocardial contours were drawn manually on short-axis cine images at end-diastole and end-systole for functional parameters, including ejection fraction, end-diastolic volume, end-systolic volume, stroke volume, and cardiac output with indexing for body surface area except for ejection fraction.

Native and postcontrast MOLLI images were corrected for in-plane motion using automatic motion correction. The T1 times were calculated using nonlinear fitting with a maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) by the postprocessing software. In case of extensive artifacts in an imaging sequence, the patient was excluded from the respective analysis at the discretion of the analyzing physician. Regions of interest were drawn conservatively in the ventricular septum13 and the left- and right-ventricular blood pool on the mid-ventricular short axis and transposed to the corresponding postcontrast image (Figure S1). ECV was calculated from native and postcontrast T1 relaxation times and the hematocrit (Figure ​(Figure22).

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Figure 2.

Central illustration for synthetic extracellular volume (ECV) calculation. The conventionally measured ECV was calculated using standard hematocrit (HCT) measurements, obtained by peripheral venous blood sampling and point-of-care or standard laboratory analysis. Synthetic ECV was calculated using the synthetic HCT estimated from the bloodpool native T1 relaxation time.

Derivation and Validation

Eight specific regression models for each combination of sex, field strength, and blood pool measurement site (right ventricle [RV] and left ventricle [LV]) were derived. Two common models for LV/RV blood pool with sex and field strength as factors were derived. The models were then used to calculate the synthetic ECV and assess its agreement and correlation with conventionally measured ECV in the validation group. The published model of Fent et al14 was used for further validation. Subgroup validations were performed in patients with amyloidosis (n=29) and anemia (n=185) from the whole cohort. The diagnosis of amyloidosis was confirmed by pathology as described previously.15 The diagnosis of anemia was based on laboratory hematocrit: hematocrit <41% in men and <36% in women was defined as anemia.16

Histological Analysis

Histological analysis was performed from myocardial tissue of 17 patients. Analysis of endomyocardial biopsy samples was performed in a specialized laboratory by experienced pathologists.17 HE and Masson trichrome staining were used for histological examination of myocyte necrosis and interstitial fibrosis. Fibrotic and artifact areas were digitally marked on Masson trichrome-stained endomyocardial biopsy sections and photographed at a magnification of x200 with a Zeiss Axioskop 40 microscope. The area of fibrosis was quantified by using the program Quantuepatho as previously described 17 (Figure ​(Figure3A3A and ​and3B).3B). The histology validation was performed in the best synthetic model after comparison. All samples were analyzed blinded to the CMR findings and ECV values.

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Figure 3.

Histology validation. A and B, Quantitative analysis of fibrosis in heart tissue samples. Fibrosis (white arrow, marked green in right figure) in myocardial area. C, Using right ventricular common model, synthetic extracellular volume (ECV) and measured ECV correlated well with collagen volume fraction (CVF) (R2=0.63, P=0.0001 for synthetic ECV and R2=0.66, P<0.0001 for measured ECV). D, Synthetic ECV had no difference with measured ECV (31.6±10.1% versus 31.9±11.2%, P=0.89).

Statistical Analysis

Continuous variables were expressed as mean and SD, and categorical variables were expressed as percentages. Comparisons between means were performed using Student t test for continuous values with normal distributions and a Wilcoxon signed-rank test for non-normal data. In the derivation cohort, 8 specific models for different groups (male/female, 1.5T/3T, LV/RV blood pool) were derived using Model II (Deming) linear regression analysis, in which R1 was predictor and hematocrit was the response. Two common models for LV/RV blood pool were derived using multiple regression analysis, in which R1, sex, and field strength were predictors and hematocrit was the response. The published model of Fent et al14 was used for further validation. Synthetic ECVs were calculated using specific and common models. A Bland-Altman analysis was performed for agreement between measured and synthetic ECV in the validation cohort. Correlations between the T1 time, hematocrit, and ECV were assessed using the Pearson or Spearman correlation coefficient. In the subgroup analysis of the amyloidosis cohort, nonamyloidosis patients were matched with amyloidosis patients by sex and scanner. In the ECV misclassification analysis, a new synthetic ECV cutoff value was derived using a receiver operating characteristic curve18 based on conventionally measured ECV and McNemar test was used in the validation cohort. Statistical tests were 2-tailed, and a P<0.05 was considered statistically significant. Data were analyzed with SPSS (version 26, Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, International Business Machines, Inc, Armonk, NY) and GraphPad Prism software (version 9.0.0, GraphPad Software, Inc, La Jolla, CA).


Patients Characteristics

One thousand hundred one subjects (669 male, 60.8%) with a broad spectrum of referral diagnoses were included (Table S1). The average age was 51.8±17.1 years, and the mean conventionally measured ECV was 27.2±6.0%. Patients in both scanners (1.5 and 3T) were randomly split into derivation and validation groups. The patient characteristics are shown in Table ​Table11.

Table 1.

Patient Characteristics

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Native T1 Relaxation Time in Different Subgroups

The blood pool native T1 relaxation time at 3T was higher than at 1.5T (1836±101.5 versus 1552±109.6 ms, P<0.0001 in LV blood pool; 1784±120.2 versus 1544±116.0 ms, P<0.0001 in RV blood pool). Blood pool native T1 relaxation time was higher in female than in male patients (1878±92 versus 1811±98 ms, P<0.0001 in 3T; 1590±101 versus 1525±108 ms, P<0.0001 in 1.5T). The LV blood pool T1 relaxation time was higher than that of the RV (1836±101.5 versus 1784±120.2 ms at 3T, 1552±109.6 versus 1544±116.0 ms at 1.5T, P<0.0001 and P<0.0001, respectively; Figure ​Figure4;4; Table S2)

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Figure 4.

Native T1 relaxation times by sex, field strength, and measurement site. A, Native myocardial T1 times were different between male and female both in 3T and 1.5T. B, Native T1 relaxation times of left ventricle (LV) blood pool were higher than those of right ventricle (RV) blood pool both in 3T and 1.5T (1836±102 versus 1784±120 ms in 3T, 1552±110 versus 1544±116 ms in 1.5T, P<0.0001 and P<0.0001, respectively.) C and D, Native blood T1 relaxation times in females were higher than in males in both LV blood pool and RV blood pool, and the value at 3T was higher than at 1.5T.


In the derivation cohort, there were 326 subjects (202 male, 62.0%) examined at 3T and 224 (132 male, 58.9%) at 1.5T. The correlation coefficients R2 of measured hematocrit and native blood R1 ranged from 0.22 to 0.46 (P all <0.0001) in the different subgroups (Figure ​(Figure5).5). Based on the linear relationship, 8 specific models were derived. To simplify the workflow, common models for LV/RV blood pool were derived (Table ​(Table22).

Table 2.

Equations for Synth ECV Based on Sex and Scanner

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Figure 5.

Derivation cohort, regression analysis of measured hematocrit (HCT) vs blood R1 at different sampling sites and field strengths, by sex. Green for male and orange for female. A, HCT versus left ventricle (LV) blood, 3.0T. R2=0.28 for males, R2=0.22 for females. B, HCT versus LV blood, 1.5T. R2=0.46 for males and R2=0.25 for females. C, HCT versus right ventricle (RV) blood, 3.0T. R2=0.28 for males, R2=0.30 for females. D, HCT versus RV blood, 1.5T. R2=0.43 for males and R2=0.27 for females. R1=T1 relaxation rate (ms−1). mea HCT indicates measured hematocrit; and syn HCT, synthetic hematocrit.


In the validation cohort, the correlation between synthetic hematocrit and conventionally measured hematocrit was moderate (R2 range, 0.48–0.55), while the correlation between synthetic ECV and conventionally ECV was strong (R2 range, 0.87–0.89; Table ​Table3;3; Tables S3 and S4). There was no statistical difference between measured and synthetic hematocrit/ECV (Table S5).

Table 3.

Bland-Altman Analysis for Synthetic HCT/ECV and Measured HCT/ECV

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Using specific models, a slight bias and acceptable limits of agreement between measured and synthetic ECVs were observed, and the correlations between ECVs were strong (bias −0.16 and −0.10, R2=0.87 and R2=0.88 for LV and RV blood pool derived specific model, respectively; Figure ​Figure6A6A through ​through6D).6D). Using common models, Bland-Altman analysis also demonstrated slight bias, which was slightly higher than specific models, the correlation between measured and synthetic ECVs was strong (bias −0.21 and −0.18, R2=0.88 and R2=0.89 for LV and RV blood pool derived model, respectively; Figure ​Figure6E6E through ​through6H).6H). However, since the limits of agreement of ECV mostly were −4% to 4% for local models, the small bias may be attributable to the under and overestimation. Using published models,14 the results show a higher bias and lower correlation (Table ​(Table33).

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Figure 6.

Validation: synthetic and measured extracellular volume (ECV) in specific and common models. A and C, Bias between synthetic ECV estimated with left ventricle (LV) blood pool derived specific model and measured ECV was −0.16% with R2=0.87. B and D, Bias between synthetic ECV estimated with right ventricle (RV) blood pool derived specific model and measured ECV was −0.10% with R2=0.88. E and F, Bias between synthetic ECV estimated with LV blood pool–derived common model and measured ECV was −0.21% with R2=0.88. G and H, Bias between synthetic ECV estimated with RV blood pool–derived common model and measured ECV was −0.18% with R2=0.89.

Given the good performance of common model derived from the RV blood pool, which showed relatively low bias and high agreement, the RV common model was applied to the following subgroups for validation.

Histology Validation

In the cohort of 17 patients with histological analysis, the average collagen volume fraction (CVF) was 15.5±11.3%, and the average measured ECV was 31.9±11.2%. Synthetic ECVs correlated well with histology CVF, as conventional measured ECV (R2=0.63, P=0.0001, for synthetic ECV; R2=0.66, P<0.0001, for measured ECV). Synthetic ECV showed no statistical difference to measured ECV (31.6±10.1% versus 31.9±11.2%, P=0.89; Figure ​Figure3C3C and ​and33D).

Anemia Cohort Validation

The ECV bias in anemia cohort (n=185) was greater than in the nonanemia cohort (n=916) (−1.21 to −2.45 in the anemia cohort, −0.39 to 0.39 in the nonanemia cohort; Figure ​Figure7A).7A). Additional validation using specific models were performed, which showed the specific models could reduce the bias compared with common models (−1.2±2.2% versus −2.4±1.7%, LV specific and common models; −1.3±1.8% versus 2.5±1.5%, RV specific and common models).

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Figure 7.

Extracellular volume (ECV) difference in anemia cohort and amyloidosis patients. A, ECV was underestimated in anemic patients by all models, although less so by the specific models. B, There was no statistical difference between the measured ECV and the synthetic ECV in the amyloidosis group and the control group (51.1±10.3% versus 51.9±10.9% and 27.6±4.7% versus 26.8±4.3%, P=0.18 and P=0.12, respectively.) ECVmea indicates measured extracellular volume; ECVsyn, synthetic extracellular volume; LV, left ventricle; and RV, right ventricle.

Amyloidosis Cohort Validation

Further validation was performed in 29 patients with confirmed amyloidosis (Table S6), using 29 matched nonamyloidosis patients randomly drawn from the cohort as the control group. There was no statistical difference between the measured and synthetic ECV in the amyloidosis cohort, as in the control group (51.1±10.3% versus 51.9±10.9% and 27.6±4.7% versus 26.8±4.3%, P=0.18 and P=0.12, amyloidosis and control group, respectively), the bias of ECVs was only 0.77% in the amyloidosis group (Figure ​(Figure7B;7B; Figure S2).

Validation in Different LVEF Cohorts

Patients with ejection fraction >50% (n=779) had lower ECV values than those with ejection fraction ≤50% (n=322; 26.2±4.6% versus 29.5±7.9%). There was no statistical difference between the measured ECV and synthetic ECV in both groups (26.2±4.6% versus 26.1±4.3, P=0.84 in LVEF>50%, 29.5±7.9% versus 29.5±7.9%, P=0.25 in LVEF≤50%), and the bias were small (bias 0.11 and 0.03 in LVEF>50% and ≤50%; Figure S3).

Misclassification Analysis

Based on the conventional ECV cutoff value of 30%, new cutoff value of 29.5% for synthetic ECV was derived in the derivation cohort, misclassification analysis in the validation cohort showed 6% total misclassifications (4% false-negative and 2% false-positive, P=0.12; Tables S7 and S8).


In this study, we explored the derivation and validation of synthetic ECV models without blood samples. To our knowledge, this is the first study to derive common models for both 1.5T and 3T based on LV and RV blood pool, respectively, and the study with the largest patient sample to date. In addition to validation in entire validate cohort, separate validation analyses in different clinical situations were performed, demonstrating the clinical robustness and reasonable performance of synthetic ECV.

The main findings were the following:

  1. Blood pool native T1 relaxation times differ by sex, field strength, and LV/RV blood pool.

  2. The accuracy of the common model is similar to that of the specific model, improving clinical utility.

  3. ECV was underestimated in anemic patients. Our data demonstrated that specific models could minimize the ECV errors in the anemic cohort.

Differences in Native T1 Relaxation Times

In our study, the native blood pool T1 times were 65 to 93 ms higher in females than males, and 184 to 204 ms higher in the 3T scanner than in the 1.5T. The native blood pool T1 relaxation time was higher in the LV than the RV. The reason may be that deoxyhemoglobin is more abundant in venous blood than in arterial blood, which has a paramagnetic effect that lowers the T1 relaxation time. The difference between T1 times of venous blood and arterial blood was also observed before.19 A potential pitfall arises in patients with unusually low venous or arterial oxygen saturation, which might lower T1 relaxation times irrespective of the hematocrit and lead to false high synthetic hematocrit estimates.

Derivation and Validation

Based on the differences of native blood pool T1 values by sex, field strength, and measurement site, 8 specific models and 2 common models were derived. Both the common and specific models performed well in validation analysis. In terms of ECV bias, the specific model had a slight advantage over the common model.

As in previous studies,11,12,14,20,21 synthetic hematocrit and measured hematocrit were only moderately correlated. Nevertheless, synthetic ECV was highly correlated with measured ECV with only minor bias. In correlation to histological measurements, synthetic ECV performed equally to measured ECV.

Validation in the amyloidosis and anemia cohorts further demonstrated the clinical value of synthetic ECV. The ECV error did not increase significantly with the absolute ECV value in the amyloidosis cohort, suggesting that the synthetic ECV remained highly accurate. The synthetic ECV error was higher in the anemic cohort than in the nonanemic cohort, and the synthetic ECV tended to underestimate the measured ECV. This was consistent with the finding of Su et al.16 ECV errors were relatively more significant when measured hematocrit was lower. One possible reason is that the measured T1 relaxation time is dependent on more factors than the hematocrit alone, as evidenced by the R2 below 1. However, the specific model minimized the ECV error in the anemic cohort. The myocardial ECV value in healthy control was 25.3±3.5%22 and 25.4±2.5%,23 which was considered an acceptable ECV error of 2.5% to 3.5%. In our study, the ECV errors using all local models, even in the anemia cohort, were within the acceptable ECV error range. However, given the limit of agreement of synthetic ECVs were mostly −4 to 4, we have to acknowledge that small mean differences may be attributable to both under and over-estimation.

The conventional ECV was estimated based on venous blood hematocrit, whereas the ideal hematocrit for ECV calculation should be obtained from the LV blood pool representing arterial blood. As observed, there was a non-negligible difference between T1 values of venous and arterial blood. Therefore, we derived synthetic ECV models depending on RV and LV blood pool separately.

Notably, the validation results of RV models were slightly better than the results of the LV models in our cohort, either with conventional ECV as a reference or with histological results. Possible reasons to consider were that while there is some linear relationship between blood pool T1 time and hematocrit, the hematocrit values used in our conventional measurement of ECV are peripheral venous blood hematocrit, venous T1 time (RV blood pool) seems to be to reflect venous hematocrit better. Second, there was some error between measured hematocrit and RV-synthetic hematocrit, similarly, measured hematocrit and actual LV-synthetic hematocrit. There may be some degree of offset between the differences, instead of bringing the values of RV-synthetic hematocrit and actual hematocrit of the LV blood pool closer together, leading to a higher degree of agreement.

Shang et al24 showed that synthetic ECV might result in 6% to 25% misclassification. In our study, 7% misclassification was observed. CMR-ECV as a new biological parameter for quantifying diffuse myocardial fibrosis does not have a universal standard cut-off definition to date. Besides, misclassification analysis was not based on the gold standard “tissue biopsy” but on conventional ECV. Therefore, the small proportion of miscategorization cannot offset the excellent overall performance of synthetic ECV.

Clinical Implications

CMR-ECV mapping is the only noninvasive technique proven to provide a stable indicator of diffuse myocardial fibrosis. It has significant value in the clinical management and prognostic assessment of multiple diseases.2528 However, the promotion of conventional ECV is limited by the need for blood tests at the time of scanning and the high variability of hematocrit. Synthetic ECV obtained using T1 time of the native blood pool omits the process of blood testing, while the results of synthetic hematocrit are in real time, thus avoiding apparent fluctuations in hematocrit due to time, body position, or other reasons. Excitingly, the results of synthetic ECV are almost identical to those of conventional ECV compared with conventional methods. It increases the potential of ECV in routine clinical CMR and provides a means to generate real time ECV mapping during the scan automatically; an online tool on a CMR scanner to create an instant fully automated ECV map could be implemented at 1.5 and 3T on different CMR vendor platforms. Synthetic ECV is an attractive and promising tool that could greatly facilitate the broader use of CMR-ECV.


There are several limitations in our study. Only referral diagnoses were collected, the complete medical history was not analyzed due to time constraints; We used a single T1 sequence (MOLLI); however, different sequences of T1 mapping have been reported to yield different ECV values. Different T1 values for the RV and LV blood pool were found, which may arise from the different oxygen content. However, the exact reason needs further investigation. Also, we found that the values derived from the RV blood pool had lower bias and higher agreement than those derived from the LV blood pool, which requires more explanation. Multicenter studies with different vendors should be further performed to validate these results.


Synthetic ECV provides a reliable tool for clinical promotion of ECV, which avoids unnecessary blood draws and allows real-time assessment of hematocrit and the generation of online automated ECV mapping. Specific models could provide the most accurate value, while common models could be more suitable in routine clinical practice due to their simplicity while maintaining adequate accuracy.

Article Information

Sources of Funding

Dr Kelle was supported by a grant from Philips Healthcare and received funding by the German Ministry of Education and Research. Drs Kelle, Doeblin, and Pieske were funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation)—SFB-1470—B06.



Supplemental Material

Tables S1–S8

Figures S1–S3

Supplementary Material

Click here to view.(477K, pdf)

Nonstandard Abbreviations and Acronyms

cardiac magnetic resonance
extracellular volume
ejection fraction
left ventricle
right ventricle

Supplemental Material is available at

For Sources of Funding and Disclosures, see page 275.


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Articles from Circulation. Cardiovascular Imaging are provided here courtesy of Wolters Kluwer Health

Synthetic Extracellular Volume in Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Without Blood Sampling: a Reliable Tool to Replace Conventional Extracellular Volume (2024)


How to calculate synthetic ECV? ›

ECV was calculated as: ECV = (Δ[1/T1myo] / Δ[1/T1blood]) * [1-haematocrit]). Synthetic Hct was approximated from the linear relationship between Hct and native T1blood, and used to calculate synthetic ECV.

What is the diagnostic accuracy of cardiovascular magnetic resonance for cardiac transplant rejection a meta analysis? ›

The sensitivity and specificity for the detection of acute cardiac transplant rejection were 84.6 (95% CI: 65.6-94.0) and 70.1 (95% CI: 54.2-82.2) for T1, 86.5 (95% CI: 72.1-94.1) and 85.9 (95% CI: 65.2-94.6) for T2, 91.3 (95% CI: 63.9-98.4) and 67.6 (95% CI: 56.1-77.4) for extracellular volume fraction (ECV), and 50.1 ...

How does cardiac magnetic imaging differ from a traditional MRI CPT? ›

It is based on the same basic principles as conventional MRI, but optimized for evaluating the heart and blood vessels. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging can image a large portion of the body, such as the chest, in one session.

What is ECV on cardiac MRI? ›

Cardiac magnetic resonance techniques permit quantification of the myocardial extracellular volume fraction (ECV), representing a surrogate marker of reactive interstitial fibrosis, and late gadolinium enhancement (LGE), representing replacement fibrosis or scar.

How do you calculate ECV? ›

The extracellular volume fraction (ECV) was calculated with regions of interest drawn pre- (A) and post-contrast (B) agent with the equation: myocardial ECV = (1 − hematocrit) × (ΔR1myocardium/ΔR1blood), where R1 = 1/T1. Two post-contrast maps exist: 1 at 15 min post-bolus; and 1 at equilibrium.

How is ECV calculated? ›

The calculation of ECV is based on the ratio between the concentration of CM in the myocardium and in the plasma part of the blood pool, therefore measuring the hematocrit (Ht) of the patient is required to convert whole blood to plasma concentrations.

What is the most reliable test to determine cardiac status? ›

Electrocardiogram. An electrocardiogram (ECG) is a test that records the electrical activity of the heart. The ECG reflects what's happening in different areas of the heart and helps identify any problems with the rhythm or rate of your heart. The ECG is painless and takes around 5-10 minutes to perform.

What are the limitations of endomyocardial biopsy? ›

However, due to its patchy involvement, the diagnostic yield of EMB is low (20% to 30%), even in patients with full-blown features of sarcoidosis. The use of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging to localize the areas of involvement may improve the diagnostic yield of biopsy.

Which is more accurate cardiac MRI or echo? ›

MRI Heart Scans

And cardiac MRI "shows us more than echocardiography or an exercise stress test," Steiner adds. "Those tests have benefits, but MRI shows more in terms of the heart's shape, size, volume, function.

How long does a cardiac MRI last? ›

During a cardiac MRI

This video gives you an idea of what to expect, it may not be the same at every hospital. The scan will last 15 to 90 minutes, and you won't feel any pain.

What test can be done instead of cardiac MRI? ›

Cardiac CT scan. A cardiac computed tomography (CT) scan, also called a "CAT scan,” is a painless, non-invasive imaging test that uses X-rays to take many detailed pictures of your heart and its blood vessels. Computers can combine these pictures to create a three-dimensional (3D) model of your whole heart.

What are the side effects of cardiac MRI with contrast? ›

If contrast dye is used during the procedure, patients may be monitored for a period of time for any side effects or reactions to the contrast dye, such as itching, swelling, rash, or difficulty breathing.

What is the risk with ECV? ›

Complications of ECV are rare and occur in only 1% to 2% of attempts. The most common complication associated with ECV is fetal heart rate abnormalities, particularly bradycardia, occurring at a rate of 4.7% to 20%; these abnormalities usually are transient and improve upon completion or abandonment of the procedure.

What is the mortality rate for ECV? ›

The CNGOF pointed out that, compared with the expectant management of breech presentation, ECV did not increase the risk of intrauterine death, whose incidence was close to 0.5% in both groups.

What is a normal extracellular volume? ›

ECV is a marker of myocardial tissue remodelling and provides a physiologically intuitive unit of measurement. Normal ECV values of 25.3 ± 3.5% [1.5 T] have been reported in healthy individuals [17] (Fig.

What is the formula for synthetic hematocrit? ›

The formula to estimate a synthetic haematocrit (synHCT) value is (synHCT=866 x 1/T1blood pre - 0.1232).

How do you calculate synthetic future? ›

This synthetic future is something that isn't actually traded but rather reverses calculated from options pricing. Let's take an example (this article was written on 24th Dec 2022 and thus we will look at the 5th Jan 2023 expiry). (Synthetic) futures = 17800 + 263.4 - 145.05 = 17918.35.

What is ECV value? ›

Expected commercial value (ECV), also known as estimated commercial value, is a prospect-weighted value for a "project" with unclear conclusions; it is similar to expected net existing value (ENPV).

What does ECV stand for in cardiology? ›

External electrical cardioversion (ECV) is a procedure that can interrupt cardiac arrhythmias, particularly atrial fibrillation, by performing a sort of “reset” of the heart rhythm. Every normal heartbeat begins in an area of the heart known as a “sinus node,” which is located in the right atrium of the heart.

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